What Prevented Smart Meter Opt-outs in Pennsylvania?

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Back in the sum­mer of 2014, some­thing very cal­cu­lat­ed appar­ent­ly hap­pened in the Penn­syl­va­nia state leg­is­la­ture that ought to be inves­ti­gat­ed by the Commonwealth’s Attor­ney Gen­er­al [1] and the Penn­syl­va­nia State Ethics Com­mis­sion [2]. What hap­pened was a crime against the demo­c­ra­t­ic prin­ci­ples of gov­er­nance, i.e., delib­er­ate­ly dis-allow­ing con­stituents, voters—and cit­i­zens in general—to exer­cise their right of redress and input regard­ing issues that affect them, their lives, and the safe­ty of their pos­ses­sions. The par­tic­u­lar issue at hand was Opt-out pro­vi­sions from Smart Meters, which was not orig­i­nal­ly writ­ten into PA Law 129 in 2008, but in com­mit­tee ‘strong-armed’ into “sine die” by State Rep­re­sen­ta­tive and Com­mit­tee Chair, Robert W. Godshall.

Signs protesting PA State Representative Godshall’s ‘tied hands’ policy on Smart Meter Opt-out bills. Source

Signs protest­ing PA State Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Godshall’s ‘tied hands’ pol­i­cy on Smart Meter Opt-out bills. Source

When Repub­li­can God­shall was run­ning against Demo­c­rat Dot­tie Miller dur­ing the 2014 cam­paign, he’s on record in an inter­view as say­ing, “As chair­man of the Gen­er­al Assembly’s Con­sumer Affairs Com­mit­tee I presided over the effort to mod­ern­ize util­i­ty oper­a­tions and update rules and reg­u­la­tions that reflect today’s needs and cut util­i­ty costs. Ener­gy rates in Penn­syl­va­nia had aver­aged well above the nation­al aver­age, but have now been brought in line, and more work still needs to be done.”

PA State Representative Robert W. Godshall

PA State Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Robert W. Godshall

Appar­ent­ly, that mod­ern­iza­tion includ­ed fast-track­ing Smart Meters, plus pre­vent­ing sev­er­al bills (for­mer HB 899, HB 902, and HB 906 in the pre­vi­ous leg­isla­tive ses­sion) ever from mov­ing along or out of com­mit­tee for a vote! Inter­est­ing­ly, God­shall is sup­posed to have received $28,100 from util­i­ty com­pa­nies that prob­a­bly per­suad­ed “mon­ey to talk” loud­er than vot­ers voic­es and ordi­nary Penn­syl­va­ni­ans, who fear for their health and prop­er­ties because of Smart Meter Radio Fre­quen­cy non-ion­iz­ing radi­a­tion (microwaves) being pumped into their bod­ies and homes from Smart Meters with an abil­i­ty to explode or ignite.

Could that be because he has received $28,100 in cam­paign con­tri­bu­tions from elec­tric util­i­ties so far this year? [3]

Here’s a YouTube of God­shall talk­ing about issues. Take note of what he says about util­i­ty bills after the 3 minute mark on the time­line: a small businesswoman’s elec­tric bill was $900 a month for elec­tric­i­ty, and all of a sud­den she gets a bill for $2600. Doesn’t Godshall’s remark seem to con­firm that Smart Meters increase elec­tric bills? Does that sound like “cut util­i­ty costs”?


And then there’s this trou­bling ques­tion and aspect regard­ing the no opt-out sta­tus on PA Smart Meters: Was Godshall’s appar­ent ‘sit­ting’ on those opt-out bills influ­enced in any way by what may be termed “conflict(s) of inter­est” stem­ming from Godshall’s son, Grey, appar­ent­ly being pro­mot­ed from work­ing as man­ag­er of PECO’s tree trim­ming pro­gram to “man­ag­er of the PECO (Philadel­phia Elec­tric Com­pa­ny) Smart Meter Pro­gram”? [3]

Will Rep­re­sen­ta­tive God­shall either con­firm or deny that his son Grey was pro­mot­ed at any time to man­ag­er of PECO’s Smart Meter Program?

Anoth­er seri­ous ques­tion, I think, that needs to rear its inquis­i­tive head is, “Can malfea­sance be involved? on Godshall’s part, espe­cial­ly since there were calls from the pub­lic for him to move those opt-out bills out of com­mit­tee.” In a demo­c­ra­t­ic repub­lic, which the USA is sup­posed to be, no Napoleon­ic-type per­son­al­i­ty should be allowed to wield pow­er­ful con­trol like God­shall does, espe­cial­ly since, in this cur­rent leg­isla­tive ses­sion, PA Smart Meter PA House Bills 396, 393, 394, 395 prob­a­bly will be impact­ed by Godshall’s ‘strong arm reach’ across the aisles and in com­mit­tees again.

THAT pol­i­tick­ing tac­tic can­not be allowed to hap­pen, as the cit­i­zens of Penn­syl­va­nia need to be—and must be—heard regard­ing the forced RF radi­a­tion that is being sent into their brains, bod­ies, and homes.

A March 6, 2015 online arti­cle pub­lished by Bio­chem­i­cal and Bio­phys­i­cal Research Com­mu­ni­ca­tions titled Tumor pro­mo­tion by expo­sure to radiofre­quen­cy elec­tro­mag­net­ic fields below expo­sure lim­its for humans indi­cates some very seri­ous prob­lems occur­ring in mice: “Num­bers of tumors of the lungs and liv­ers in exposed ani­mals were sig­nif­i­cant­ly high­er than in sham-exposed con­trols. In addi­tion, lym­phomas were also found to be sig­nif­i­cant­ly ele­vat­ed by expo­sure.” [CJF empha­sis added] (Source)

Peo­ple have valid med­ical con­cerns about being exposed to microwaves! Cur­rent­ly, there are more than 34 mem­bers of the PA State House who are co-spon­sors of var­i­ous Smart Meter revi­sion bills. Also, PA House mem­bers must not allow God­shall to pull anoth­er sine die leg­isla­tive option or trick like he did last session!

In a Before It’s News arti­cle dat­ed July 29 2014, the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion obvi­ous­ly needs to be thought through a lit­tle more thor­ough­ly, I think:

There is an aura of impro­pri­ety here, and it seems that Chair­man God­shall is putting the inter­ests of PECO ahead of the cit­i­zens of Penn­syl­va­nia. Oh yes: if PECO installs 660,000 Smart Meters, the Fed­er­al Gov­ern­ment will give them $200 mil­lion. That’s about half of the cost to install all the meters, even after we each pay out $300 for a Smart Meter. [CJF empha­sis added] [Is that mon­ey talk­ing again or pol­i­tick­ing as usual?] 

In one of my let­ters to PECO dur­ing my dis­cus­sions about not per­mit­ting an SM on my house, I asked PECO to “please ful­ly explain in writ­ing the mean­ing of this: [PECO] is sup­port­ed by a $200 mil­lion fed­er­al smart-grid grant. Under terms of the stim­u­lus grant, PECO promised to install 600,000 smart meters by April, 2014. (Source) So, was THAT the rea­son behind enact­ing PA Act 129 with no opt-outs? I have not heard back one peep from PECO as a reply to that ‘del­i­cate’ ques­tion. Inter­est­ing? As the old say­ing goes, “Fol­low the money!”

In the Philadel­phia area, there have been numer­ous SM fires. How­ev­er, this is what PECO contends:

No. The AMI meter that will be installed at your home is man­u­fac­tured by Landis+Gyr. There are no Landis+Gyr meters that have expe­ri­enced over­heat­ing issues. Some Sen­sus meters orig­i­nal­ly installed expe­ri­enced over­heat­ing issues; how­ev­er, PECO has replaced all Sen­sus meters with Landis+Gyr meters. The com­pa­ny no longer installs the Sen­sus meters and there have been no over­heat­ing issues report­ed with Landis+Gyr meters.

And yet, here’s infor­ma­tion about Landis+Gyr SM fires:

Anoth­er Fire: Lan­dis + Gyr Smart Meter Caus­es Apt. Blaze (post­ed July 7, 2014)

image 3
Here’s a real-time video of that fire


Here’s a pho­to­graph of three scorched Smart Meters in California.

Scorched SmartMeters on Glen Way in East Palo Alto. Photo by Craig Dremann.

Scorched Smart­Meters on Glen Way in East Palo Alto. Pho­to by Craig Dremann.

But Penn­syl­va­nia Smart Meters Pol­i­tics Are Not Unique

How­ev­er, Penn­syl­va­nia pol­i­tics regard­ing Smart Meters may not be unique. Shenani­gans of all sorts have gone on in oth­er states. California’s for­mer Pub­lic Util­i­ty Commission’s pres­i­dent, Michael Peev­ey, found him­self involved in quite an appar­ent legal mess while imple­ment­ing Smart Meters in that state.image 5

Peev­ey is under inves­ti­ga­tion. Here are some arti­cles to help read­ers under­stand what real­ly goes on in get­ting Smart Meters installed on your houses:

Utility’s commissioner’s pri­vate emails reveal conspiracy

PG&E Sug­gest­ed “Prozac” for Those Injured by Smart Meters– SCE Schemed High­er Fees to Force Smart Meters on the Poor

Recent­ly, Cal­i­for­nia Pub­lic Util­i­ties Com­mis­sion Pres­i­dent Michael Peev­ey was forced to step down

Ari­zona: 19,000 APS cus­tomers refuse Smart Meters; state con­ducts health study; are Elster Smart Meters over­heat­ing and mal­func­tion­ing? (Sept. 2014)

Res­i­dent Cam­paigns in Oth­er States: AL, AZ, CO, FL, GA, HI, IL, ME, MD, MI, NV, NM, OR, TX, VA, VTWI

All the above is cause for much con­cern by every­one regard­ing var­i­ous issues such as term lim­its for elect­ed offi­cials so that they can­not estab­lish ‘polit­i­cal fief­doms’ along with a press­ing need for a Cit­i­zen Watch­dog office with­in every state capi­tol and at fed­er­al levels.

Smart Meters appar­ent­ly are known for their “dirty elec­tric­i­ty.” Even dirt­i­er, are the pol­i­tics that accom­pa­ny them. Smart Meter bills/laws that do not pro­vide equi­table opt-outs must be challenged.


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pennsylvania_Attorney_General
[2] http://ethics.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/ethics/8995/the_ethics_act/539789
[3] http://beforeitsnews.com/health/2014/07/striving-to-install-microwave-poisoning-in-every-pennsylvania-home-rep-robert-godshall-stalls-smart-meter-opt-out-bills-while-son-grey-runs-phil-electric-peco-smart-meter-install-program-2544274.html



Penn­syl­va­nia Pub­lic Util­i­ty Com­mis­sion Smart Meter Q & A