Go to Prison for Sharing Files? That’s What Hollywood Wants in the Secret TPP Deal

The Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship agree­ment (TPP) pos­es mas­sive threats to users in a dizzy­ing num­ber of ways. It will force oth­er TPP sig­na­to­ries to accept the Unit­ed States’ exces­sive copy­right terms of a min­i­mum of life of the author plus 70 years, while lock­ing the US to the same lengths so it will be hard­er to […]

Superior Court (Alameda County) Rules in Favor of ABAG and One Bay Area

Lit­i­ga­tion Seeks to Pro­tect the Amer­i­can Form of Government In a result ori­ent­ed deci­sion, Alame­da Coun­ty Supe­ri­or Court Judge Eve­lio Gril­lo ruled against Free­dom Advo­cates and oth­ers in the war over pro­tect­ing Cities and Coun­ties from a trans­for­ma­tion of local gov­ern­ment (One Bay Area). The new form of gov­ern­ment in the San Fran­cis­co Bay Area […]

In a First, Government Acknowledges the Limits of Section 215

Fol­low­ing EFF’s vic­to­ry in a four-year Free­dom of Infor­ma­tion Act law­suit, the gov­ern­ment released an opin­ion (pdf), writ­ten by the Office of Legal Coun­sel (OLC) in 2010, that con­clud­ed that Sec­tion 215—the pro­vi­sion of the Patri­ot Act the NSA relies on to col­lect mil­lions of Amer­i­cans’ phone records—does have a lim­it: cen­sus data. The Com­merce Depart­ment […]

Samsung SmartTVs can collect and transmit spoken words, personal information, and sensitive data to 3rd party sources

NEW SMART TVS OFFER A WINDOW INTO YOUR LIFE Smart TVs may be get­ting too smart as some now actu­al­ly col­lect and trans­mit your spo­ken words, per­son­al infor­ma­tion, and sen­si­tive data to oth­er 3rd par­ty sources. In fact Sam­sung, a major elec­tron­ic man­u­fac­ture, admits that they “col­lect, use, share, and store infor­ma­tion through your SmartTV in […]

16-Year-Old Launches Organization to Battle Warrantless Surveillance

Bran­don Keibler, Founder and Direc­tor, Project Dig­i­tal Privacy Bran­don Keibler is just your ordi­nary 16-year-old from South­ern Indi­ana. At least that’s what some peo­ple might think. How­ev­er, hav­ing become an activist at four­teen and help­ing to estab­lish the Restore the Fourth orga­ni­za­tion, this young man has just launched an orga­ni­za­tion to encour­age grass­roots efforts aimed […]

Medical mafia calling for gunpoint quarantines of citizens who refuse vaccinations

Fed­er­al offi­cials want to order a quar­an­tine for a South Pasade­na woman and grad stu­dent whose sis­ter recent­ly con­tract­ed a case of measles at near­by Dis­ney­land, but she is resist­ing the push because, she says, she does­n’t have the disease. Twen­ty-six-year-old Ylsa Tellez’s younger sis­ter, 24-year-old Mau­ra Tellez, was one of more than two dozen […]

TSA to Require ‘Real ID’ with Background Checks for Domestic Flights

Real ID: gold star for good behav­ior; no report on the scar­let let­ter they’ll use to ID troublemakers. Real ID: gold star for good behav­ior; no report on the scar­let let­ter they’ll use to ID troublemakers. The TSA recent­ly announced they will require a spe­cial driver’s license to board domes­tic flights by 2016. These ‘Real IDs’ […]

The TSA Wants To Read Your Facebook Posts And Check Out Your Purchases Before It Will Approve You For PreCheck

from the ah,-now-I-understand-the-phrase-‘documented-citizen’ dept The TSA is dis­ap­point­ed that so few Amer­i­cans have opt­ed out of its bot­tle-toss­ing, pack­age-grop­ing screen­ings by sign­ing up for its PreCheck pro­gram. For a few years now, the TSA has been sell­ing trav­el­ers’ civ­il lib­er­ties back to them, most recent­ly for $85 a head, but it’s now mak­ing a seri­ous […]

In Response to EFF Lawsuit, Government Ordered to Release Secret Surveillance Court Documents Today

Update: The gov­ern­ment released two new FISC opin­ions this evening, both of which con­cern the tran­si­tion of NSA sur­veil­lance to the over­sight of the FISC in 2007. Nei­ther of the two doc­u­ments, avail­able here and here, is the Raw Take order or the 2008 FAA order. The gov­ern­ment has one addi­tion­al pro­duc­tion dead­line in this […]

How the UN Is Confiscating American Homes and Controlling All Food and Energy

In times of crises, the gov­ern­ment has proven, time and time again, that it can­not be count­ed on to ade­quate­ly pro­tect the Amer­i­can peo­ple. As the Amer­i­can peo­ple have not pre­pared for the com­ing dark days, they will be vul­ner­a­ble to star­va­tion, dehy­dra­tion, cholera, pan­demics and attacks from resource-defi­cient loot­ers. Will the gov­ern­ment be there […]

What You Can Learn from Oakland’s Raw ALPR Data

Pri­va­cy info. This embed will serve con­tent from youtube-nocookie.com Police cars mount­ed with auto­mat­ic license plate read­ers (ALPRs) wind their way through the streets of Oak­land like a “Snake” game on an old cell phone. Instead of eat­ing up pix­els of food, these cam­eras gob­ble down thou­sands of license plates each day. And instead of […]

Arkansas Takes Away 7 Homeschool Children because Father had Unapproved Mineral Supplement

FA Note: Lit­tle is heard today of what might be called “Sus­tain­able Med­i­cine”. It exists, but not specif­i­cal­ly with­in Agen­da 21. The Codex Ali­men­ta­r­ius Com­mis­sion was cre­at­ed by the UN, cov­er­ing all foods. The U.S. FDA’s pol­i­cy is that Codex super­sedes U.S. laws. Fur­ther­more, the U.S. pas­sage of CAFTA requires the U.S. to con­form to […]

Asset Forfeiture and the Cycle of Electronic Surveillance Funding

EFF Note: The bulk of the research in this post was com­piled pri­or to Attor­ney Gen­er­al Eric Hold­er’s sur­prise announce­ment that he is cur­tail­ing the fed­er­al equi­table shar­ing pro­gram. The post may be updat­ed as fur­ther ram­i­fi­ca­tions of the pol­i­cy deci­sion become clear. “You fol­low drugs, you get drug addicts and drug deal­ers. But you […]

Security is Not a Crime—Unless You’re an Anarchist

Rise­up, a tech col­lec­tive that pro­vides secu­ri­ty-mind­ed com­mu­ni­ca­tions to activists world­wide, sound­ed the alarm last month when a judge in Spain stat­ed that the use of their email ser­vice is a prac­tice, he believes, asso­ci­at­ed with terrorism. Javier Gómez Bermúdez is a judge of Audi­en­cia Nacional, a spe­cial high court in Spain that deals with […]

CHARTERS in the ESEA Re-authorization Bill!!!

Scott Walk­er’s Plan to Pri­va­tize Schools Ani­ta B. Hoge An Alert by Ani­ta Hoge https://goleftamerica.wildapricot.org/stop-charter-school-takeover “After cut­ting a bil­lion dol­lars from edu­ca­tion, Scott Walk­er and his GOP friends have achieved the goal sink­ing the edu­ca­tion­al poten­tial of Wis­con­sin Schools. On their first day back in ses­sion, Assem­bly Repub­li­cans seek­ing a free mar­ket solu­tion have intro­duced a bill […]

Welcome to the Matrix: Enslaved by Technology and the Internet of Things

John W. White­head, Founder, the Ruther­ford Institute “There will come a time when it isn’t ‘They’re spy­ing on me through my phone’ any­more. Even­tu­al­ly, it will be ‘My phone is spy­ing on me.’” ― Philip K. Dick If ever Amer­i­cans sell their birthright, it will be for the promise of expe­di­en­cy and com­fort deliv­ered by way […]

PEN America: “The Harm Caused by Surveillance…is Unmistakable”

PEN Amer­i­ca pub­lished a report this week sum­ma­riz­ing the find­ings from a recent sur­vey of 772 writ­ers around the world on ques­tions of sur­veil­lance and self-cen­sor­ship. The report, enti­tled “Glob­al Chill­ing: The Impact of Mass Sur­veil­lance on Inter­na­tion­al Writ­ers,” builds upon a late 2013 sur­vey of more than 500 US-based writ­ers con­duct­ed by the organization. […]

Congress authorizes federal government to collect and use all private communications by U.S. citizens

A House Repub­li­can is crit­i­ciz­ing a piece of leg­is­la­tion just passed by Con­gress as gross­ly uncon­sti­tu­tion­al because it essen­tial­ly gives the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment and local law enforce­ment “unlim­it­ed access to the com­mu­ni­ca­tions of every American.” As report­ed by InfoWars.com, Rep. Justin Amash of Wis­con­sin said he found a pas­sage in the Intel­li­gence Autho­riza­tion Act for […]

EFF in Court to Argue NSA Data Collection from Internet Backbone Is Unconstitutional

First Pub­lic Court Chal­lenge to “Upstream” Inter­net Spying Oak­land — The Elec­tron­ic Fron­tier Foun­da­tion (EFF) will argue on Fri­day before a fed­er­al court that the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Agency (NSA) is vio­lat­ing the Fourth Amend­ment by copy­ing and search­ing data that it col­lects by tap­ping into the Inter­net back­bone. The hear­ing on a motion for par­tial […]

Buffett’s Smart-Grid Idea Takes Over Your Washing Machine

(Bloomberg) — Vin­cent Thorn­ley, head of Siemens AG’s U.K. smart-grid research, talks about the role of smart grids in the future of ener­gy where a net­work can run house­hold appli­ances when pow­er is abun­dant and cheap. He spoke with Bloomberg’s Alex Webb in New­cas­tle, Eng­land. (Source: Bloomberg) FA Note: The Smart Grid is pro­mot­ed as […]

WA parents get custody of babies taken after unassisted births

(Pho­to: KING5 Staff) BELLINGHAM, Wash. — Three Belling­ham chil­dren tak­en from their par­ents by CPS are now home, but they are still under state protection. Eri­ca May Carey and Cleave Ren­go appeared in court on Fri­day. With­in an hour after the judge’s rul­ing, they picked up their 1‑year-old son and 8‑week-old twins from the Belling­ham CPS […]

CIA Chief (Petraeus): We’ll Spy on You Through Your Dishwasher

More and more per­son­al and house­hold devices are con­nect­ing to the inter­net, from your tele­vi­sion to your car nav­i­ga­tion sys­tems to your light switch­es. CIA Direc­tor David Petraeus can­not wait to spy on you through them. Ear­li­er this month (March, 2012), Petraeus mused about the emer­gence of an “Inter­net of Things” — that is, wired […]

Over 700 Million People Taking Steps to Avoid NSA Surveillance

There’s a new inter­na­tion­al sur­vey on Inter­net secu­ri­ty and trust, of “23,376 Inter­net users in 24 coun­tries,” includ­ing “Aus­tralia, Brazil, Cana­da, Chi­na, Egypt, France, Ger­many, Great Britain, Hong Kong, India, Indone­sia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mex­i­co, Nige­ria, Pak­istan, Poland, South Africa, South Korea, Swe­den, Tunisia, Turkey and the Unit­ed States.” Amongst the find­ings, 60% of Inter­net […]

The Greatest Christmas Present to America 2014

Your Gift From Ani­ta B Hoge (Source) A Link To Your Fed­er­al Grant in Your State Cre­at­ing A “Nation­al ID” When think­ing about the vio­la­tions of pri­va­cy that were exposed by Edward Snow­den for the NSA mon­i­tor­ing emails and phone con­ver­sa­tions.… Hon­est­ly! Snow­den’s release of this infor­ma­tion is child’s play com­pared to what the gov­ern­ment is col­lect­ing […]