Woman Tasered By Police For Filming Man’s Arrest

Kian­ga Mwamba FA Note:  Remem­ber, every­thing about Agen­da 21 is about control. A Bal­ti­more, Mary­land woman was tasered by police for video-record­ing police. The offi­cers were engaged in a sep­a­rate arrest, which the woman explains did not seem right. So she hit record on her cell phone. Offi­cers imme­di­ate­ly sprung into attack mode, yelling “you a […]

Congress Quietly Bolsters NSA Spying in Intelligence Bill

Con­gress this week qui­et­ly passed a bill that may give unprece­dent­ed legal author­i­ty to the government’s war­rant­less sur­veil­lance pow­ers, despite a last-minute effort by Rep. Justin Amash to kill the bill. Amash staged an aggres­sive eleventh-hour ral­ly Wednes­day night to block pas­sage of the Intel­li­gence Autho­riza­tion Act, which will fund intel­li­gence agen­cies for the next fis­cal […]

Illinois Just Made it a Felony for Its Citizens to Record the Police and the Media is Silent

Only a gov­ern­ment that lives like cock­roach­es in the dark­ness would pass a law crim­i­nal­iz­ing the act of turn­ing on the light. Illi­nois — In March of this year the Illi­nois Supreme Court struck down the state’s eaves­drop­ping law, and right­ful­ly so, as it was tout­ed as the most uncon­sti­tu­tion­al law of its kind in the […]

Houston Man Arrested for Video Recording Cop on Private Property

Footage shows offi­cer imme­di­ate­ly hand­cuff man for not obey­ing order Amidst a nation­al debate about police bru­tal­i­ty, anoth­er video has emerged of a police offi­cer arrest­ing some­one for video record­ing, this time on his own friend’s pri­vate property. The footage out of Hous­ton, Texas is all the more shock­ing because the cop doesn’t even try to […]

Breastfed, Homebirthed Babies Taken Away From Parents For Not Using Hospital

FA Note: Agen­da 21’s intends con­trol over all sec­tors of life includ­ing that of birth and child rearing. The Ren­go Fam­i­ly: Cleave, Eri­ca, with 10 month old Levi, and new­born twins. The Ren­go Fam­i­ly place­ment hear­ing was continued…again…to Fri­day morn­ing at 9 a.m Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Jason Over­street, rep­re­sent­ing the 42nd dis­trict in Wash­ing­ton, and who has tak­en an inter­est […]

Grab Your Cameras, We Are Little Brother

 Note:  FA is not espous­ing an opin­ion or posi­tion here on racism in the Unit­ed States, or the killing of Michael Brown. We hope increased sun­light­ing through film­ing of author­i­ties will help restab­lish lib­er­ty, peace and jus­tice in this nation. Dystopi­an futures have always imag­ined gov­ern­ments oppress­ing us with sur­veil­lance. Under the all-see­ing, all-hear­ing eyes […]

ACLU of California’s Smart About Surveillance Report: A Smart Way to Fight Local Spying

Think you know how your local cops are spy­ing on you? The ACLU of California’s “Mak­ing Smart Deci­sions About Sur­veil­lance: A Guide for Com­mu­ni­ties” is a new resource that can help you fig­ure out what sur­veil­lance tech­nol­o­gy is being deployed in your community—and what you can do about it. And as we’ve point­ed out, while […]

Testing for Explosives in the Chicago Subway

Bruce Schneier As with all aspects of the New World Order — It’s All About Control Chica­go is doing ran­dom explo­sives screen­ings at ran­dom L stops in the Chica­go area. Com­pli­ance is voluntary: Police made no arrests but one rid­er refused to sub­mit to the screen­ing and left the sta­tion with­out inci­dent, Mal­oney said. […] Pas­sen­gers […]

Bundy Family at Sky Harbor Airport (PHX) Treated as DOMESTIC TERRORISTS

Ammon Bundy This morn­ing (Novem­ber 1, 2014) my twelve year old daugh­ter and I tried to fly to Salt Lake City from Phoenix for a spe­cial event of a loved one. We had to be there by 1:00 pm in order to be a part of the occa­sion. Every­thing was going as planned until we […]

City expands surveillance system to include private cameras of residents, businesses

This expand­ing “vol­un­tary” sur­veil­lance net­work is a pub­lic-pri­vate part­ner­ship, allow­ing police detec­tives access to video footage in most loca­tions only where crimes have already occured. Such net­works can­not guar­an­tee to pre­vent crime; they record crime. “Baltimore’s Citi­Watch video sur­veil­lance pro­gram has expand­ed over the past eight years from an ini­tial instal­la­tion of 50 stand­alone cam­eras to more than 600 net­worked closed-cir­cuit […]

Common Core: A Lesson Plan for Raising up Compliant, Non-thinking Citizens

John W. White­head, Founder, the Ruther­ford Institute As I point out in my new book, A Gov­ern­ment of Wolves: The Emerg­ing Amer­i­can Police State, there are sev­er­al meth­ods for con­trol­ling a pop­u­la­tion. You can intim­i­date the cit­i­zen­ry into obe­di­ence through force, rely­ing on mil­i­tary strength and weapon­ry such as SWAT team raids, mil­i­ta­rized police, and […]

Land of the Free – 1 in 3 Americans Are on File with the FBI in the U.S. Police State

This arti­cle illus­trates the tie-in between the behav­ior mod­i­fi­ca­tion and con­di­tion­ing meth­ods employed in our schools and the grow­ing police state, all designed to instill a pas­sive, com­pli­ant “herd” men­tal­i­ty into human beings in the New World Order.   The sick­en­ing trans­for­ma­tion of these Unit­ed States into an author­i­tar­i­an police state with an incar­cer­a­tion rate that would […]

Shielded from Justice: The High Cost of Living in a Police State

John W. White­head, Founder, the Ruther­ford Institute “It’s been over five months since the night a SWAT team broke into the house in which we were staying…We were stay­ing with rel­a­tives and my whole fam­i­ly was sleep­ing in one room. My hus­band and I, our three daugh­ters and our baby (nick­named “Baby Bou Bou”) in […]

EFF Launches Updated Know Your Rights Guide

If the police come knock­ing at your door, the con­sti­tu­tion offers you some pro­tec­tion. But the con­sti­tu­tion is just a piece of paper—if you don’t know how to assert your rights. And even if you do assert your rights…what hap­pens next? That answer may seem com­pli­cat­ed, but pro­tect­ing your­self is sim­ple if you know your […]

Should We Just Follow Orders? Rules of Engagement for Resisting the Police State

John W. White­head, Founder, the Ruther­ford Institute “Let your mot­to be resis­tance! resis­tance! Resis­tance! No oppressed peo­ple have ever secured their lib­er­ty with­out resistance.”—Abolitionist Hen­ry High­land Garnet The per­ils of resist­ing the police state grow more cost­ly with each pass­ing day, espe­cial­ly if you hope to escape with your life and prop­er­ty intact. The thing […]

Parallel Reconstruction

Judge Andrew P. Napolitano While the polit­i­cal com­men­ta­tors in the nation’s cap­i­tal are wrapped up in the debate over what to do about ISIS, and as one third of the Sen­ate and near­ly all mem­bers of the House cam­paign for re-elec­tion, the president’s spies con­tin­ue to cap­ture mas­sive amounts of per­son­al infor­ma­tion about hun­dreds of […]

Failure to pass US surveillance reform bill could still curtail NSA powers

If the Senate doesn’t pass the USA Freedom Act after the midterm elections, a key section of the Patriot Act could expire Two members of the US House of Representatives are warning that a failure to pass landmark surveillance reform will result in a far more drastic curtailment of US surveillance powers – one that […]

America’s Electronic Police State

Big Broth­er is not only watch­ing, but gath­er­ing more power The mod­ern sur­veil­lance state is referred to as an elec­tron­ic police state because it uses tech­nol­o­gy to mon­i­tor peo­ple in order to detect and pun­ish dis­sent. The author­i­ties exert social con­trol through spy­ing, harsh law enforce­ment, and by reg­u­lat­ing “priv­i­leges” such as the abil­i­ty to trav­el. […]


Think about that and then look around you. Glob­al­iza­tion is stan­dard­iza­tion of sys­tems.  In order to have a sin­gle gov­ern­ment, all of the sys­tems have to be the same.  The sys­tems have to be the same so that they can be mon­i­tored, mea­sured, and con­trolled, all at once.  Uni­for­mi­ty is a requirement. Sys­tems.  What are […]

Data surveillance centers: Crime fighters or ‘spy machines?’

STORY HIGHLIGHTS Oak­land, Cal­i­for­nia, debates cre­at­ing a one-stop shop for video/data surveillance Oppo­nents fear the abil­i­ty to track peo­ple with “the press of a but­ton” will threat­en civ­il liberties Cen­tral data sur­veil­lance pos­es seri­ous pri­va­cy ques­tions for mil­lions around the globe Oper­a­tions in Lon­don, Boston, Rio have result­ed in suc­cess stories (CNN) — Some res­i­dents of […]

Valiant TRUTH Warrior, Dr. Stan Monteith of Radio Liberty Passed Away – Monday, September 29, 2014

Dr. Stan­ley Monteith Dr. Stan Mon­tei­th, age 85, founder and radio pro­gram host of Radio Lib­er­ty, broad­cast­ing out of San­ta Cruz, Cal­i­for­nia, passed away Sep­tem­ber 29, 2014, of lym­phoma in a hos­pi­tal in San­ta Cruz, Cal­i­for­nia. He passed away peace­ful­ly sur­round­ed by his loved ones. Dr. Stan will be great­ly missed by his many radio fans […]

Police Enter Home, Confiscate Cellphone And Arrest Woman For Recording Them

The author does­n’t men­tion Agen­da 21, but that is what this is. “Com­mu­ni­ty edu­ca­tion” is guid­ing our youth and adults into com­pli­ance, rather than enlight­en­ment. K‑12 edu­ca­tion is not teach­ing the crit­i­cal, inde­pen­dent thought nec­es­sary for informed, inde­pen­dent action; our chil­dren are being taught to “feel” and act as a col­lec­tive, or hive. Amer­i­cans are […]

Singapore’s Precarious Surveillance State The Envy Of US Intelligence Agencies

Total Infor­ma­tion Aware­ness (TIA) is quite prob­a­bly the world’s largest sur­veil­lance pro­gram, cre­at­ed by the US Infor­ma­tion Aware­ness Office. TIA gath­ered up elec­tron­ic records — emails, phone logs, inter­net search­es, air­line reser­va­tions, hotel book­ings, cred­it card trans­ac­tions, med­ical reports — look­ing for  “pre-crime” indi­ca­tors, much as in the movie, Minor­i­ty Report. TIA oper­at­ed from Feb­ru­ary […]

How Do We Tell Our Children About the New World Order?

The Leave It To Beaver Era, When Times Were Simpler No Blue­print for Parenting America’s south­ern bor­der has dis­in­te­grat­ed. Ebo­la has entered Amer­i­ca, Rus­sia and NATO are mobi­liz­ing in and around Ukraine in what could be the begin­ning of World War III our econ­o­my is one slight push from free fall, we have for­eign troops, […]