Western lawmakers gather in Utah to talk federal land takeover

April 20 2014 It’s time for West­ern states to take con­trol of fed­er­al lands with­in their bor­ders, law­mak­ers and coun­ty com­mis­sion­ers from West­ern states said at Utah’s Capi­tol on Friday. More than 50 polit­i­cal lead­ers from nine states con­vened for the first time to talk about their joint goal: wrest­ing con­trol of oil‑, tim­ber ‑and min­er­al-rich […]

Agenda 21?

April 15, 2014 Most peo­ple have nev­er heard of Agen­da 21. If they have heard of it, they like­ly believe it to be a vague Unit­ed Nations pro­gram that will nev­er see the light of day, or they believe it is imag­ined by con­spir­a­cy the­o­rists. Yet, the prin­ci­ples con­tained in Agen­da 21 are at the heart […]

Local communities face onslaught from self-anointed planners

April 25, 2014 A grow­ing num­ber of ini­tia­tives by elit­ist orga­ni­za­tions, work­ing hand-in-glove with local kin­dred spir­its, is trans­form­ing once-self-gov­ern­ing com­mu­ni­ties into instru­ments of envi­ron­men­tal polit­i­cal correctness. Cloaked in the man­tle of pro­vid­ing for “sus­tain­able” or “liv­able” com­mu­ni­ties, these pro­grams include such fash­ion­able ideas as “open space,” “her­itage areas,” “view sheds,” ”smart growth,” “clean ener­gy,” and […]

The Mind of the Time

I’ve been review­ing all of the doc­u­men­ta­tion I have on the infil­tra­tion of our coun­try by the Com­mu­nist Chi­nese gov­ern­ment behind front com­pa­nies in con­nec­tion with Har­ry Reid, the Bundy Ranch, solar farms, cat­tle rustling by the BLM — all of it.  Every time I do this kind of back­ward review of where my research […]

Turning the Twin Cities into Sim City

Turn­ing the Twin Cities Into Sim City The Met­ro­pol­i­tan Coun­cil’s plans include mak­ing sure there is a prop­er mix of races and incomes in each suburb. May 19, 2014 Wall Street Journal Min­neapo­lis Here in the Twin Cities, a hand­ful of unelect­ed bureau­crats are gear­ing up to impose their vision of the ide­al soci­ety on the near­ly […]

So we are paying them to take away our water rights?

April 19, 2014 “You say the Indi­an Water Com­pact requires Mon­tanans to pay the Indi­ans $55 mil­lion to take our water. Don’t you mean instead that the Indi­ans are pay­ing the state of Mon­tana $55 mil­lion for our water rights?” “No,” the leg­is­la­tor sup­port­ing the com­pact replied, “the Indi­ans get $55 mil­lion to ‘imple­ment’ the con­di­tions […]

Local Government Implementation of Agenda 21

Local Government Implementation of Agenda 21   April 1997 Local Gov­ern­ment Imple­men­ta­tion of Agen­da 21 was pre­pared by ICLEI for the Earth Coun­cil’s Rio+5 Forum (April 13–19, 1997 — Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), for the 5th Ses­sion of the UN Com­mis­sion on Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment, and for the UN Gen­er­al Assem­bly’s “Earth Summit+5” Spe­cial Session. ICLEI is […]

Sad news on the Northern Yellowstone elk herd.

Year — Elk Population 2013 2,083 with not a sin­gle calf surviving. 2012 3,915 2011 4,174 2010 4,635 2009 6,070 2008 6,279 2007 6,738 2006 6,588 2005 9,545 2004 8,335 2003-02 9,215 2001 11,969 2000 13,400 (pri­or to late sea­son elk hunt) 1999 14,538 (pri­or to late sea­son elk hunt) 1998 11,742 1997 no count taken 1996 no […]

Sochi 2014 – A ‘Rich Green Legacy’ to Remember … or Forget?

Since the late 1990s, the Inter­na­tion­al Olympic Com­mit­tee (IOC) has been com­mit­ted to sus­tain­able devel­op­ment. Since the Agen­da for the Olympic Move­ment in the 21st Cen­tu­ry (Agen­da 21) was adopt­ed in 1999, the envi­ron­ment has become the third pil­lar of the Olympic move­ment, along with sport and culture. The IOC works close­ly with the Unit­ed […]

Charter Schools

Char­ter schools are nec­es­sary for Carnegie Cor­po­ra­tion’s imple­men­ta­tion of its 1934 plan to change our cap­i­tal­ist eco­nom­ic sys­tem to a planned economy. Please read all my arti­cles on char­ter schools at http://newswithviews.com and go to the trail­er for “Expos­ing the Glob­al Road to Ruin through Edu­ca­tion,” which cov­ers the first con­fer­ence of same title in […]

Trans-Pacific Partnership, Agenda 21 and Redistribution of Wealth via EO and Cap & Trade

Yet anoth­er grand deci­sion by this admin­is­tra­tion, in which the Unit­ed States Con­gress has had no say, is the Trans-Pacif­ic Partnership. From left are Nao­to Kan (Japan), Nguyen Minh Tri­et (Viet­nam), Julia Gillard (Aus­tralia), Sebastián Piñera (Chile), Lee Hsien Loong (Sin­ga­pore), Barack Oba­ma (Unit­ed States), John Key (New Zealand), Has­sanal Bolki­ah (Brunei), Alan Gar­cía (Peru), […]

How Does UN Agenda 21 Become Embedded in City/Town Policies?

The YouTube below was pro­duced to com­bat the City of Tuc­son’s Propo­si­tion 402 (on the Novem­ber, 2013 bal­lot)  — a pro­posed gen­er­al plan revi­sion pro­mot­ed as “Plan Tuc­son” (aka “City of Tuc­son Gen­er­al & Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Plan 2013”). This ~5 minute video is use­ful as it out­lines one wom­an’s research and effort to edu­cate her fel­low […]