Why Clive Bundy Isn’t Wrong

There have been a lot of peo­ple crit­i­ciz­ing Clive Bundy because he did not pay his graz­ing fees for 20 years. The pub­lic is also prob­a­bly won­der­ing why so many oth­er cow­boys are sup­port­ing Mr. Bundy even though they paid their fees and Clive did not. What you peo­ple prob­a­bly do not real­ize is that on […]

Company Admits New ‘Smart’ Street Lights Can Analyze Voices, Track People

To aid Homeland Security in “protecting its citizens” The com­pa­ny behind a new ‘smart’ street light­ing sys­tem which is being rolled out in major cities like Las Vegas admits that the tech­nol­o­gy has the capa­bil­i­ty of ana­lyz­ing voic­es and track­ing peo­ple, fea­tures that will aid the Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­ri­ty in “pro­tect­ing its citizens.” Intel­listreets […]

Orwell’s Dystopic Nightmare Comes True: Agenda 21 Smart Cities Are Here!

Our brave new world starts with these brave new cities. So-called smart cities aren’t just some far off futur­is­tic abstract twin­kle in the New World Order’s eye…these are being built right now. Think pri­va­cy and free­dom are lim­it­ed com­modi­ties now? Try hav­ing either of those things liv­ing in a smart city con­trol grid where every­thing you […]

Assess, Monitor and Control or Fusion Centers – Part 5

Sum­ma­ry: Fusion cen­ters advance the tenets of Agen­da 21, Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment by assess­ing, mon­i­tor­ing, and con­trol­ling us. -“The Intel­li­gent Vehi­cle High­way Sys­tem was just the begin­ning of ‘BIG SYSTEMS’ automa­tion of the infra­struc­ture lead­ing direct­ly to the “rein­ven­tion of gov­ern­ment” under the direc­tion of BIG SYSTEMS design­ers. When Clin­ton and Gore came into office, it was […]

Green Economics

I have been writ­ing for sev­eral years now that the glob­al elite are plan­ning to imple­ment a Tech­noc­ra­cy-ori­ent­ed eco­nomic sys­tem that will turn our exist­ing cap­i­tal­istic eco­nomic sys­tem upside-down. Why? Because it will be based on ENERGY instead of MONEY. The Tro­jan horse that is enabling Tech­noc­racy is “Green Ener­gy.” You already know that green […]

Trilateral Commission Exposed

Mem­bers of the Tri­lat­er­al Com­mis­sion have just about destroyed what is left of Amer­i­ca. What is their endgame? Endgame This is a good time to step back and look at the big pic­ture. The fol­lowing 24 minute inter­view on the Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion was aired last week by WHDT on the east coast, reach­ing a poten­tial of […]

Local ‘Councils of Governments’ Implementing UN Directed Agenda 21

In my last arti­cle enti­tled, “As Above, So Below: The Glob­al­ist Agen­da Reflect­ed in Local Pol­i­tics Through ‘Coun­cil of Gov­ern­ments’,” I high­light­ed how COGs have been embed­ded in vir­tu­al­ly every state and every local com­mu­ni­ty inside the Unit­ed States. I described how the COG works with­in their own struc­ture in order to imple­ment UN-based plans […]