Why NSA surveillance is worse than you’ve ever imagined

Last sum­mer, after months of encrypt­ed emails, I spent three days in Moscow hang­ing out with Edward Snow­den for a Wired cov­er sto­ry. Over pep­per­oni piz­za, he told me that what final­ly drove him to leave his coun­try and become a whistle­blow­er was his con­vic­tion that the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Agency was con­duct­ing ille­gal sur­veil­lance on […]

Biometrics: Scanning eyes, ears, heart and even scent

It’s hard to think of bio­met­ric iden­ti­ty tech­nol­o­gy with­out pic­tur­ing Tom Cruise on the run in the movie Minor­i­ty Report. Hunt­ed by killer robots with iris scan­ning equip­ment and hailed by ani­mat­ed bill­boards that use sim­i­lar tech to per­son­alise their adverts, Cruise is reduced to a full eye trans­plant to evade cap­ture and death. It made […]

Stanley Family Gets Custody Back of 4 Youngest Children – 3 Older Children Still in State Custody

The Stan­ley Fam­i­ly is greet­ed by sup­port­ers out­side of the Gar­land Coun­ty Arkansas Court House. Image cour­tesy Arkansas Her­ald. A review hear­ing in Gar­land Coun­ty Juve­nile Court in Arkansas yes­ter­day result­ed in the case being closed for the four younger Stan­ley chil­dren. The par­ents now have full cus­tody back of these four chil­dren. The three […]

In Landslide Vote, House Overwhelmingly Passes USA Freedom Act without Amendments

Is this the year Con­gress pass­es a bill to lim­it NSA spy­ing? The House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives cer­tain­ly hopes so. But just how strong that reform will be remains to be seen. Min­utes ago, the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives passed the USA Free­dom Act over­whelm­ing­ly with 338 yes votes and 88 no votes. EFF is neu­tral on the […]

Motels Sharing “Daily Guest List with Police” and Aiding Warrant Checks on Every Guest

The motel and hotel indus­try is not only spy­ing you, it is part­ner­ing with police. This isn’t just rou­tine coop­er­a­tion when police request infor­ma­tion for crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tions. Instead, it is appar­ent­ly every­day data shar­ing on every guest. It is a trou­bling pri­vate-pub­lic over­lap where motel and hotel clerks are sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly shar­ing “do not rent” lists and […]

Michigan Proposes Bill to Require Official Visits to Parents Homeschooling Their Children

The busy­bod­ies in Michi­gan have pro­posed a new bill direct­ed at chil­dren who are home­schooled, which will require two annu­al home inspec­tions and offi­cial state registration. Stephanie Chang, a Michi­gan State Rep­re­sen­ta­tive, is wor­ried that home­school par­ents will abuse their chil­dren while no one is watch­ing. Appar­ent­ly, the state wants to be the sole author­i­ty on child abuse; includ­ing indoc­tri­na­tion, […]

New Tech to Watch: Automated Vehicle Occupancy Detection

Xerox­’s Auto­mat­ic Vehi­cle Pas­sen­ger Detection Jour­nal­ists and trans­paren­cy activists across the coun­try have done a phe­nom­e­nal job of shin­ing light on how local law enforce­ment agen­cies use emerg­ing tech­nolo­gies to sur­veil every­day peo­ple on a mas­sive scale.  It’s often like play­ing Whac-A-Mole and Go Fish at the same time. One day, the ques­tion may be […]

A Heartless Congressional Blunder!

A Teacher’s Per­spec­tive on the “Every Child Achieves Act of 2015” by Dawn Hoagland, gut­sy pub­lic school teacher and reg­u­lar con­trib­u­tor to ABCSOFDUMBDOWN.BLOGSPOT.COM The “Every Child Achieves Act” has passed unan­i­mous­ly out of the Health, Edu­ca­tion, Labor, and Pen­sion Com­mit­tee in the Sen­ate. The usu­al sus­pects are singing its prais­es while the peo­ple who actu­al­ly read […]

RED ALERT!!! Idaho S.1067 – Stealth Ratification – End Run Around the Senate

Stealth Ratification – End Run Around the Senate RED ALERT!!! Ida­ho S.1067 – Stealth Rat­i­fi­ca­tion – End Run Around the Senate The Oba­ma Admin­is­tra­tion is REQUIRING ALL STATES to pass mod­el leg­is­la­tion writ­ten by the Uni­form Law Com­mis­sion in Chica­go that includes ref­er­ence to the Hague Con­ven­tion on the Inter­na­tion­al Recov­ery of Child Sup­port and Oth­er Forms of Fam­i­ly […]

New Coalition Site Fight215.org Launches to Amplify Opposition to the NSA’s Mass Surveillance

A coali­tion of 34 orga­ni­za­tions from across the polit­i­cal spec­trum is launch­ing Fight215.orgtoday to help con­cerned indi­vid­u­als con­tact law­mak­ers and demand an end to NSA’s uncon­sti­tu­tion­al mass sur­veil­lance under the Patri­ot Act. The launch coin­cides with the count­down to the expi­ra­tion of Sec­tion 215 of the Patri­ot Act, which the NSA claims jus­ti­fies bulk col­lec­tion of […]

California Water Authorities Using Smart Meter Data as Evidence to Impose Fines

The smart grid isn’t com­ing. It’s already here. Every­where people’s hous­es are being fit­ted if they already haven’t with smart elec­tric meters and smart water meters. These meters com­mu­ni­cate real-time usage data via radio fre­quen­cy (which comes with its own set of health prob­lems). Essen­tial­ly, con­sump­tion of util­i­ties in your home is being big broth­er […]

8 Things You Wouldn’t Think Are Spying On You, But Are

The next time you take a trip to the mall, make sure you give those man­nequins a big smile. The sur­veil­lance industry’s lat­est recruit—joining the ranks of the Stat­ue of Lib­er­ty, vend­ing machines, Kinect, and a litany of oth­er seem­ing­ly innocu­ous retail products—is store man­nequins. The $245 bil­lion dol­lar lux­u­ry goods indus­try cur­rent­ly avails itself […]

Leaked TPP Investment Chapter Reveals Serious Threat to User Safeguards

A new­ly leaked chap­ter of the Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship (TPP) agree­ment from Wik­ileaks has con­firmed some of our worst fears about the agree­ment. The lat­est pro­vi­sions would enable multi­na­tion­al cor­po­ra­tions to under­mine pub­lic inter­est rules through an inter­na­tion­al tri­bunal process called investor-state dis­pute set­tle­ment (ISDS). Under this process, for­eign com­pa­nies can chal­lenge any new law or […]

Federal Government Prepares to Track Unvaccinated Adults

Dur­ing the Nation­al Vac­cine Advi­so­ry Committee’s (NVAC) Feb­ru­ary meet­ing, Amer­i­can adults were put on notice by Big Broth­er that non-com­pli­ance with fed­er­al vac­cine rec­om­men­da­tions will not be tol­er­at­ed. Pub­lic health offi­cials have unveiled a new plan to launch a mas­sive nation­wide vac­ci­na­tion pro­mo­tion cam­paign involv­ing pri­vate busi­ness and non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tions to pres­sure all adults to […]

Wrong, Wrong, Wrong on H.R. 5

An Alert by Anita Hoge Nation­al Review Online and Thomas B. Ford­ham Insti­tute are wrong, wrong, wrong on HR 5. Nation­al Review Online and Ford­ham Insti­tute are total­ly wrong on HR 5. They are call­ing HR 5 as “take back our schools” leg­is­la­tion and that “fed­er­al over­reach in edu­ca­tion might final­ly be com­ing to a close.” Michael […]

Obscure California Committee Moves to Expand How Police Access and Use DMV Photos

FA Note:  March­ing down DHS’ path from Real ID to Glob­al ID, glob­al data shar­ing and glob­al tracking. Atten­tion Cal­i­for­nia: the pri­va­cy and secu­ri­ty of your dri­ver licens­es are under threat from a new scheme to mas­sive­ly expand how pho­to IDs are shared and ana­lyzed by law enforce­ment agencies. Over the last few months, an […]

Superintendent Confirms Common Core’s Pearson Spying on Kids’ Social Media Accounts

The super­in­ten­dent of the Watchung Hills Region­al High School Dis­trict in New Jer­sey has con­firmed that she sent an email to fel­low super­in­ten­dents Tues­day about her con­cern that edu­ca­tion pub­lish­ing giant Pear­son is “mon­i­tor­ing” children’s social media accounts for pos­si­ble leaks about the Com­mon Core-aligned PARCC tests. On Fri­day, Bob Braun, a for­mer lead­ing colum­nist for […]

Rising Enemy Within: Private Police Fits New World Order Script

First I want to say that many cor­po­rate (secu­ri­ty) sym­pa­thiz­ers tend to defend pri­vate polic­ing, but this arti­cle will debunk all their argu­ments and show how pri­vate polic­ing is the end-all end-game ulti­mate threat to free­dom in Amer­i­ca and human­i­ty as a whole, all in the name of pro­tect­ing cor­po­rate prof­its $ while work­ing hand […]

Hertz puts cameras in its rental cars, says it has no plans to use them

This week I got an angry email from a friend who had just rent­ed a car from Hertz: “Did you know Hertz is putting cam­eras in rental cars!? This is bullsh*t. I won­der if it says they can tape me in my Hertz con­tract.” He sent along this pho­to of a cam­era peep­ing at him […]

Stop The Fast Track To A Future Of Global Corporate Rule. The Dangers Underlying the TPP and TTIP “Trade Agreements”

Sev­er­al major inter­na­tion­al agree­ments are under nego­ti­a­tion which would great­ly empow­er multi­na­tion­al cor­po­ra­tions and the World Eco­nom­ic Forum is pro­mot­ing a new mod­el of glob­al gov­er­nance that cre­ates a hybrid gov­ern­ment-cor­po­rate struc­ture. Humankind is pro­ceed­ing on a path to glob­al cor­po­rate rule where transna­tion­al cor­po­ra­tions would not just influ­ence pub­lic pol­i­cy, they would write the […]

‘Sneak and peek’ bill rolls quietly through (Virginia) General Assembly

PATRIOTIC? State Sen. Jen­nifer Wex­ton wants to endow Vir­ginia law-enforce­ment agen­cies with Patri­ot Act powers. FA Update:  Vir­gini­a’s Repub­li­can-con­trolled Sen­ate and House have enrolled (passed) Sen­ate Bill 919 (text here), and House Bill 1946 (text here). House Bill 1946 was signed by the House Speak­er March 6, and Sen­ate Bill 919 was signed by the Sen­ate Pres­i­dent […]

Private Police: Mercenaries for the American Police State

John W. White­head, Founder, the Ruther­ford Institute “Cor­po­rate Amer­i­ca is using police forces as their mer­ce­nar­ies.”—Ray Lewis, Retired Philadel­phia Police Captain It’s one thing to know and exer­cise your rights when a police offi­cer pulls you over, but what rights do you have when a pri­vate cop—entrust­ed with all of the pow­ers of a gov­ern­ment […]

Common Core Testing Regime Ruled Unconstitutional

In a devel­op­ment with mas­sive impli­ca­tions for the Oba­ma administration’s ongo­ing attempt at nation­al­iz­ing edu­ca­tion with Com­mon Core, a Mis­souri judge ruled this week that the fed­er­al­ly fund­ed test­ing regime for the con­tro­ver­sial stan­dards was uncon­sti­tu­tion­al. The rul­ing means that the state of Mis­souri is offi­cial­ly pro­hib­it­ed from par­tic­i­pat­ing in the “Smarter Bal­anced Assess­ment Con­sor­tium” […]


Feds look to adopt 322 pages of fresh tax­es, reg­u­la­tions; FCC Chair Refus­es to Tes­ti­fy before Congress Oba­manet Anoth­er wild pow­er-grab. Pow­er with­out account­abil­i­ty.  The net is the very last fron­tier for free speech. — Despite google algo­rithms that con­sis­tent­ly ren­der — day in day out, year in year out — always ren­der left-wing sites […]