(Montana Governor) Bullock Signs Tribal Water Rights Ratification Into Law – But More Rivers To Cross

Oppo­nents of the Flat­head trib­al water rights com­pact lis­ten to tes­ti­mo­ny against the com­pact at a 10-hour hear­ing Sat­ur­day before the House Judi­cia­ry Com­mit­tee at the Capi­tol. From left, in the front row, are Rep. Nan­cy Bal­lance, R‑Hamilton; Hele­na attor­ney Jon Metropou­los, who rep­re­sents both on- and off-reser­va­tion landown­ers, and Jer­ry Laskody of St. Ignatius. […]

Bad Guys Pushing THIS WEEK to Promote Global Tyranny Run By Corporations

Here’s How to STOP Them The pow­ers-that-be are push­ing this week to fast track a hor­ri­ble treaty which would destroy America. The treaty is called the Trans Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship (TPP). The U.S. Trade Rep­re­sen­ta­tive – the fed­er­al agency respon­si­ble for nego­ti­at­ing trade treaties – has said that the details of the TPP are clas­si­fied due to […]

Russia Says No to One-World Government

Promi­nent Amer­i­can con­ser­v­a­tive thinker and author William Lind explains why the West is gang­ing up on Russia Vic­tor Ole­vich: Almost a quar­ter cen­tu­ry has passed since the end of the Cold War. Yet, both Rus­sia and the West once again find them­selves at the precipice of a new Cold War. Why did Wash­ing­ton choose to […]

US Steel Warns Of Layoffs In Arkansas And Texas As Trans-Pacific Partnership Looms

FA Note: The last para­graph pro­vides a clue as to how mega-cor­po­ra­tions will prof­it from this “21st cen­tu­ry trade agreement”. Domes­tic pro­duc­ers have strug­gled amid a wave of Asian steel imports. In this pho­to, employ­ees at a steel fac­to­ry in Dalian, Chi­na. Reuters/China Daily Unit­ed States Steel Cor­po­ra­tion issued lay­off notices to 1,404 work­ers in the […]

Morris: Obama Sneaking in ‘Unrestricted Immigration’ in TPA Trade Deal

Mon­day on New­max TV’s “America’s Forum,” polit­i­cal com­men­ta­tor Dick Mor­ris said the Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship (TPA) fast track being sup­port­ed by many Repub­li­cans has a pro­vi­sion that allows for the “free flow of work­ers” between coun­tries, essen­tial­ly cre­at­ing a back­door to “unre­strict­ed immigration.” Mor­ris said, “This is huge. I hope every­body lis­ten­ing takes action call your […]

Deal Reached on Fast-Track Authority for Obama on Trade Accord

Before a Sen­ate Finance Com­mit­tee hear­ing on the trade pact Thurs­day: Sen­a­tor Robert Menen­dez, seat­ed at table, and stand­ing from left, Sen­a­tors Ben­jamin L. Cardin of Mary­land and Ron Wyden of Ore­gon; Trea­sury Sec­re­tary Jacob J. Lew; and Michael Fro­man, the Unit­ed States trade rep­re­sen­ta­tive. Cred­it Stephen Crowley/The New York Times           […]

Ways and Means of Sedition

FA Note: After pub­lish­ing her arti­cle, Vicky emailed the fol­low­ing comment: A thought just occurred to me… this would be a bril­liant strat­e­gy to pro­vide ter­ror­ist fund­ing in a dis­trib­uted and vir­tu­al­ly unstop­pable way because the courts would be enforc­ing the child sup­port decrees of for­eign tri­bunals — which includes the tri­bunals of the Imams.  Per­haps […]

RED ALERT!!! Idaho S.1067 – Stealth Ratification – End Run Around the Senate

Stealth Ratification – End Run Around the Senate RED ALERT!!! Ida­ho S.1067 – Stealth Rat­i­fi­ca­tion – End Run Around the Senate The Oba­ma Admin­is­tra­tion is REQUIRING ALL STATES to pass mod­el leg­is­la­tion writ­ten by the Uni­form Law Com­mis­sion in Chica­go that includes ref­er­ence to the Hague Con­ven­tion on the Inter­na­tion­al Recov­ery of Child Sup­port and Oth­er Forms of Fam­i­ly […]

US Agribusiness, GMOs and The Plundering Of The Planet

Small family/peasant farms pro­duce most of the world’s food. They form the bedrock of glob­al food pro­duc­tion. Yet they are being squeezed onto less than a quar­ter of the planet’s farm­land. The world is fast los­ing farms and farm­ers through the con­cen­tra­tion of land into the hands of rich and pow­er­ful land spec­u­la­tors and agribusi­ness corporations. […]

BREAKING: Legislation Launched to SHUT DOWN the UN’s Agenda

Sen­a­tor Jim Inhofe added an amend­ment to the Unit­ed Nations Arms Trade Treaty that would poten­tial­ly shut down parts of the Unit­ed Nations if the treaty were to pass. Pri­or to Inhofe’s amend­ment, Sen­a­tor Mike Crapo added an amend­ment to push back Obama’s Depart­ment of Jus­tice and their Oper­a­tion Choke Point. Oper­a­tion Choke Point was an over­reach of […]

Institutionalized Corruption in the Spotlight

By now, most peo­ple are aware that our gov­ern­ments – fed­er­al, state and local – are out of control.What is not so obvi­ous is that gov­ern­ments are out of con­trol because they are uncon­trol­lable due tothe insti­tu­tion­al struc­tures that have been imple­ment­ed over the last cen­tu­ry. The mis­sion and pur­pose of gov­ern­ment has been lost […]

Leaked TPP Investment Chapter Reveals Serious Threat to User Safeguards

A new­ly leaked chap­ter of the Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship (TPP) agree­ment from Wik­ileaks has con­firmed some of our worst fears about the agree­ment. The lat­est pro­vi­sions would enable multi­na­tion­al cor­po­ra­tions to under­mine pub­lic inter­est rules through an inter­na­tion­al tri­bunal process called investor-state dis­pute set­tle­ment (ISDS). Under this process, for­eign com­pa­nies can chal­lenge any new law or […]

Lamar vs. Aldous

NO WAY, ESEA! The ULTIMATE REVOLUTION ~Wrap-around health services ~Com­mu­ni­ty wel­fare “hubs” (Source) A 3D Research Report by a Grass­roots Mother Com­ing at us from every direc­tion.… Lamar Alexan­der’s blue­print for the Reau­tho­riza­tion of the ESEA agen­da is based on an old roadmap devel­oped by Aldous and Julian Hux­ley. Lamar’s agen­da can be sam­pled in these […]

Grassroots Response to Marc Tucker

No way, ESEA!   FOR THOSE AMERICANS WHO HAVE BEEN  LIVING ON MARS: THE MORE BILLIONS THE GOVERNMENT SPENDS ON EDUCATION THE MORE THE DECLINE IN TRADITIONAL ACADEMIC TEST SCORES $ee the ear­li­er post about MARC TUCKER of the CARNEGIE CORPORATION titled “Gov­er­nance” — Erad­i­ca­tion of Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Gov­ern­ment: Marc Tuck­er’s Good­bye to Your Rights and Free­doms.” Tuck­er’s […]

Obscure California Committee Moves to Expand How Police Access and Use DMV Photos

FA Note:  March­ing down DHS’ path from Real ID to Glob­al ID, glob­al data shar­ing and glob­al tracking. Atten­tion Cal­i­for­nia: the pri­va­cy and secu­ri­ty of your dri­ver licens­es are under threat from a new scheme to mas­sive­ly expand how pho­to IDs are shared and ana­lyzed by law enforce­ment agencies. Over the last few months, an […]

Common Core, Part 2

Part 2 of Dr. Den­nis Cud­dy’s “Com­mon Core” arti­cle series was post­ed today at NewsWith­Views: http://newswithviews.com/Cuddy/dennis307.htm. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Communist_Manifesto In today’s install­ment, Dr. Cud­dy writes, In 1848, the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO was pub­lished, includ­ing Plank No. 10, which pro­vid­ed for a “Com­bi­na­tion of edu­ca­tion with indus­tri­al pro­duc­tion” (a type of school-to-work approach). Nine years lat­er in 1857, the […]

Superintendent Confirms Common Core’s Pearson Spying on Kids’ Social Media Accounts

The super­in­ten­dent of the Watchung Hills Region­al High School Dis­trict in New Jer­sey has con­firmed that she sent an email to fel­low super­in­ten­dents Tues­day about her con­cern that edu­ca­tion pub­lish­ing giant Pear­son is “mon­i­tor­ing” children’s social media accounts for pos­si­ble leaks about the Com­mon Core-aligned PARCC tests. On Fri­day, Bob Braun, a for­mer lead­ing colum­nist for […]

Rising Enemy Within: Private Police Fits New World Order Script

First I want to say that many cor­po­rate (secu­ri­ty) sym­pa­thiz­ers tend to defend pri­vate polic­ing, but this arti­cle will debunk all their argu­ments and show how pri­vate polic­ing is the end-all end-game ulti­mate threat to free­dom in Amer­i­ca and human­i­ty as a whole, all in the name of pro­tect­ing cor­po­rate prof­its $ while work­ing hand […]

SHRM: “DHS Considering Cross-Border Trusted Employer Program with Canada”

By late 2015, the Unit­ed States plans to start a pilot aimed at mak­ing it cheap­er and quick­er for U.S. employ­ers to employ for­eign work­ers.  This has par­tic­u­lar impor­tance to the Canada‑U.S. bilat­er­al relationship–which real­ized “$632 bil­lion in total (two ways) goods trade dur­ing 2013.” All that trade means a sig­nif­i­cant num­ber of Cana­di­an work­ers […]

Stop The Fast Track To A Future Of Global Corporate Rule. The Dangers Underlying the TPP and TTIP “Trade Agreements”

Sev­er­al major inter­na­tion­al agree­ments are under nego­ti­a­tion which would great­ly empow­er multi­na­tion­al cor­po­ra­tions and the World Eco­nom­ic Forum is pro­mot­ing a new mod­el of glob­al gov­er­nance that cre­ates a hybrid gov­ern­ment-cor­po­rate struc­ture. Humankind is pro­ceed­ing on a path to glob­al cor­po­rate rule where transna­tion­al cor­po­ra­tions would not just influ­ence pub­lic pol­i­cy, they would write the […]

Healthy People 2020 and The Decade of Vaccines

FA Note:  Dr. Ten­pen­ney’s arti­cle below details what may be the most impor­tant prop­er­ty rights bat­tle we face. If we lose our nat­ur­al right to con­trol what hap­pens to our bod­ies, all oth­er “prop­er­ty” own­er­ship is illu­so­ry. The miss­ing ele­ment in this arti­cle is the vac­cine con­nec­tion to the Unit­ed Nations’ Glob­al Health ini­tia­tives, as tar­get­ed through […]

Southern California Edison layoffs get U.S. Senate attention

FA Ques­tion: How will for­eign (H‑1B) IT work­ers con­trol­ling our crit­i­cal infra­struc­ture main­tain the “secu­ri­ty” of the Smart Grid promised by DHS? South­ern Cal­i­for­nia Edis­on’s replace­ment of IT work­ers with H‑1B work­ers is get­ting atten­tion from one U.S. law­mak­er who is in a posi­ton to influ­ence immi­gra­tion law. Sen. Jeff Ses­sions (R‑Ala.), who heads the Sen­ate’s immi­gra­tion […]

The White House Has Gone Full Doublespeak on Fast Track and the TPP

Sen. Ron Wyden and Sen. Orrin Hatch are now in a stand-off over a bill that would put secre­tive trade deals like the Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship (TPP) agree­ment on the Fast Track to pas­sage through Con­gress. The White House mean­while, has inten­si­fied their pro­pa­gan­da cam­paign, going so far as to mis­lead the pub­lic about how trade […]

Supreme Court Rules that Cops Do Not Need a Warrant to Search Your Home

In anoth­er dev­as­tat­ing blow to free­dom, the Supreme Court ruled Tues­day that police don’t need a war­rant to search your prop­er­ty. As long as two occu­pants dis­agree about allow­ing offi­cers to enter, and the res­i­dent who refus­es access is then arrest­ed, police may enter the residence. “Instead of adher­ing to the war­rant require­ment,” Gins­burg wrote, […]