Common Core “Mental Health”

The Death of the Conscience UNESCO’S LONG- PLANNED MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM ARRIVES! Eighty years in the mak­ing! This is an old agen­da. And you may find its roots disturbing! Pres­i­dent Oba­ma has announced “Now is the time to do some­thing about gun vio­lence” and includes “men­tal health” as one of its tenets. Notice […]

Common Core: A Lesson Plan for Raising up Compliant, Non-thinking Citizens

John W. White­head, Founder, the Ruther­ford Institute As I point out in my new book, A Gov­ern­ment of Wolves: The Emerg­ing Amer­i­can Police State, there are sev­er­al meth­ods for con­trol­ling a pop­u­la­tion. You can intim­i­date the cit­i­zen­ry into obe­di­ence through force, rely­ing on mil­i­tary strength and weapon­ry such as SWAT team raids, mil­i­ta­rized police, and […]

Common Core Mental Cruelty

STRAIGHT OUT OF A SOVIET COMMUNIST TEXTBOOK! Watch this video in the arti­cle post­ed HERE “The kids who come to us are a clean slate.… It’s the adults who have to be retrained.” Read the fol­low­ing arti­cle and learn how par­ents are being retrained — but not just in math skills! “Com­mon Core math can be […]

“Common Core on a Global Scale”   

Welcome to the GLOBAL COMMONS! COMMON CORE MAY BE MORE COMMON (COMMUNIST) THAN HAS BEEN ADMITTED! Read the fol­low­ing excerpt from an arti­cle, “Com­mon Core Not State Led – Here’s Proof: Who’s Look­ing Out for Our Kids?” pub­lished Octo­ber 24, 2014: Back in 2002 the US Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion, with help from Bill Gates (Microsoft […]

Hundreds of US schools now participating in program led by ‘ISIS supporting’ Qatari government

WASHINGTON, D.C. – More than 300 K‑12 schools in Amer­i­ca have joined Pres­i­dent Obama’s Con­nect All Schools ini­tia­tive since its launch­ing in March of 2011. The ini­tia­tive, which seeks to “con­nect every school in the US with the world by 2016,” is a part­ner­ship of the US Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion, US Depart­ment of State, and Qatar […]

Climate Activists Tout Effectiveness Of School Brainwashing

Cli­mate change activists are tout­ing new evi­dence demon­strat­ing the effec­tive­ness of edu­ca­tion­al pro­grams that seek to trans­form Amer­i­can school­child­ren into anti-car­bon activists through the pow­er of ani­ma­tion and freestyle rapping. The Alliance for Cli­mate Edu­ca­tion (ACE) is a non-prof­it orga­ni­za­tion that seeks to edu­cate stu­dents on cli­mate sci­ence and inspire them to take col­lec­tive action […]

The Common Core Method

Free or Not Free? That is the question! Note the Skin­ner­ian lan­guage inher­ent in this book’s title:PROGRAMMED LEARNING: EVOLVING PRINCIPLES AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS (Foun­da­tion for Research on Human Behav­ior: Ann Arbor, Mich., 1961) edit­ed by Jerome P. Lysaught (see blog post ear­li­er on this topic). From a chap­ter authored by Robert Glaser apt­ly titled “Prin­ci­ples of Programming”: […]

“Humanistic Cesspools”

Day 31: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files The ulti­mate trou­ble with Skinnerian  “sci­en­tif­ic, research-based” standards, out­come-based methods, and “com­mon core” results   Who were these chil­dren?How were they the sub­jects of a “sci­en­tif­ic, research-based” study?[1] If we as par­ents and cit­i­zens believe that the same “sci­en­tif­ic, research-based” standards[2] applied to research in edu­ca­tion and psy­chol­o­gy are those applied […]

Shaping Mankind’s Behavior

Day 30 : Skinner Horror Files The Hor­ri­ble Truth Comes Out!  In 1982, just as the Skin­ner­ian machine was rolling full-speed ahead into the class­rooms of Amer­i­ca, THE COMPLETE WORKS OF FRANCIS A. SCHAEFFER: A CHRISTIAN WORLDVIEW was published.[1] In a trea­tise enti­tled “A Chris­t­ian View of Phi­los­o­phy and Cul­ture: Back to Free­dom and Dig­ni­ty,” not­ed […]

Hornbeck’s Horrors

Day 29: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files Part 2: Trick or Treat? As men­tioned in yes­ter­day’s post, David Horn­beck­’s “draft” plan for Iowa’s edu­ca­tion trans­for­ma­tion ini­tia­tive, leaked to the press and dat­ed Sep­tem­ber 19, 1990, told the whole sto­ry. It was a most com­pre­hen­sive expla­na­tion of the Skin­ner­ian total­i­tar­i­an sys­tem applied to society. For the next 25 years Horn­beck […]

Skinner Arrives on Your Doorstep

Day 28: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files Trick or Treat? In the Fall of 1990 a doc­u­ment was pre­ma­ture­ly leaked to the Iowa pub­lic. This doc­u­ment was a land­mark guide to under­stand­ing the direc­tion that edu­ca­tion reform would take in the decades to come. It was nev­er intend­ed to be reviewed by the pub­lic, but was sup­posed to remain […]

Opting Out as the Remedy May Mean Accidentally Accelerating Nonconsensual Transformations

Did you notice that trans­for­ma­tions is plur­al? That added ‘s’ is  not a case of ear­ly morn­ing hyper typ­ing. As I have men­tioned numer­ous times with sub­stan­tial evi­dence in my book Cre­den­tialed to Destroy and this blog, we can­not sep­a­rate out the end goals in our real world from the inten­tion of using edu­ca­tion to […]

Massachusetts Public Schools Teaching the Shahada: ‘There Is No God But Allah’

This is an out­rage, but expect­ed and exact­ly what I warned of in my book, Stop the Islamiza­tion of Amer­i­ca: A Prac­ti­cal Guide to the Resis­tance, in the chap­ter “The Mosque­ing of the Pub­lic Schools.” The sha­ha­da that the chil­dren are forced to recite in Mass­a­chu­setts pub­lic schools is the Mus­lim pro­fes­sion of faith (“there […]

“We Can No Longer Afford Freedom”

Day 27: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files B.F. Skin­ner’s Legacy I am not the only one who has writ­ten the his­to­ry of edu­ca­tion reform. Dr. Den­nis [Cud­dy] wrote an excel­lent book in 1993 titled Chronol­o­gy of Edu­ca­tion With Quotable Quotes. Below is his warn­ings about B.F. Skinner: 1948: Walden II by B. F. Skin­ner (1972 Human­ist of the […]

Totalitarian Data-Gathering

Day 26: SKINNER HORROR FILES Behav­ioral Psy­chol­o­gy and the Inva­sion of Your Child’s Privacy Ben­jamin Bloom The fol­low­ing alarm­ing infor­ma­tion comes from Appen­dix XVI in my book, an arti­cle titled “Total­i­tar­i­an Data-Gath­er­ing Sys­tem Pre­pared by U.S. Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion” by Samuel Blu­men­feld.* You can read his arti­cle in its entire­ty by going to my web­site: […]

Common Core and Agenda 21

Bill Gates, the Unit­ed Nations, and the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion have been try­ing with all they’re worth to nation­al­ize, along the lines of Unit­ed Nations Glob­al­iza­tion stan­dards of edu­ca­tion under the guise of Com­mon Core. Many of the major schemes dri­ving these very deeply dis­turb­ing “stan­dards” was over­looked. It’s not­ed, offi­cial UN doc­u­ments and state­ments by […]

Authoritarian FantasyLand: A Place With Required Habits of Mind but Disdain for Facts

Back from my jaunt this week to Orange Coun­ty, Cal­i­for­nia to talk about all the things com­ing into K‑12 class­rooms under the cloak­ing ban­ner of the Com­mon Core. Since I was tak­ing notes on Mon­day night and the pro-CC side zeal­ous­ly con­ced­ed a great deal in their pre­pared pre­sen­ta­tions, I thought we would talk about […]

The ABCs of Rat Psychology

Day 25: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files Behav­ioral Psy­chol­o­gy Explained   Albert Ban­dura The fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion is from Jed Brown’s report “The ‘Skin­ner Box’ School” which is repro­duced in its entire­ty as Appen­dix XX in my book the delib­er­ate dumb­ing down of amer­i­ca. This will be very help­ful for those who have nev­er been taught about behav­ioral psy­chol­o­gy. […]


DAY 24: SKINNER HORROR FILES Skin­ner’s Ero­sion of Privacy LAWRENCE P. GRAYSON OF THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF Edu­ca­tion, wrote “Edu­ca­tion, Tech­nol­o­gy, and Indi­vid­ual Pri­va­cy” (ECTJ, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 195–208) in 1976. The fol­low­ing are some excerpts from this impor­tant paper which serves as a clear warn­ing regard­ing the indis­crim­i­nate […]

The 2008 Common Core Sales Job: Part Three FROM DR. MERCEDES SCHNEIDER

Mer­cedes Schnei­der, PhD In 2008, the Nation­al Gov­er­nors Asso­ci­a­tion (NGA), the Coun­cil of Chief State School Offi­cers (CCSSO), and Achieve, Inc., released a report, Bench­mark­ing for Suc­cess: Ensur­ing U.S. Stu­dents Receive a World-class Edu­ca­tion. I have exam­ined this report in two pre­vi­ous posts.  In  Part One of my series on this report, I con­sid­ered the report’s absence of dis­cus­sions […]


Just a few days ago the Mia­mi Her­ald, Flori­da, news­pa­per ran a sto­ry head­lined: Law­mak­ers To Con­sid­er Ban­ning Bio­met­rics in Schools.  The Pinel­las Coun­ty school dis­trict start­ed using bio­met­rics (iris scans, fin­ger­print scans, and palm readers…not the ones wear­ing tur­bans and ear­rings…) in the school cafe­te­rias.  When the Polk and Semi­nole Coun­ty school dis­tricts insti­tut­ed […]

“Common Core is a distraction”

Lib­er­tar­i­an Can­di­date Quotes Charlotte! We inter­rupt the cur­rent Skin­ner Hor­ror Files series to announce that the Lib­er­tar­i­an can­di­date for gov­er­nor in New York state has just quot­ed Char­lotte in his oppo­si­tion to char­ter schools! Go to: Start lis­ten­ing at 36 min­utes. The sub­ject is Com­mon Core. Below is a transcript: 38.20 Michael McDer­mott, Lib­er­tar­i­an […]

Performance-based Teacher Education:

Day 23: SKINNER HORROR FILES Teach­ing the way it used to be before per­for­mance-based out­comes on a predi­gest­ed learn­ing tools Over the years one has seen the depar­ture of many tal­ent­ed teach­ers who have left the pro­fes­sion due to Skin­ner­ian Per­for­mance-based Teacher Edu­ca­tion. Teach­ing used to be a joy­ful job in a cre­ative envi­ron­ment where stu­dents thrived […]

Land of the Free – 1 in 3 Americans Are on File with the FBI in the U.S. Police State

This arti­cle illus­trates the tie-in between the behav­ior mod­i­fi­ca­tion and con­di­tion­ing meth­ods employed in our schools and the grow­ing police state, all designed to instill a pas­sive, com­pli­ant “herd” men­tal­i­ty into human beings in the New World Order.   The sick­en­ing trans­for­ma­tion of these Unit­ed States into an author­i­tar­i­an police state with an incar­cer­a­tion rate that would […]