Bureaucrat Man saves the day again

You may not have real­ized it, but you are reg­u­lar­ly being swin­dled by your wash­ing machine. That’s right. Accord­ing to Bureau­crat Man, by using too much ener­gy your wash­ing machine is steal­ing mon­ey from you each month. Of course you already have the option to buy a more ener­gy effi­cient wash­ing machine to save your­self mon­ey. […]

Advocates seek grizzly re-introductions

An advo­ca­cy group has peti­tioned the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser­vice to rein­tro­duce griz­zly bears into the Sel­way-Bit­ter­root area of Ida­ho and Montana. The Cen­ter for Bio­log­i­cal Diver­si­ty said Thurs­day that it hopes to revive a stalled recov­ery plan for the ani­mals that was final­ized in 2000. The group says hav­ing bears in the Sel­way-Bit­ter­root would […]

Seven Reasons Why Plan Bay Area is Illegal & Bad Policy for California

Tim­o­thy V. Kassouni Plan Bay Area is a mon­u­men­tal land use doc­u­ment pre­pared by the Met­ro­pol­i­tan Trans­porta­tion Com­mis­sion (MTC), and the Asso­ci­a­tion of Bay Area Gov­ern­ments (ABAG), for the osten­si­ble pur­pose of reduc­ing green­house gas emis­sions by 15 per­cent by the year 2035, as required by for­mer Gov­er­nor Schwarzenegger’s Sen­ate Bill 375. Kas­souni Law is cur­rent­ly lit­i­gat­ing […]

Buffett’s Smart-Grid Idea Takes Over Your Washing Machine

(Bloomberg) — Vin­cent Thorn­ley, head of Siemens AG’s U.K. smart-grid research, talks about the role of smart grids in the future of ener­gy where a net­work can run house­hold appli­ances when pow­er is abun­dant and cheap. He spoke with Bloomberg’s Alex Webb in New­cas­tle, Eng­land. (Source: Bloomberg) FA Note: The Smart Grid is pro­mot­ed as […]

BREAKING: United Nations Makes Major Move… This Is THEFT

FA Note:  The brouha­ha about cli­mate change has ALWAYS been about wealth redis­tri­b­u­tion: THEFT. Unit­ed Nations cli­mate nego­tia­tors found them­selves at an impasse dur­ing a ten-day con­fer­ence in Lima, Peru this month when the world’s sec­ond-largest econ­o­my — the Unit­ed States — refused to sub­si­dize the car­bon diox­ide emis­sion reduc­tions of the world’s largest econ­o­my — China. […]

Drakes Bay oyster farm closes doors after long wilderness struggle

Frank DuBois, past NM Sec. of Agri­cul­ture, for­mer leg­isla­tive assis­tant to a U.S. Sen­a­tor, and a Deputy Assis­tant Sec­re­tary of Interior. It’s the end of the line for Drake’s Bay Oys­ter Co. On Dec. 31, after a long bat­tle with the Nation­al Park Ser­vice, the Cal­i­for­nia Coastal Com­mis­sion, the Depart­ment of the Inte­ri­or and wilder­ness […]

A Global Tax? UN Debates Requiring Members to Report ‘GHG’ Emissions

Cathie Adams, Texas Eagle Forum President Such data is a pre­lude to imple­ment­ing a mas­sive redis­tri­b­u­tion of glob­al wealth. Will the Unit­ed Nations wield its unproven claim that green­house gas emis­sions cause cli­mate change to require each of its 193 mem­ber nations to mea­sure and report GHG emis­sions — a pre­req­ui­site for a glob­al car­bon tax? […]


Rosa Koire, Democ­rats Against UN Agen­da 21 As I trav­el around the coun­try I’m asked the same ques­tion:  What can we do—is there a chance of winning? I’m asked this ques­tion by women and men, by Repub­li­cans and Democ­rats, by Lib­er­tar­i­ans and Tea Par­ty mem­bers, by young and old, by rur­al and urban res­i­dents.  My answer […]

Sen. Sessions: ‘Super-Elites in Washington and Wall Street Dream of World Without Borders’

FA Sum­ma­ry: Agen­da 21 seeks the abo­li­tion of bor­ders and the eco­nom­ic equal­iza­tion of peo­ple across the world. After twen­ty years of imple­men­ta­tion the plan is working! Sen. Jeff Ses­sions, R‑AL In a speech deliv­ered on the Sen­ate floor Fri­day as the Sen­ate was debat­ing a 1,603-page gov­ern­ment fund­ing bill that will per­mit Pres­i­dent Oba­ma […]

A vast land grab to ‘protect’ water

William Per­ry Pend­ley, Pres­i­dent, Moun­tain States Legal Foundation ANALYSIS/OPINION In Novem­ber, com­ments closed on a pro­pos­al by the Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engi­neers to rede­fine “waters of the Unit­ed States,” as set forth in the Clean Water Act of 1977. While Sen. Edmund Muskie, Maine Demo­c­rat, author of the 1977 […]

Land protection credits come under fire in Virginia

Vir­ginia Depart­ment of Nat­ur­al ResourcesLAND WAR: Con­ser­va­tion cred­its designed to pro­tect Vir­ginia lands from devel­op­ment are com­ing under increas­ing fire in Richmond. RICHMOND, Va. – Con­ser­va­tion ease­ments that sup­pos­ed­ly pro­tect Vir­ginia lands from devel­op­ment are com­ing under increas­ing fire for abu­sive practices. One law­mak­er calls the sit­u­a­tion at a Fauquier Coun­ty farm “a trav­es­ty.” Oth­ers […]

Committee Report Uncovers Lack of Independence & Accountability of Peer Review Process for ESA Listing Decisions

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Nat­ur­al Resources Com­mit­tee major­i­ty staff released a report today that ques­tions the inde­pen­dence and account­abil­i­ty of  the peer review process in recent Endan­gered Species Act (ESA) list­ing deci­sions.  The report enti­tled, “Under the Micro­scope: An exam­i­na­tion of the ques­tion­able sci­ence and lack of inde­pen­dent peer review in Endan­gered Species Act list­ing […]

Woman Tasered By Police For Filming Man’s Arrest

Kian­ga Mwamba FA Note:  Remem­ber, every­thing about Agen­da 21 is about control. A Bal­ti­more, Mary­land woman was tasered by police for video-record­ing police. The offi­cers were engaged in a sep­a­rate arrest, which the woman explains did not seem right. So she hit record on her cell phone. Offi­cers imme­di­ate­ly sprung into attack mode, yelling “you a […]

Why Rockefellers Aim at Destroying Farmers Worldwide?

FA Note:  The realities of agribusiness, as described below, put the lie to the need for “Sustainable Agriculture” as promoted by Agenda 21. Local farmers are told they must eschew any mechanized equipment, even a small tractor, for instance; and each community may only raise (and expect to eat) what can be produced in their […]

John McCain Trying to Use NDAA to Give Tonto National Forest to a British Mining Company

I think at a cer­tain point one has to under­stand that glob­al­iza­tion amounts to trea­son. These greedy Vichy politi­cians we have in Wash­ing­ton need to be removed before they hand over every­thing in the coun­try that isn’t nailed to the floor. This is Ton­to Nation­al For­est. It is yours. It is this country’s fifth largest for­est and […]

RI Regional Plan Strips Property Rights

With an area of 1212 square miles, Rhode Island is the small­est of the fifty states, but is about to take one of the biggest leaps in the nation.  The RI Divi­sion of Plan­ning is advanc­ing a HUD sup­port­ed sus­tain­able devel­op­ment plan that cre­ates a sin­gle region out of every coun­ty, city and com­mu­ni­ty in […]

Utah to seize own land from government, challenge federal dominance of Western states

‘Trans­fer of Pub­lic Lands Act’ demands Wash­ing­ton relin­quish 31.2 mil­lion acres by Dec. 31 In three weeks, Utah intends to seize con­trol of 31.2 mil­lion acres of its own land now under the con­trol of the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment. At least, that’s the plan. In an unprece­dent­ed chal­lenge to fed­er­al dom­i­nance of West­ern state lands, Utah Gov. Gary […]

The Government Owns Over 623 Million Acres. Why Does It Need More?

Insa­tiable ­– that would seem to be the word that best describes the appetite of some in Con­gress and their friends in the envi­ron­men­tal community. Con­gress has added over 450 pages to the defense autho­riza­tion bill to des­ig­nate wilder­ness, cre­ate new parks, des­ig­nate Wild and Scenic Rivers and fund Nation­al Her­itage areas – things that have […]

Global Censorship Chokepoints – Tracking Internet Censorship Proposals Worldwide

About Global Chokepoints Glob­al Choke­points is an online resource cre­at­ed to doc­u­ment and mon­i­tor glob­al pro­pos­als to turn Inter­net inter­me­di­aries into copy­right police. These pro­pos­als harm Inter­net users’ rights of pri­va­cy, due process and free­dom of expres­sion, and endan­ger the future of the free and open Inter­net. Our goal is to pro­vide accu­rate empir­i­cal infor­ma­tion […]

The Disappearing States

Jim Beers is a retired Refuge Man­ag­er, Spe­cial Agent, & Wildlife Biol­o­gist U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Excerpts from a recent news arti­cle from McClatchy Newspapers: Rise in trade spurs U.S. to pro­tect turtles 1.       “The U.S. gov­ern­ment is propos­ing a new lev­el of pro­tec­tion for cer­tain fresh­wa­ter tur­tles, con­cerned that a mas­sive increase in […]

Give Gruber a Break

Jonathan Gru­ber, PhD  “Gruber’s inherent academic assumption of (ordinary) Americans’ stupidity is elucidated by Charlotte Iserbyt’s 1999 The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America…Gruber’s matter-of-fact pronouncement of the “stupidity” of Americans reflects his academic assumption of the success of government education, and validation of Iserbyt’s investigations into the education establishment.” Jonathan Gru­ber has been round­ly rep­ri­mand­ed in […]

Breastfed, Homebirthed Babies Taken Away From Parents For Not Using Hospital

FA Note: Agen­da 21’s intends con­trol over all sec­tors of life includ­ing that of birth and child rearing. The Ren­go Fam­i­ly: Cleave, Eri­ca, with 10 month old Levi, and new­born twins. The Ren­go Fam­i­ly place­ment hear­ing was continued…again…to Fri­day morn­ing at 9 a.m Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Jason Over­street, rep­re­sent­ing the 42nd dis­trict in Wash­ing­ton, and who has tak­en an inter­est […]

Opt Out of the Countywide Vision Plan & Common Core

FA Note: iAgenda21 is an affil­i­ate of the Amer­i­can Coali­tion for Sus­tain­able Com­mu­ni­ties (ACSC) — “Sus­tain­ing rep­re­sen­ta­tive gov­ern­ment.” Theirs is the type action that needs to be under­tak­en in every coun­ty in the country! New Report expos­es col­lec­tivist reg­u­la­tion, insti­tut­ed at tax­pay­er expense, in San Bernardi­no Coun­ty, Cal­i­for­nia. The report is authored by the Amer­i­can Coali­tion for […]

Disturbing testimony at hearing reveals what is at the core of Common Core support

Per­haps the most dis­turb­ing tes­ti­mo­ny pre­sent­ed to Wisconsin’s Assem­bly dur­ing a recent hear­ing on Com­mon Core was not about Com­mon Core at all. Super­in­ten­dent Nick Madi­son, of the Bril­lion School Dis­trict, offered the most reveal­ing look at the thought process behind the cur­rent pop­u­lar “reforms.” Madison’s dis­trict is sit­u­at­ed in a farm­ing com­mu­ni­ty of about […]