RI Regional Plan Strips Property Rights

With an area of 1212 square miles, Rhode Island is the small­est of the fifty states, but is about to take one of the biggest leaps in the nation.  The RI Divi­sion of Plan­ning is advanc­ing a HUD sup­port­ed sus­tain­able devel­op­ment plan that cre­ates a sin­gle region out of every coun­ty, city and com­mu­ni­ty in […]

Illinois Just Made it a Felony for Its Citizens to Record the Police and the Media is Silent

Only a gov­ern­ment that lives like cock­roach­es in the dark­ness would pass a law crim­i­nal­iz­ing the act of turn­ing on the light. Illi­nois — In March of this year the Illi­nois Supreme Court struck down the state’s eaves­drop­ping law, and right­ful­ly so, as it was tout­ed as the most uncon­sti­tu­tion­al law of its kind in the […]

Utah to seize own land from government, challenge federal dominance of Western states

‘Trans­fer of Pub­lic Lands Act’ demands Wash­ing­ton relin­quish 31.2 mil­lion acres by Dec. 31 In three weeks, Utah intends to seize con­trol of 31.2 mil­lion acres of its own land now under the con­trol of the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment. At least, that’s the plan. In an unprece­dent­ed chal­lenge to fed­er­al dom­i­nance of West­ern state lands, Utah Gov. Gary […]

The Government Owns Over 623 Million Acres. Why Does It Need More?

Insa­tiable ­– that would seem to be the word that best describes the appetite of some in Con­gress and their friends in the envi­ron­men­tal community. Con­gress has added over 450 pages to the defense autho­riza­tion bill to des­ig­nate wilder­ness, cre­ate new parks, des­ig­nate Wild and Scenic Rivers and fund Nation­al Her­itage areas – things that have […]

The Disappearing States

Jim Beers is a retired Refuge Man­ag­er, Spe­cial Agent, & Wildlife Biol­o­gist U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Excerpts from a recent news arti­cle from McClatchy Newspapers: Rise in trade spurs U.S. to pro­tect turtles 1.       “The U.S. gov­ern­ment is propos­ing a new lev­el of pro­tec­tion for cer­tain fresh­wa­ter tur­tles, con­cerned that a mas­sive increase in […]

Appeals Court to Hear Oral Arguments in Idaho Woman’s Case Against NSA Spying

EFF, ACLU Sup­port Smith in Fight­ing Mass Sur­veil­lance Before Ninth Circuit Seat­tle — An appeals court will hear oral argu­ments in Smith v. Oba­ma, a case filed by an Ida­ho nurse against a con­tro­ver­sial Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Agency (NSA) tele­phone data col­lec­tion pro­gram, in Seat­tle on Mon­day, Dec. 8. Attor­ney Peter Smith. Cred­it: Lukins & Annis Anna Smith, […]

Houston Man Arrested for Video Recording Cop on Private Property

Footage shows offi­cer imme­di­ate­ly hand­cuff man for not obey­ing order Amidst a nation­al debate about police bru­tal­i­ty, anoth­er video has emerged of a police offi­cer arrest­ing some­one for video record­ing, this time on his own friend’s pri­vate property. The footage out of Hous­ton, Texas is all the more shock­ing because the cop doesn’t even try to […]

Outdated essays on pocket gophers reveal lack of evidence for ESA listing

Sev­enth in a series on a new ESA list­ing. We will pub­lish addi­tions to the series if/as they are written. Unsup­port­ed claims in obscure essays from 1942, 1944, and 1960 have hurt a lot of peo­ple in south Thurston Coun­ty, Wash­ing­ton.  Oppres­sive laws are based on them—including the 2014 Endan­gered Species Act micro-list­ing of four Maza­ma […]

Japanese scientists use surrogates to produce endangered species

Japan­ese sci­en­tists have devel­oped a new biotech­nol­o­gy tech­nique that uses mack­er­el as sur­ro­gates for bluefin tuna with the hope of sav­ing the prized species from extinction. Con­sid­ered a del­i­ca­cy in Japan­ese cui­sine, glob­als sup­plies of bluefin tuna have been dwin­dling, prompt­ing the Inter­na­tion­al Union for Con­ser­va­tion of Nature to put the fish onto its red list. […]

Thanks, Property Rights!

FA Note:  The inter­na­tion­al treaties and agree­ments cit­ed in the ESA, which autho­rize the Act, were all nego­ti­at­ed to pro­tect each nation’s agri­cul­tur­al economies and the com­mu­ni­ties depen­dent on them. Sim­ple log­ic, and basic eco­nom­ics, both dic­tate — if a “mar­ket” exists/develops for any species, their num­bers will grow. This Thanks­giv­ing, I give thanks for some­thing our […]

Censoring the Web Isn’t the Solution to Terrorism or Counterfeiting. It’s the Problem.

In pol­i­tics, as with Inter­net memes, ideas don’t spread because they are good—they spread because they are good at spread­ing. One of the most vir­u­lent ideas in Inter­net reg­u­la­tion in recent years has been the idea that if a social prob­lem man­i­fests on the Web, the best thing that you can do to address that […]

Is Water The New Enron? – Fake Crises, Fake Bills, And Fake Solutions

Rev. Edward Pinkney “In places like Ben­ton Har­bor, Michi­gan and Detroit, there is some­thing called the emer­gency man­ag­er, which essen­tial­ly is a local dic­ta­tor. He can depose the may­or and offer decrees and answer to no one except the gov­er­nor. In these two cities and oth­ers, because they are lack­ing tax rev­enue (because of lack […]

Judge Andrew P. Napolitano – Natural Law as restraint against tyranny

Judge Andrew P. Napoli­tano, once a Fox News TV show host — and now an out­spo­ken crit­ic of the US gov­ern­ment — deliv­ered a short, intrigu­ing, and, I believe, impor­tant speech at the Mis­es Insti­tute in Cos­ta Mesa, Cal­i­for­nia, on Novem­ber 8th, 2014. Sir Thomas More He began by talk­ing about the ori­gins of Nat­ur­al Laws, […]

Population Control via Water Control

Dr. Kate Vandemoer Dr. Kate Van­de­mo­er out­lines the Fed­er­al grab for con­trol of water out West. One does not need to achieve a very high lev­el of edu­ca­tion to real­ize that water is the bio­log­i­cal basis for all of mankind, and our most valu­able and nec­es­sary resource. In fact, very few peo­ple read­ing this would sur­vive […]

Plan Bay Area – A Shocking Theft Of Our Democracy

Our local media has been drop­ping broad, con­fus­ing hints about some­thing big, some­thing immi­nent, com­ing to the greater Bay Area. A front page arti­cle in the San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle in March 2013, titled “Hard Choic­es for a grow­ing S.F.” begins, “San Fran­cis­co res­i­dents will be get­ting thou­sands of new neigh­bors in the next 30 years, and […]

A.C. homeowner combating eminent domain sees no good reason

Char­lie Birn­baum stands on his roof with the closed Rev­el Casi­no Hotel in the back­ground. “I don’t think I’m in any­body’s way what­so­ev­er,” he said. (MEL EVANS / AP, File) ATLANTIC CITY — Char­lie Birn­baum, piano tuner, home­own­er, land­lord, son of Holo­caust sur­vivors and famed emi­nent domain resister, had a mes­sage for Atlantic City about try­ing […]

“Free Trade” Agreements Are Criminalising Farmers’ Seeds for the Benefit of Multinational Corporations

FA Note:  GRAIN is a small inter­na­tion­al non-prof­it organ­i­sa­tion that works to sup­port small farm­ers and social move­ments in their strug­gles for com­mu­ni­ty-con­trolled and bio­di­ver­si­ty-based food systems. What could be more rou­tine than sav­ing seeds from one sea­son to the next? After all, that is how we grow crops on our farms and in our […]

PRESS RELEASE: ESA Protection Sought For Imperiled Yellowstone Bison

Peer-reviewed research shows Yel­low­stone wolves pick their prey based on pack size  FA Note:   Both wolves and griz­zly bears are “Key­stone” species, intro­duced and/or “man­aged” to estab­lish and main­tain “healthy” ecosys­tems and pop­u­la­tions; pop­u­la­tions that kill and eat bison. Also, the Yel­low­stone bison herd was enlarged with pri­vate herd stock intro­duced by the U.S. Army in 1902. Buf­fa­lo Field Cam­paign and […]

The matter of Psychological Warfare

Stephen L. Wilmeth Tyranny of the Crown The mat­ter of Psy­cho­log­i­cal Warfare Per­vert­ed Laws Two years ago we watched with alarm and dread as the EPA case played out against the Ida­ho cou­ple attempt­ing to build their dream house on the Priest Lake shore. Uni­lat­er­al­ly, the EPA deter­mined the lot the cou­ple had pur­chased was a wet­land. […]

Leading Scientists, Over 200 Groups and Companies Call for Monarch Protection

FA note:  Listing the Monarch butterfly under the Endangered Species Act would have a significant impact over much of the United States, especially considering their fall migration pattern.  Monarch But­ter­fly Fall Migra­tion Pat­terns. Base map source: USGS Nation­al Atlas. Broad Coali­tion Sup­ports Peti­tion to Pro­tect Monarch But­ter­flies as Threat­ened under Endan­gered Species Act WASHINGTON—(ENEWSPF)–November 13, 2014. […]

Gunnison sage grouse gets federal protection

Gun­ni­son sage grouse, (AP Photo/Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Dave Showalter) Fed­er­al offi­cials grant­ed pro­tec­tion to the Gun­ni­son sage grouse on Wednes­day, a move that could bring restric­tions on oil and gas drilling and oth­er activ­i­ty to pre­serve the bird’s habi­tat in parts of Col­orado and Utah. Col­orado Gov. John Hick­en­loop­er imme­di­ate­ly renewed the state’s threat to […]

Rutherford Institute Asks U.S. Supreme Court to Protect Property Rights, Especially as It Relates to Due Process Assurance of ‘Life, Liberty or Property’

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Warn­ing against estab­lish­ing a prece­dent that would allow indi­vid­ual prop­er­ty rights to be sac­ri­ficed to tar­get the polit­i­cal­ly weak for the ben­e­fit of the pow­er­ful, The Ruther­ford Insti­tute has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to ensure that Amer­i­cans are not deprived of “life, lib­er­ty or prop­er­ty, with­out due process of law.” In […]

“Waters of the United States” — the ultimate power grab

Comment from FA: “Centralized control over water and the abolition of private property rights to water are a core purpose of Agenda 21 policy making. The examples of a thrust toward this end from both federal and state governments are accelerating.” The Clean Water Act pro­hibits cer­tain dis­charges to “nav­i­ga­ble waters” with­out a fed­er­al per­mit.  […]

How & Why Wildlife Myths Are Born or Romance Biology as Propaganda

Jim Beers is a retired Refuge Man­ag­er, Spe­cial Agent, & Wildlife Biol­o­gist U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service A news arti­cle from a sub­urb of Toron­to, Cana­da has just crossed my desk. A lady was get­ting her paper on her dri­ve­way as her two dogs frol­icked (and were prob­a­bly con­cen­trat­ing on oth­er things like their toi­lette) […]