Welcome to the GLOBAL COMMONS!
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http://unesco.org/new/fileadmin/MULTIMEDIA/HQ/CI/CI/pdf/strategy_microsoft_agreement.pdf |
Read the following excerpt from an article, “Common Core Not State Led – Here’s Proof: Who’s Looking Out for Our Kids?” published October 24, 2014:
Back in 2002 the US Department of Education, with help from Bill Gates (Microsoft Corp), Steve Jobs (Apple), AOL Time Warner, Dell Computer. Cable in the Classrooms, Cisco Systems and the National Education set up an organization called; Partnership for 21st Century Skills or P21.org for short. I originally found p21.org from a link on the teachUNICEF website.. Yep UNICEF is still part of the United Nations The link was titled: Have you seen the Partnership for 21st Century Skills’ new report on Global Education? Among other things I found on the site were articles titled A Framework For State Action on Global Education and P21 has embarked on a year long project to redefine and reimagine 21st century citizenship,
So we have what appears to be a Non Government Organization, set up by some huge corporations and the US Department of Education to promote something that sounds a whole lot like Common Core on a Global Scale..[punctuation in original, links deleted]
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page 2 UNESCO agreement |
This agenda is nothing new! The following quote from an article in the May 14, 1984 issue of The Washington Post entitled “Industrial Policy Urged for GOP” sheds some light on behind-the-scenes activities which have led to acceptance of corporate-fascist workforce training necessary for a planned economy:
A conservative study group founded by supporters of President Reagan is about to issue a report that advocates Republicans shed some of their deep-rooted antipathy to a planned economy. The “Industrial Policy Debate” is to be issued today by the Institute for Contemporary Studies, a think tank founded by Presidential Counselor Edwin Meese, Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger, and other Reagan supporters. [From my book, p. 328]
I, Charlotte, was the liaison from the U.S. Dept. of Education to the White House Private Sector Initiative. At the first meeting at the White House I inquired of an official involved with the Initiative, “Isn’t this “corporate fascism?” The response was “I don’t think anyone has looked at it that way.”
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UNESCO agreement, p. 4 |
Congratulations to those who unearthed documentation proving that Common Core is an international UN/UNESCO/CERI/OECD/Chamber of Commerce beast. (Maine’s Common Core, in 1989, was referred to as an international model.)
The only way to get rid of Common Core is to get rid of several beasts, including the No. 1 beast, which Reagan promised to get rid of: the U.S. Department of Education. He was elected running on that platform! Some day we might even considering withdrawing from the United Nations?!
Wasting time on nit-picking the Common Core standards is a huge diversion from the Trojan Horse, tax-funded school choice, including charter schools with unelected boards, which will destroy ALL public, private, religious and home school education, effectively putting education under UNESCO. This amounts to taxation without representation.