California Water Authorities Using Smart Meter Data as Evidence to Impose Fines

The smart grid isn’t com­ing. It’s already here. Every­where people’s hous­es are being fit­ted if they already haven’t with smart elec­tric meters and smart water meters. These meters com­mu­ni­cate real-time usage data via radio fre­quen­cy (which comes with its own set of health prob­lems). Essen­tial­ly, con­sump­tion of util­i­ties in your home is being big broth­er […]

What Prevented Smart Meter Opt-outs in Pennsylvania?

Back in the sum­mer of 2014, some­thing very cal­cu­lat­ed appar­ent­ly hap­pened in the Penn­syl­va­nia state leg­is­la­ture that ought to be inves­ti­gat­ed by the Commonwealth’s Attor­ney Gen­er­al [1] and the Penn­syl­va­nia State Ethics Com­mis­sion [2]. What hap­pened was a crime against the demo­c­ra­t­ic prin­ci­ples of gov­er­nance, i.e., delib­er­ate­ly dis-allow­ing con­stituents, voters—and cit­i­zens in general—to exer­cise their […]

Liberal Obama Law Professor: Obama’s EPA is Burning the Constitution

Lau­rence Tribe, a lib­er­al Har­vard law pro­fes­sor, in fact, he was one of Obama’s law pro­fes­sors, claims that Oba­ma and his EPA is “burn­ing the con­sti­tu­tion”.  Tribe explains the lim­i­ta­tions that the con­sti­tu­tion allows to the EPA: “EPA pos­sess­es only the author­i­ty grant­ed to it by Con­gress.  Its gam­bit here rais­es seri­ous ques­tions under the sep­a­ra­tion […]

PG&E Suggested “Prozac” for Those Injured by Smart Meters– SCE Schemed Higher Fees to Force Smart Meters on the Poor

New e‑mails brought to light between Pacif­ic Gas and Elec­tric (PG&E), South­ern Cal­i­for­nia Edi­son (SCE), and the Cal­i­for­nia Pub­lic Util­i­ties Com­mis­sion (CPUC) reveal the extent of cor­rup­tion and back­room deal­ing that have char­ac­ter­ized the state’s smart meter pro­gram.  E‑mails reveal that for­mer CPUC Pres­i­dent Michael Peev­ey was aware of health prob­lems caused by smart meters […]

Southern California Edison layoffs get U.S. Senate attention

FA Ques­tion: How will for­eign (H‑1B) IT work­ers con­trol­ling our crit­i­cal infra­struc­ture main­tain the “secu­ri­ty” of the Smart Grid promised by DHS? South­ern Cal­i­for­nia Edis­on’s replace­ment of IT work­ers with H‑1B work­ers is get­ting atten­tion from one U.S. law­mak­er who is in a posi­ton to influ­ence immi­gra­tion law. Sen. Jeff Ses­sions (R‑Ala.), who heads the Sen­ate’s immi­gra­tion […]

Smart Meters: What Consumers Can Do To Get Them Removed

“…[B]y enabling two-way, real-time com­mu­ni­ca­tions, smart meters can give cus­tomers the infor­ma­tion they need to con­trol their own ener­gy use and reduce their elec­tric­i­ty cost,” so said Jim Marston, a ‘smart meter’ sup­port­er with the Envi­ron­men­tal Defense Fund. [1] [CJF empha­sis added]  That, obvi­ous­ly, is only one part of the seri­ous issues regard­ing elec­tro­mag­net­ic ener­gy tech­nol­o­gy […]

Utility Commissioner’s Emails Reveal Smart Meter Conspiracy

FAT CAT IS OUT OF THE BAG: Evi­dence has now been made pub­lic of ille­gal actions and col­lu­sion between for­mer Cal­i­for­nia Pub­lic Util­i­ties Com­mis­sion pres­i­dent Michael Peev­ey and util­i­ty PG&E, as crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tions continue. As part of a fed­er­al and state inves­ti­ga­tion into what appears to be sys­temic cor­rup­tion involv­ing for­mer senior exec­u­tives at PG&E […]

Digital Electronic “Internet of Things”(IoT) and “Smart Grid Technologies” to Fully Eviscerate Privacy

The “Inter­net of Things” (IoT) and Smart Grid tech­nolo­gies will togeth­er be aggres­sive­ly inte­grat­ed into the devel­oped world’s socioe­co­nom­ic fab­ric with lit­tle-if-any pub­lic or gov­ern­men­tal over­sight. This is the over­all opin­ion of a new report by the Fed­er­al Trade Com­mis­sion, which has announced a series of “rec­om­men­da­tions” to major util­i­ty com­pa­nies and transna­tion­al cor­po­ra­tions heav­i­ly […]

Your home appliances will soon be remotely controlled by the government

Increas­ing­ly, our free­dom and auton­o­my are threat­ened by those who seek to mon­i­tor and con­trol every aspect of our dai­ly lives. George Orwell’s “Big Broth­er” from the nov­el 1984 is a pale threat in com­par­i­son to the dystopi­an real­i­ty our lead­ers which have cre­at­ed for us since that book was pub­lished more than six decades […]

Welcome to the Matrix: Enslaved by Technology and the Internet of Things

John W. White­head, Founder, the Ruther­ford Institute “There will come a time when it isn’t ‘They’re spy­ing on me through my phone’ any­more. Even­tu­al­ly, it will be ‘My phone is spy­ing on me.’” ― Philip K. Dick If ever Amer­i­cans sell their birthright, it will be for the promise of expe­di­en­cy and com­fort deliv­ered by way […]

Buffett’s Smart-Grid Idea Takes Over Your Washing Machine

(Bloomberg) — Vin­cent Thorn­ley, head of Siemens AG’s U.K. smart-grid research, talks about the role of smart grids in the future of ener­gy where a net­work can run house­hold appli­ances when pow­er is abun­dant and cheap. He spoke with Bloomberg’s Alex Webb in New­cas­tle, Eng­land. (Source: Bloomberg) FA Note: The Smart Grid is pro­mot­ed as […]

Is Water The New Enron? – Fake Crises, Fake Bills, And Fake Solutions

Rev. Edward Pinkney “In places like Ben­ton Har­bor, Michi­gan and Detroit, there is some­thing called the emer­gency man­ag­er, which essen­tial­ly is a local dic­ta­tor. He can depose the may­or and offer decrees and answer to no one except the gov­er­nor. In these two cities and oth­ers, because they are lack­ing tax rev­enue (because of lack […]

Smart Cities: Understanding the Untapped Value of Sensor Data

Technology leaders in three cities imagine how they would harness Chicago’s innovative sensor pilot in their communities This fall, Chica­go will install a net­work of 40 sen­sors to dis­cov­er how new data sets can inform deci­sions that make the city a bet­ter place to live. The Array of Things ini­tia­tive will begin with devices being […]

Residents of Alamo Heights in San Antonio, Texas Win Support of City Council in “Spark Meter” Battle

Dozens of res­i­dents speak to Alamo Heights City Coun­cil on Mon­day evening Res­i­dents of Alamo Heights in San Anto­nio, Texas Win Sup­port of City Coun­cil in “Spark Meter” Battle Dozens of res­i­dents speak to Alamo Heights City Coun­cil on Mon­day evening (Sept. 22, 2014) ALAMO HEIGHTS, TX— Mon­day evening, more than 20 res­i­dents spoke out at […]

Fire chiefs call for smart meter probe after blazes

(Pho­to: Pro­vid­ed by the Reno Fire Department) RENO — The Reno and Sparks fire chiefs are ask­ing the Pub­lic Util­i­ties Com­mis­sion to inves­ti­gate the safe­ty of smart meters installed by NV Ener­gy on homes through­out the state in the wake of a trou­bling spate of blazes they believe are asso­ci­at­ed with the meters, includ­ing one […]


Think about that and then look around you. Glob­al­iza­tion is stan­dard­iza­tion of sys­tems.  In order to have a sin­gle gov­ern­ment, all of the sys­tems have to be the same.  The sys­tems have to be the same so that they can be mon­i­tored, mea­sured, and con­trolled, all at once.  Uni­for­mi­ty is a requirement. Sys­tems.  What are […]

Valiant TRUTH Warrior, Dr. Stan Monteith of Radio Liberty Passed Away – Monday, September 29, 2014

Dr. Stan­ley Monteith Dr. Stan Mon­tei­th, age 85, founder and radio pro­gram host of Radio Lib­er­ty, broad­cast­ing out of San­ta Cruz, Cal­i­for­nia, passed away Sep­tem­ber 29, 2014, of lym­phoma in a hos­pi­tal in San­ta Cruz, Cal­i­for­nia. He passed away peace­ful­ly sur­round­ed by his loved ones. Dr. Stan will be great­ly missed by his many radio fans […]

Mr. Big – Edicts from the Mountain

The news­pa­per in Ida­ho Falls, ID is the Post Reg­is­ter. Yes­ter­day they had an edi­to­r­i­al writ­ten by a mem­ber of [sic] City Coun­cil. Appar­ent­ly, he is a qua­si-staff mem­ber because the Reg­is­ter allows him a bul­ly pul­pit on a reg­u­lar basis. I found that out when I wrote a response to an edi­to­r­i­al he wrote […]

Security Vulnerabilities of Smart Electricity Meters

Bruce Schneier “Who con­trols the off switch?” by Ross Ander­son and Shailen­dra Fuloria. Abstract: We’re about to acquire a sig­nif­i­cant new cybervul­ner­a­bil­i­ty. The world’s ener­gy util­i­ties are start­ing to install hun­dreds of mil­lions of ‘smart meters’ which con­tain a remote off switch. Its main pur­pose is to ensure that cus­tomers who default on their pay­ments […]

These LED smart lights are tracking your moves

While more peo­ple and places are switch­ing to ener­gy-sav­ing LED light bulbs, a Cal­i­for­nia com­pa­ny has found a way to turn them into smart net­works that can col­lect and feed data. How­ev­er, the new tech­no­log­i­cal oppor­tu­ni­ties are also rais­ing pri­va­cy concerns. For exam­ple, should you find your­self in ter­mi­nal “B” at Newark air­port, look up. […]

Smart Home Devices Need to Get a Lot Smarter

Imag­ine a dish­wash­er that requires a user­name and pass­word. Smart homes will require unprece­dent­ed effort to ensure not just secu­ri­ty but also usability. June 30, 2014 The bat­tle between Google and Apple is mov­ing from smart phones to smart things, with both com­pa­nies vying to pro­vide the under­ly­ing archi­tec­ture that net­works your appli­ances, util­i­ties, and enter­tain­ment […]

Agenda 21 = Death

U.N.‘s urban plan­ning pro­gram turns the pop­u­la­tion into mere serfs who are eas­i­ly con­trolled by the government July 1, 2014 Signed in 1992 by mul­ti­ple nations, includ­ing the Unit­ed States, the Unit­ed Nations Agen­da 21 Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment pro­gram is an urban plan­ning “action plan” which calls for gov­ern­ment to even­tu­al­ly take con­trol of all land use […]

Sure smart home tech is cool. But how much does it save you?

July 6, 2014 Smart home tech­nol­o­gy is con­ve­nient, state-of-the-art and unde­ni­ably cool. But does it help where it real­ly matters—in con­sumers’ pocket? The grow­ing mar­ket ranges from Wi-Fi ther­mome­ters to auto­mat­ed kitchen appli­ances and air con­di­tion­ers. Yet a cen­tral ques­tion remains: Do these bells and whistles—and the tech­nol­o­gy that helps them run—actually help con­sumers save mon­ey […]

The Mind of the Time

I’ve been review­ing all of the doc­u­men­ta­tion I have on the infil­tra­tion of our coun­try by the Com­mu­nist Chi­nese gov­ern­ment behind front com­pa­nies in con­nec­tion with Har­ry Reid, the Bundy Ranch, solar farms, cat­tle rustling by the BLM — all of it.  Every time I do this kind of back­ward review of where my research […]