Community Education & UN Agenda 21 – Same Roots?

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From Feld's expose on "Community Education," p. 55

From Feld’s expose on “Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion,” p. 55

Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion was admit­ted to be the Chi­nese Com­mu­nist Sys­tem at a Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion Con­fer­ence in Wash­ing­ton, D.C. in 1976.

Amer­i­cans con­cerned over Agen­da 21, ICLEI, region­al gov­ern­ment (Com­mu­nist unelect­ed coun­cil form of gov­ern­ment) and many oth­er Unit­ed Nation­s/­glob­al-ori­ent­ed pro­grams may have over­looked a very impor­tant inter­na­tion­al com­po­nent, if not the enti­ty, which may have been the pre­cur­sor for UN Agen­da 21.

This enti­ty is known as Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion. You can bone up on the sub­ject by read­ing:

An Expose: Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion” by Ruth Feld and Jil Wil­son, pages 49–71. See “Writ­ten Sub­mis­sions,” Expos­ing the Glob­al Road to Ruin through Edu­ca­tion, Disc #8. Writ­ten Sub­mis­sions

Feld p. 71

Feld p. 71








Please note the graph­ic above, Com­mu­ni­ty Education’s “City of the Future (Hub) Con­cept” (1970s) on page 71 (see graph­ic above). The print is hard to read, so I have typed it in below:

Neigh­bor­hood: Basic units of New Towns. Each neigh­bor­hood is equidis­tant from vil­lage cen­ters, reduc­ing need to trav­el.
Vil­lage Cen­ters: Cen­tral­ly locat­ed with­in each vil­lage are large recre­ation areas — all sit­u­at­ed with­in fair­ly short dis­tance of home.
Down­town: The cen­tral hub of the new towns with city gov­ern­ment build­ings, shop­ping malls, high­er edu­ca­tion facil­i­ties, and cul­tur­al cen­ters.
Green­belts: Designed to pre­vent vil­lages and down­town areas from becom­ing exam­ples of nev­er-end­ing sprawl.

Global Ruin2Attempt­ed imple­men­ta­tion of Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion in the 1960s and 1970s came up against so much cit­i­zen resis­tance (my state of Maine was one of the states where we killed it) that it went under­ground and was not heard of until quite recent­ly with the imple­men­ta­tion by many states of com­mu­ni­ty schools (womb-to-tomb). This Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion is the pro­vi­sion of ALL ser­vices includ­ing health, work­force train­ing, leisure, etc., under the umbrel­la of the unelect­ed school coun­cils (region­al­ism = Com­mu­nism))

See the blog post “WOMB TO TOMB” and be sure to read about the Geor­gia Visions Project, an exam­ple of what is being pushed across the coun­try, “A Vision for Pub­lic Edu­ca­tion.”

I attend­ed the annu­al Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion Con­fer­ence in the Dept. of Edu­ca­tion in 1982 at which unelect­ed per­sons from all 50 states came in to dis­cuss the future of Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion. Of inter­est was a com­ment on the record that the Dept. of Edu­ca­tion could prob­a­bly revi­tal­ize the con­cept under Pres­i­dent Rea­gan due to his sup­port for the New Fed­er­al­ism!

John Ayers, ex-Vice Pres­i­dent of the Carnegie Foun­da­tion for the Advance­ment of Teach­ing, who ini­ti­at­ed eight char­ter schools in Chica­go, has been named to head up the tax-fund­ed school choice/charter school agen­da AND the life­long com­mu­ni­ty edu­ca­tion agen­da out of the Cow­an Insti­tute, Tulane Uni­ver­si­ty. Ayers impor­tant posi­tion at Carnegie makes sense since it was the Carnegie Cor­po­ra­tion which pub­lished the lit­tle book “Con­clu­sions and Rec­om­men­da­tions for the Social Stud­ies,” 1934, which called for using the schools to change America’s cap­i­tal­ist eco­nom­ic sys­tem to a planned econ­o­my, and dis­cussed the nec­es­sary tak­ing of pri­vate prop­er­ty. (Read the blog post “Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion” and fol­low the links under Point 5.)

Agenda 21 - Earth SummitJohn Ayers’ broth­er, Bill, is a well known Com­mu­nist, was involved in the Com­mu­nist-inspired Weath­er­men bomb­ing of build­ings in the sev­en­ties. The Cow­an Insti­tute has announced that it is pro­mot­ing the tax-fund­ed school “choice,” char­ter schools and com­mu­ni­ty edu­ca­tion agen­da at the state, nation­al and inter­na­tion­al lev­els. Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion is inter­na­tion­al. To grasp what is hap­pen­ing at the grass­roots to inter­na­tion­al lev­el, read arti­cle: “The Delib­er­ate Dumb­ing Down of the Vil­lage.”

When attempt­ing to make a con­nec­tion and show sim­i­lar­i­ties between UN Agen­da 21 and Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion, which is rear­ing its very ugly Com­mu­nist head across the coun­try under the label of “com­mu­ni­ty schools,” it is impor­tant for Amer­i­cans to read the above Feld/Wilson his­to­ry of com­mu­ni­ty edu­ca­tion, and to under­stand the years that the respec­tive pro­grams were ini­ti­at­ed, and to under­stand the philo­soph­i­cal sim­i­lar­i­ties, espe­cial­ly the fact that a strong focus of Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion is the pro­mo­tion of the Unit­ed Nations glob­al agen­da, includ­ing the same total­i­tar­i­an envi­ron­men­tal agen­da found in Agen­da 21 and pro­mot­ed by Carnegie in its 1934 book. (Again, read Point 5 in the blog post “Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion” and fol­low the links.)

Millennium DecCom­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion reared its very ugly head in the ear­ly for­ties, fund­ed by the Mott Foun­da­tion in Michi­gan. UN Agen­da 21’s ear­li­est date of pos­si­ble ori­gin is the Stock­holm Con­fer­ence in 1972. First men­tion of UN Agen­da 21 as an offi­cial title appears to have tak­en place in Rio De Janeiro in 1992.

Earth Summit
See page 48 of Feld’s expose’ on “Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion” for the fol­low­ing incred­i­ble quo­ta­tion describ­ing the glob­al pur­pose of Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion, pub­lished in 1972 in the Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion Jour­nal:

Feld p. 48Feld p. 48 B

Our Com­mon Future (1987)
Earth Sum­mit (1992)
Rio Dec­la­ra­tion on Envi­ron­ment and Devel­op­ment
Agen­da 21 (1992)
Con­ven­tion on Bio­log­i­cal Diver­si­ty (1992)
ICPD Pro­gramme of Action (1994)
Earth Char­ter
Lis­bon Prin­ci­ples
UN Mil­len­ni­um Dec­la­ra­tion (2000)
Unit­ed Nations Con­fer­ence on the Human Envi­ron­ment
Brundt­landt Com­mis­sion Report (1983)