FA Note: Kudos to this 29-year-old. His eyes are wide open.
A news service of Freedom Advocates
The signs have been highlighted over the years, the experts have shouted warnings, but Americans insulated by the MSM with stories of how the dollar is strengthening, the economy is growing again, were the last to be told that the age of the US Dollars dominance across the globe, is at an end. Historically world […]
After almost two years of battling local regulators, a small Hobe Sound, Fla. business is finally in the clear. Martin County officials have decided they will not levy $1,000 daily fines against the Flash Beach Grille restaurant for violating a decades’ old, unrecorded environmental property restriction. Never mind the local government’s beef stemmed from its own mistake, […]
Adult interrogation methods do not belong in the classroom, so why are school administrators throughout the United States being trained to use them on their students in order to extract confessions? John E. Reid & Associates is the largest interrogation trainer in the world and teaches such methods to hundreds of school administrators each year. […]
TRENTON, N.J. (March 18, 2015) – New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie signed a bill into law yesterday that represents an important first step towards blocking federal programs that militarize local police in the state. Informally known as the 1033 Program, the Pentagon provides local law enforcement, at little or no upfront cost, surplus federal property, including […]
Following in the footsteps of officials in other states, lawmakers in Texas introduced legislation that would prohibit some state and local government participation in the deeply controversial United Nations “sustainability” scheme known as Agenda 21. With bills targeting the UN program introduced in both houses of the legislature and outrage about Agenda 21 still growing […]
Town of Emerald Isle, N.C.; March 19, 2015: This week, the nation’s leading property rights defense organization stepped in to represent an Emerald Isle couple who are fighting the town’s unconstitutional imposition of a 20-foot-wide government driving lane across their privately owned sandy beach property. Donor-supported Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF) is a public interest legal […]
How many times is too many times before the general public realizes that microwaves are inducing severe weather? Today, March 19 2015, a strong detection of damaging winds, and a detection of a possible strong tornado forming in the foothills East of Kirtland Air Force base in Albuquerque New Mexico. The rotation formed almost directly […]
An Alert by Anita Hoge National Review Online and Thomas B. Fordham Institute are wrong, wrong, wrong on HR 5. National Review Online and Fordham Institute are totally wrong on HR 5. They are calling HR 5 as “take back our schools” legislation and that “federal overreach in education might finally be coming to a close.” Michael […]
Laurence Tribe, a liberal Harvard law professor, in fact, he was one of Obama’s law professors, claims that Obama and his EPA is “burning the constitution”. Tribe explains the limitations that the constitution allows to the EPA: “EPA possesses only the authority granted to it by Congress. Its gambit here raises serious questions under the separation […]
FA Note: Marching down DHS’ path from Real ID to Global ID, global data sharing and global tracking. Attention California: the privacy and security of your driver licenses are under threat from a new scheme to massively expand how photo IDs are shared and analyzed by law enforcement agencies. Over the last few months, an […]
FA Note: Again, as with Part One of this series published March 17, please critically examine this article in lieu of the warnings of Charlotte Iserbyt, Anita Hoge, and others about proposed education “reform” in our nation,especially charter (contract) schools, in the communist model. WHERE’S THE SAVINGS? Advocates of school consolidation in Vermont say merging schools […]
Greetings and Salutations, readers! My Nome de Guerre in the battle for truth and objective journalism is Jeremiah Johnson. I hope to pique your interest with a Montana issue that, regardless of the outcome, will have severe ramifications and set a precedent nationwide. This article covers the CSKT (Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes) proposed water-rights […]
Jim Beers, retired Refuge Manager, Special Agent, & Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (METAPHOR, n. a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something to which it is not literally applicable, in order to suggest a resemblance, as “A mighty fortress is our God”.) I have just finished […]
FA Note: Please critically examine this article in lieu of the warnings of Charlotte Iserbyt, Anita Hoge, and others about proposed education “reform” in our nation. As the House Education Committee’s consolidation bill gets ready to move over to the Senate, Vermonters are wondering what a statewide restructuring would mean for schools and school boards. In the first of […]
As Americans, we tend to be pretty full of ourselves, and this is especially true of our young people. But do we really have reason for such pride? According to a shocking new report from the Educational Testing Service, Americans between the ages of 20 and 34 are way behind young adults in other industrialized […]
New border deal: Canada customs agents could work in U.S., vice versa … Canadian customs agents could soon work in the U.S. and carry firearms, and the U.S. border guards could do the same in Canada, as a result of a new border agreement between Canada and the U.S. – CBC Dominant Social Theme: It makes […]
Nature groups urge birders to join campaign to ensure untouched forest stays that way Leading bird and nature groups are trying to save what they call North America’s “bird nursery.” They want the Canadian and U.S. governments to protect at least half of the continent’s boreal forest from industrial development. The boreal forest is a vast […]
Part 2 of Dr. Dennis Cuddy’s “Common Core” article series was posted today at NewsWithViews: http://newswithviews.com/Cuddy/dennis307.htm. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Communist_Manifesto In today’s installment, Dr. Cuddy writes, In 1848, the COMMUNIST MANIFESTO was published, including Plank No. 10, which provided for a “Combination of education with industrial production” (a type of school-to-work approach). Nine years later in 1857, the […]
The superintendent of the Watchung Hills Regional High School District in New Jersey has confirmed that she sent an email to fellow superintendents Tuesday about her concern that education publishing giant Pearson is “monitoring” children’s social media accounts for possible leaks about the Common Core-aligned PARCC tests. On Friday, Bob Braun, a former leading columnist for […]
First I want to say that many corporate (security) sympathizers tend to defend private policing, but this article will debunk all their arguments and show how private policing is the end-all end-game ultimate threat to freedom in America and humanity as a whole, all in the name of protecting corporate profits $ while working hand […]
Officially, Common Core is dead in South Carolina, wiped out Wednesday by a vote of the state board of education. However, leaders of the state’s anti-Common Core movement are anything but happy, saying the state is being tricked by a bait-and-switch tactic that replaces the standards with something nearly identical. Sheri Few, the head of […]
This week I got an angry email from a friend who had just rented a car from Hertz: “Did you know Hertz is putting cameras in rental cars!? This is bullsh*t. I wonder if it says they can tape me in my Hertz contract.” He sent along this photo of a camera peeping at him […]
New e‑mails brought to light between Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) reveal the extent of corruption and backroom dealing that have characterized the state’s smart meter program. E‑mails reveal that former CPUC President Michael Peevey was aware of health problems caused by smart meters […]
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