The ultimate goal of the NSA is total population control

William Bin­ney tes­ti­fies before a Ger­man inquiry into sur­veil­lance. Pho­to­graph: Get­ty Images William Bin­ney is one of the high­est-lev­el whistle­blow­ers to ever emerge from the NSA. He was a lead­ing code-break­er against the Sovi­et Union dur­ing the Cold War but resigned soon after Sep­tem­ber 11, dis­gust­ed by Washington’s move towards mass surveillance. On 5 July […]

Why Are Armed “International Security” Personnel Now Arresting American Citizens?

Very recent­ly I came across a sce­nario in the streets of Hol­ly­wood, Cal­i­for­nia. The big scene seemed a bit strik­ing to the aver­age per­son walk­ing by as it was the mid­dle of the day in a crowd­ed busy Hol­ly­wood street. A clos­er look caused me to be even more intrigued — there was a gen­tle­man […]

Agenda 21 For Dummies: New World Order Depopulation Exposed

July 15, 2012 Agen­da 21 explained very well. Includ­ing impli­ca­tions it will have on human­i­ty. Opin­ions with­in the video come in some cas­es from those that were in on the nego­ti­a­tions. Tru­ly an inter­est­ing watch. /wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Agenda-21-For-Dummies.mp4

The Mind of the Time

I’ve been review­ing all of the doc­u­men­ta­tion I have on the infil­tra­tion of our coun­try by the Com­mu­nist Chi­nese gov­ern­ment behind front com­pa­nies in con­nec­tion with Har­ry Reid, the Bundy Ranch, solar farms, cat­tle rustling by the BLM — all of it.  Every time I do this kind of back­ward review of where my research […]

BLM USFS Lack Law Enforcement Authority

The U.S. Con­sti­tu­tion and laws of Con­gress have nev­er pro­vid­ed for a gen­er­al grant of law enforce­ment author­i­ty to the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment. Our nation­al gov­ern­ment was pur­pose­ful­ly cre­at­ed by our found­ing fathers to be a gov­ern­ment of “lim­it­ed” pow­ers. World his­to­ry has repeat­ed­ly proven that an uncon­trol­lable and intru­sive bureau­cra­cy destroys a free soci­ety. When […]

The Most Corrupt County In America

When ful­ly imple­ment­ed, ICLEI reg­u­la­tions will severe­ly lim­it access to elec­tric­i­ty and trans­porta­tion, deny the com­mon cit­i­zen­ry non­in­va­sive access to beau­ti­ful wilder­ness areas, destroy pri­vate busi­ness, impose unsus­tain­able tax rates, will arbi­trar­i­ly seize pri­vate prop­er­ty for per­son­al gain, will pro­mote cor­rup­tion at the high­est lev­els of indus­try and gov­ern­ment, have endorsed and imple­ment­ed extreme pop­u­la­tion […]

Company Admits New ‘Smart’ Street Lights Can Analyze Voices, Track People

To aid Homeland Security in “protecting its citizens” The com­pa­ny behind a new ‘smart’ street light­ing sys­tem which is being rolled out in major cities like Las Vegas admits that the tech­nol­o­gy has the capa­bil­i­ty of ana­lyz­ing voic­es and track­ing peo­ple, fea­tures that will aid the Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­ri­ty in “pro­tect­ing its citizens.” Intel­listreets […]

Orwell’s Dystopic Nightmare Comes True: Agenda 21 Smart Cities Are Here!

Our brave new world starts with these brave new cities. So-called smart cities aren’t just some far off futur­is­tic abstract twin­kle in the New World Order’s eye…these are being built right now. Think pri­va­cy and free­dom are lim­it­ed com­modi­ties now? Try hav­ing either of those things liv­ing in a smart city con­trol grid where every­thing you […]

Why I Am Against the Common Core Standards

You hand John­ny his packed lunch, give him a kiss, and smile as you see him run off to school.  Once in the class­room, his teacher tells him that today is the big day to take the state test for Com­mon Core. John­ny sits down in front of a com­put­er and avails him­self to the “four […]

Restructure US Government to Make “Huge” Green Changes in America, Study Proposes

Excerpt:  One of the major imped­i­ments, the study says, is cre­at­ed by America’s “basic frame­work of gov­ern­ment, estab­lished by law,” which is “one of sep­a­rat­ed and dis­persed author­i­ty,” in which “gov­ern­ment agen­cies at all lev­els — fed­er­al, state, local, trib­al and even inter­na­tion­al — can only do what they have been autho­rized to do by […]

Utah to Feds: Stop Enforcing Our Laws

SALT LAKE CITY — Fed­er­al offi­cers and rangers have no right to enforce dri­ving and oth­er com­mon laws on nation­al for­est, fed­er­al range lands and nation­al parks, the Utah Attor­ney Gen­er­al’s Office asserts. The state is defend­ing an effort to lim­it the police pow­ers of fed­er­al offi­cers in the lat­est flash­point between Utah and U.S. […]

Assess, Monitor and Control or Fusion Centers – Part 5

Sum­ma­ry: Fusion cen­ters advance the tenets of Agen­da 21, Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment by assess­ing, mon­i­tor­ing, and con­trol­ling us. -“The Intel­li­gent Vehi­cle High­way Sys­tem was just the begin­ning of ‘BIG SYSTEMS’ automa­tion of the infra­struc­ture lead­ing direct­ly to the “rein­ven­tion of gov­ern­ment” under the direc­tion of BIG SYSTEMS design­ers. When Clin­ton and Gore came into office, it was […]

New National Identification System is Coming

-“Maybe we should just brand all the babies.”- With this joke, Ronald Rea­gan swat­ted down a nation­al iden­ti­fi­ca­tion card — or an enhanced Social Secu­ri­ty card — pro­posed by his attor­ney gen­er­al in 1981. For more than three decades since, attempts to imple­ment the pro­pos­al have all met with fail­ure, but now nation­al ID is […]

Commercial Crab Fisherman Sentenced for Crabbing in Marine Protected Area

Steven Anel­lo, 54, of Bode­ga Bay, was sen­tenced Jan­u­ary 3 to 36 months of infor­mal pro­ba­tion, for­fei­ture of the pro­ceeds of Dun­ge­ness crabs ille­gal­ly tak­en, pay­ment of a $10,000 fine, 20 hours of com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice work and five days in jail. Anel­lo was also ordered to stay out of Stew­arts Point Marine Con­ser­va­tion Area dur­ing […]

Court Insider Exposes Judicial Treachery

Allan Para­chi­ni served for eight years as the Pub­lic Infor­ma­tion Offi­cer for the Los Ange­les Supe­ri­or Court. He was there dur­ing the incred­i­ble per­se­cu­tion of Dr. Richard Fine, who served eigh­teen months in soli­tary coer­cive confinement. PART 1 & 2 PREVIEW In this pre­view of parts one and two of this three-part inter­view, he explains […]

War on Whistle Blowers!

Whistle­blow­er and activist Susan Lin­dauer talks to WeAreChange Con­necti­cut on her back­ground as a for­mer CIA asset cov­er­ing events that include 9/11, Libya, Iraq, and much more. Watch the 15-minute video inter­view here.

Larimer County, Colorado Agenda 21 Advocates “Steal” Protestor’s Child

I have been work­ing to bring jus­tice to the Sta­cy Lynne child abduc­tion case for some time now. It has become cru­sade with me but for no oth­er rea­son than I am a par­ent who would be total­ly dev­as­tat­ed if my child was stolen from my cus­tody because of my polit­i­cal activ­i­ties against the inva­sion of […]

Justice Department’s Warrantless Spying Increased 600 Percent in Decade

The Jus­tice Depart­ment use of war­rant­less inter­net and tele­phone sur­veil­lance meth­ods known as pen reg­is­ter and trap-and-trace has explod­ed in the last decade, accord­ing to gov­ern­ment doc­u­ments the Amer­i­can Civ­il Lib­er­ties obtained via a Free­dom of Infor­ma­tion Act claim. Source: Amer­i­can Civ­il Lib­er­ties Union Pen reg­is­ters obtain, in real time, non-con­tent infor­ma­tion of out­bound tele­phone and inter­net […]

19 Signs That America Is Being Systematically Transformed Into A Giant Surveillance Grid

“…new spy cam­eras are ‘more accu­rate than mod­ern facial recog­ni­tion tech­nol­o­gy’, and every few sec­onds they send back data from cities and major land­marks all over the Unit­ed States to a cen­tral­ized pro­cess­ing cen­ter where it is ana­lyzed.  The author­i­ties believe that the world has become such a dan­ger­ous place that the only way to […]

Agenda 21 in China Using Eminent Domain

Chi­nese pro­test­er He Zhu Hua appears to be crushed by a state-con­trolled road-flat­ten­ing truck while oppos­ing the gov­ern­men­t’s takeover of his vil­lage land. He opposed being moved after the gov­ern­ment tried to claim his land for com­mer­cial use. Warn­ing: Pho­tos are shocking. Sto­ry and pho­tos:   And anoth­er relat­ed sto­ry about riot­ing farm­ers in […]