Cells of Insurrection

In what kind of twist­ed world would Oath Keep­ers – Oath Keep­ers to the Con­sti­tu­tion of the Unit­ed States, be con­sid­ered domes­tic ter­ror­ists? That’s the ques­tion that was asked last week in an inter­view with Stew­art Rhodes, Founder and Pres­i­dent of Oath Keepers. After lis­ten­ing to the inter­view, I thought I should check to see […]

Population Control via Water Control

Dr. Kate Vandemoer Dr. Kate Van­de­mo­er out­lines the Fed­er­al grab for con­trol of water out West. One does not need to achieve a very high lev­el of edu­ca­tion to real­ize that water is the bio­log­i­cal basis for all of mankind, and our most valu­able and nec­es­sary resource. In fact, very few peo­ple read­ing this would sur­vive […]

When the Time Comes We’ll Need to Step Up the Fight Against TPP’s Secret, Anti-User Agenda

If you missed our live teach-in yes­ter­day on the Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship (TPP) agree­ment and its restric­tive, anti-user pro­vi­sions, you can still check out the video of our dis­cus­sion. It’s embed­ded below. We invit­ed experts from dig­i­tal rights groups from sev­er­al TPP countries—all mem­bers of the Fair Deal Coali­tion—and we dis­cussed the var­i­ous ways this mas­sive, […]

Plan Bay Area – A Shocking Theft Of Our Democracy

Our local media has been drop­ping broad, con­fus­ing hints about some­thing big, some­thing immi­nent, com­ing to the greater Bay Area. A front page arti­cle in the San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle in March 2013, titled “Hard Choic­es for a grow­ing S.F.” begins, “San Fran­cis­co res­i­dents will be get­ting thou­sands of new neigh­bors in the next 30 years, and […]

EPA regs to increase Vermonters’ gas and electric bills by $880

By 2020, the aver­age annu­al house­hold gas and elec­tric bill in Ver­mont will increase by more than $880, thanks to the Oba­ma administration’s pro­pos­al to reg­u­late car­bon diox­ide emis­sions from U.S. pow­er plants. COST OF GOING GREEN: New car­bon reg­u­la­tions from the EPA will cause Ver­mon­ters’ res­i­den­tial gas and elec­tric bills to rise 36 per­cent […]

The Medusa System

Inter­na­tion­al Legal and Reg­u­la­to­ry Sys­tem is the Medusa Since Oba­ma is going to make his big announce­ment tonight con­cern­ing his 10 Point Plan for Immi­gra­tion reform, I thought I’d bet­ter find out pre­cise­ly what the plan entails. I only need­ed to read one arti­cle on Fox News to know exact­ly what this is about because […]

“Free Trade” Agreements Are Criminalising Farmers’ Seeds for the Benefit of Multinational Corporations

FA Note:  GRAIN is a small inter­na­tion­al non-prof­it organ­i­sa­tion that works to sup­port small farm­ers and social move­ments in their strug­gles for com­mu­ni­ty-con­trolled and bio­di­ver­si­ty-based food systems. What could be more rou­tine than sav­ing seeds from one sea­son to the next? After all, that is how we grow crops on our farms and in our […]

PRESS RELEASE: ESA Protection Sought For Imperiled Yellowstone Bison

Peer-reviewed research shows Yel­low­stone wolves pick their prey based on pack size  FA Note:   Both wolves and griz­zly bears are “Key­stone” species, intro­duced and/or “man­aged” to estab­lish and main­tain “healthy” ecosys­tems and pop­u­la­tions; pop­u­la­tions that kill and eat bison. Also, the Yel­low­stone bison herd was enlarged with pri­vate herd stock intro­duced by the U.S. Army in 1902. Buf­fa­lo Field Cam­paign and […]

Population reduction white paper argues that the killing of 2 billion people still isn’t enough

In the mod­ern era, uber-left wing aca­d­e­mics who view envi­ron­men­tal­ism as a reli­gion and take on blind faith that the world is being destroyed by the infes­ta­tion of human beings have long con­sid­ered and dis­cussed how best to achieve “pop­u­la­tion con­trol” and even pop­u­la­tion reduction. Most have been care­ful not to actu­al­ly state what it […]

The matter of Psychological Warfare

Stephen L. Wilmeth Tyranny of the Crown The mat­ter of Psy­cho­log­i­cal Warfare Per­vert­ed Laws Two years ago we watched with alarm and dread as the EPA case played out against the Ida­ho cou­ple attempt­ing to build their dream house on the Priest Lake shore. Uni­lat­er­al­ly, the EPA deter­mined the lot the cou­ple had pur­chased was a wet­land. […]


Nec­es­sary for the shift from academics  to lim­it­ed learn­ing for life­long labor “It is one of the happy incidents of the federal system that a single courageous state may, if its citizens choose, serve as a laboratory; and try novel social and economic experiments without risk to the rest of the country.” — Justice Louis Brandeis, […]

Leading Scientists, Over 200 Groups and Companies Call for Monarch Protection

FA note:  Listing the Monarch butterfly under the Endangered Species Act would have a significant impact over much of the United States, especially considering their fall migration pattern.  Monarch But­ter­fly Fall Migra­tion Pat­terns. Base map source: USGS Nation­al Atlas. Broad Coali­tion Sup­ports Peti­tion to Pro­tect Monarch But­ter­flies as Threat­ened under Endan­gered Species Act WASHINGTON—(ENEWSPF)–November 13, 2014. […]

Gunnison sage grouse gets federal protection

Gun­ni­son sage grouse, (AP Photo/Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Dave Showalter) Fed­er­al offi­cials grant­ed pro­tec­tion to the Gun­ni­son sage grouse on Wednes­day, a move that could bring restric­tions on oil and gas drilling and oth­er activ­i­ty to pre­serve the bird’s habi­tat in parts of Col­orado and Utah. Col­orado Gov. John Hick­en­loop­er imme­di­ate­ly renewed the state’s threat to […]

“Waters of the United States” — the ultimate power grab

Comment from FA: “Centralized control over water and the abolition of private property rights to water are a core purpose of Agenda 21 policy making. The examples of a thrust toward this end from both federal and state governments are accelerating.” The Clean Water Act pro­hibits cer­tain dis­charges to “nav­i­ga­ble waters” with­out a fed­er­al per­mit.  […]

How & Why Wildlife Myths Are Born or Romance Biology as Propaganda

Jim Beers is a retired Refuge Man­ag­er, Spe­cial Agent, & Wildlife Biol­o­gist U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service A news arti­cle from a sub­urb of Toron­to, Cana­da has just crossed my desk. A lady was get­ting her paper on her dri­ve­way as her two dogs frol­icked (and were prob­a­bly con­cen­trat­ing on oth­er things like their toi­lette) […]

STOP the Pacific Crest Trail Land Grab

Pacific Crest Trail Proposal Seeks to Steal Your Lands Stew­ards of the Sequoia are peo­ple who enjoy all types of recre­ation includ­ing: Off Road Vehi­cles, Moun­tain Bikes, Horse Rid­ing, Hik­ing, Hunt­ing, Fish­ing, Camp­ing, Wind­surf­ing, Boat­ing, Rock Climb­ing and more.…. See Stew­ards “Who We Are” video. We put our time and sweat into the trails we love […]

Dianne Feinstein proposes California national monuments

Piece by piece, filling in the Wildlands Network, and closing off America to Americans   Sen. Dianne Fein­stein relaunched a pro­pos­al to cre­ate two nation­al mon­u­ments on more than 1 mil­lion acres across the Cal­i­for­nia desert, say­ing her revised bill would set aside sev­er­al areas for off-road vehi­cles and ener­gy projects while pre­serv­ing oth­er areas […]

District Court Strikes Down Endangered Species Protections For Exceeding The Scope Of Federal Power

This after­noon (Novem­ber 5, 2014) a dis­trict court in Utah held that the fed­er­al pro­hi­bi­tion against “tak­ing” Utah prairie dogs — list­ed as “threat­ened” under the Endan­gered Species Act — exceeds the scope of fed­er­al pow­er under the Com­merce and Nec­es­sary and Prop­er claus­es. Here is how Judge Dee Ben­son sum­ma­rized his con­clu­sion in Peo­ple for the […]

Salem’s Intergovernmental Agreement with SW Oregon

 A case of Regionalism: Southern Oregon is induced into a Regional plan. Regionalism is the political restructure designed to abolish local government autonomy. It is implemented through orders and extortions from above leading ultimately to a unelected and unaccountable government that directs soviet-style implementation of policy. The 1/2 hour video below records the Josephine County […]

The Government Is Controlling Private Property to Save Frog Species Not Seen in 50 Years

dusky gopher frog The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser­vice (USFWS) is seek­ing to pro­tect the dusky gopher frog on the Endan­gered Species List by des­ig­nat­ing over 1,500 acres of pri­vate prop­er­ty in St. Tam­many Parish, Louisiana as a “crit­i­cal habi­tat” for the embat­tled amphibian. But here’s the kick­er: The frog hasn’t been seen on the […]

Property Rights at Stake in EPA’s Water Power Grab

Thanks to the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment, it soon may become far more dif­fi­cult to use and enjoy pri­vate prop­er­ty. The Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency and the Army Corps of Engi­neers want to make a water—and land—grab that should scare everyone. Under the Clean Water Act, the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has juris­dic­tion over “nav­i­ga­ble waters,” which the statute fur­ther […]

“Taxation Must Go Global,” Says German Finance Minister

Wolf­gang Schauble, Ger­man Finance Minister In one of the bluntest state­ments on the top­ic by any glob­al­ist thus far, con­tro­ver­sial Ger­man Finance Min­is­ter Wolf­gang Schäu­ble (shown) open­ly called for “glob­al stan­dards” and “glob­al gov­er­nance” in tax­a­tion to ensure that gov­ern­ments can con­tin­ue extract­ing huge sums in tax­es from the wealth-pro­duc­ing class in per­pe­tu­ity. In an […]

It’s Not Fearmongering or a Conspiracy Theory when Elitists Are on Record for 95% of the Population to be Eliminated

“If I were rein­car­nat­ed I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to low­er human pop­u­la­tion lev­els.” ‑Prince Phillip, Duke of Edin­burgh, leader of the World Wildlife Fund Recent­ly, we have post­ed a cou­ple of arti­cles at D.C. Clothes­line that ques­tion the nar­ra­tive of the cur­rent Ebo­la out­break. D.C. Clothes­line is […]

Secret Gopher Map Reveals Washington Agency’s Power

Fifth in a series on a new ESA list­ing. The author states there may be more com­ing in this series. A secret 2013 Wash­ing­ton Depart­ment of Fish and Wildlife map that was acci­den­tal­ly placed in Thurston Coun­ty Plan­ning‘s pub­lic files has been obtained by Watch­dog Wire.  The map pur­ports to show loca­tions of the new­ly […]