EPA regs could cost Wisconsin 20,000 manufacturing jobs

Wis­con­sin is poised to lose more than 20,000 man­u­fac­tur­ing jobs by 2023 because of the Oba­ma administration’s pro­posed reg­u­la­tions on cut­ting car­bon emis­sions that crit­ics say will have min­i­mal envi­ron­men­tal effects. The 4.19 per­cent reduc­tion in man­u­fac­tur­ing jobs puts Wis­con­sin at the fifth high­est drop in the coun­try, accord­ing to a study released this week by […]

Federal ESEA Reauthorization has its eye on Finland.

No Way, ESEA! Fin­land Fables: What Tony Rob­bins does­n’t tell you… Fin­land heroes fight­ing the Sovi­et Union in WWII (Source) Fin­land and her peo­ple are no strangers to war. How­ev­er, all these events pre­date the so-called “wel­fare state” that lat­er emerged. This change turned a once strong and proud nation to a shad­ow of its for­mer self.(Source) […]

Do We Want the Military Involved in Common Core?

UP TO THEIR SCRAMBLED EGGS IN ALLIGATORS! Read Part 1 The Unit­ed States mil­i­tary has been involved in U.S. edu­ca­tion for many years. In fact, much of the Indi­vid­u­al­ized Edu­ca­tion research (Skin­ner­ian Mas­tery Learning/Direct Instruction/OBE/Effective Schools) used by the U.S. Dept. of Edu­ca­tion in the 1980s came from the U.S. Depart­ment of Defense (espe­cial­ly the […]

EFF to Supreme Court: The Fourth Amendment Covers DNA Collection

New Brief Urges Jus­tices to Pro­tect Cit­i­zens from War­rant­less Analy­sis of Genet­ic Material San Fran­cis­co — Peo­ple have a Fourth Amend­ment right to pri­va­cy when it comes to their genet­ic mate­r­i­al, the Elec­tron­ic Fron­tier Foun­da­tion (EFF) argues in an ami­cus brief filed this week with the Supreme Court of the Unit­ed States. EFF is ask­ing […]

“Mass sterilization”: Kenyan Doctors Find Anti-fertility Agent in UN Tetanus Vaccine

FA Note:  Regard­ing the glob­al depop­u­la­tion efforts under Agen­da 21 — The Unit­ed Nations’ World Health Orga­ni­za­tion, and UNICEF, have a his­to­ry of using “dis­as­ter relief aid” as cov­er for the ster­il­iza­tion of girls and women in poor nations around the world. Kenya recent­ly launched an inves­ti­ga­tion after Kenyan doc­tors found an anti-fer­til­i­ty agent in UN tetanus vaccines. Accord­ing to Life­Site­News, a […]

Destructive Centralization of Global Security

US hosts anti-extrem­ism sum­mit after glob­al ter­ror attacks … The US has opened a three-day sum­mit on coun­ter­ing vio­lent extrem­ism. Rep­re­sen­ta­tives from around the world are attend­ing the gath­er­ing, which fol­lows shoot­ing inci­dents in Den­mark, France and Aus­tralia. Vice Pres­i­dent Joe Biden said it was imper­a­tive to engage with immi­grants who may be rad­i­calised because […]

All the Creepy Ways Big Brother Is Watching You

John W. White­head, Founder, the Ruther­ford Institute “You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assump­tion that every sound you made was over­heard, and, except in dark­ness, every move­ment scrutinized.”—George Orwell, 1984 None of us are per­fect. All of us bend the rules occa­sion­al­ly. Even before the age of over­crim­i­nal­iza­tion, when the […]

Smart Meters: What Consumers Can Do To Get Them Removed

“…[B]y enabling two-way, real-time com­mu­ni­ca­tions, smart meters can give cus­tomers the infor­ma­tion they need to con­trol their own ener­gy use and reduce their elec­tric­i­ty cost,” so said Jim Marston, a ‘smart meter’ sup­port­er with the Envi­ron­men­tal Defense Fund. [1] [CJF empha­sis added]  That, obvi­ous­ly, is only one part of the seri­ous issues regard­ing elec­tro­mag­net­ic ener­gy tech­nol­o­gy […]

Negotiating draft of UN climate agreement released

FA Note: The 86-page “nego­ti­at­ing draft” of the UN cli­mate agree­ment has been released by JunkScience, via twit­ter. “Option D” of the draft begs the ques­tion: is there a direct, planned cor­re­la­tion with the Agen­da 21 depop­u­la­tion goal of 95%? Nego­ti­at­ing draft of UN cli­mate agree­ment released Draft UN cli­mate treaty actu­al­ly con­sid­ers cut­ting CO2 emis­sions 95% by 2050. […]


No Way, ESEA! Rub­ber-Stamp­ing Char­ter Districts By Cyn­thia Weath­er­ly, 3D Research Group Last week it was my dis­tinct dis­plea­sure to open our local paper, The Athens Ban­ner-Her­ald of Feb­ru­ary 10, 2015, and read “Draft of Clarke char­ter plan calls for school­health clin­ics, stream­lined teacher eval­u­a­tion, local gov­er­nance teams—andbetter per­for­mance.” Clarke County’s recent­ly elect­ed “Out­stand­ing School Super­in­ten­dent […]

‘Top teacher’ winner quits due to Common Core

Announced to stunned audi­ence: ‘I can’t do it anymore’ Sta­cie Starr reacts to win­ning the Top Teacher con­test (Bruce Bishop/ Chronicle-Telegram Hon­ored as the “Top Teacher” by ABC’s “Live with Kel­ly and Michael” show, Sta­cie Starr was speak­ing at an edu­ca­tion forum ear­li­er this week when she dropped a bombshell. The vet­er­an teacher at Elyr­ia […]

Conspiracy Theorists Vindicated: HAARP Confirmed Weather-manipulation Tool

The most damn­ing asper­sion that can be lobbed against any per­son, or the expo­sure of “secret gov­ern­ment activ­i­ty,” over­whelm­ing­ly is “Con­spir­a­cy The­o­rist.” That pejo­ra­tive ‘han­dle’ is equat­ed with imbe­cile mind-activ­i­ty with asper­sions often sug­gest­ed as ‘tin hat wear­ers’. Well, step aside all you doubters and lis­ten up care­ful­ly to what took place in the halls […]

Watch Out For Opt Out!

A “Seis­mic Shift” In Assess­ing Students “The group calls for what’s called “assess­ment lit­er­a­cy” for teachers,  but also admin­is­tra­tors, school boards, par­ents — and students.” (Source) A 3D Research Report by Mari Caplan Many par­ents, under­stand­ably fed up by the aggres­sive test­ing asso­ci­at­ed with Com­mon Core Stan­dards or now Career and Col­lege Ready Stan­dards, are […]

Federal Election Commission to Consider Regulating Online Political Speech

The Fed­er­al Elec­tion Com­mis­sion (FEC) is hold­ing a hear­ing today to receive pub­lic feed­back on whether it should cre­ate new rules reg­u­lat­ing polit­i­cal speech, includ­ing polit­i­cal speech on the Inter­net that one com­mis­sion­er warned could affect blogs, YouTube videos and even web­sites like the Drudge Report. The hear­ing is a response to the U.S. Supreme […]

Obama Unveils His Executive Order To Share Your Confidential Information With Corporations: Live Webcast

As report­ed ear­li­er, today Oba­ma will unleash his lat­est exec­u­tive order, one which will set the stage for “infor­ma­tion shar­ing and analy­sis orga­ni­za­tions” (ISAOs) — or, in polit­i­cal jar­gon “hubs where com­pa­nies share cyber threat data with each oth­er and with the Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­ri­ty.”  In reg­u­lar par­lance, what Oba­ma will do is mere­ly […]

Utility Commissioner’s Emails Reveal Smart Meter Conspiracy

FAT CAT IS OUT OF THE BAG: Evi­dence has now been made pub­lic of ille­gal actions and col­lu­sion between for­mer Cal­i­for­nia Pub­lic Util­i­ties Com­mis­sion pres­i­dent Michael Peev­ey and util­i­ty PG&E, as crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tions continue. As part of a fed­er­al and state inves­ti­ga­tion into what appears to be sys­temic cor­rup­tion involv­ing for­mer senior exec­u­tives at PG&E […]

Go to Prison for Sharing Files? That’s What Hollywood Wants in the Secret TPP Deal

The Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship agree­ment (TPP) pos­es mas­sive threats to users in a dizzy­ing num­ber of ways. It will force oth­er TPP sig­na­to­ries to accept the Unit­ed States’ exces­sive copy­right terms of a min­i­mum of life of the author plus 70 years, while lock­ing the US to the same lengths so it will be hard­er to […]


No Way ESEA! How Cor­po­ra­tions Prof­it from Hyped Up Edu­ca­tion Crises (Source)   “Pear­son wields enor­mous influ­ence over Amer­i­can education. It writes the text­books and tests that dri­ve instruction in pub­lic schools across the nation.” POLITICO report­ed on Stephanie Simon’s arti­cle “No prof­it left behind: In the high-stakes world of Amer­i­can edu­ca­tion, Pear­son makes mon­ey even […]

Ecosystems are Like the Tides

When I entered the US Navy in 1963 I took an exten­sive class in Nav­i­ga­tion.  One of the major sub­jects with­in the class was, “Tides”. Jim Beers, retired Refuge Man­ag­er, Spe­cial Agent, & Wildlife Biol­o­gist U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service In addi­tion to “high tide” and “low tide”; and spring tides and neap tides, our […]

The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever

New data shows that the “van­ish­ing” of polar ice is not the result of run­away glob­al warming The “van­ish­ing” of polar ice (and the polar bears) has become a poster-child for warmists. Pho­to: ALAMY When future gen­er­a­tions look back on the glob­al-warm­ing scare of the past 30 years, noth­ing will shock them more than the extent […]

Perhaps you didn’t know… Schools across the country are literally building solitary confinement cells for children.

What is “nor­mal”? Is nor­mal­cy a con­di­tion of pub­lic accep­tance to com­mon trends & cul­ture? Per it’s def­i­n­i­tion, nor­mal is defined as con­form­ing to a stan­dard: usu­al, typ­i­cal or expected. If you accept nor­mal­cy by that def­i­n­i­tion then… -it is nor­mal for kids in our pub­lic school sys­tem to be locked in soli­tary con­fine­ment (4×4 padded […]

Superior Court (Alameda County) Rules in Favor of ABAG and One Bay Area

Lit­i­ga­tion Seeks to Pro­tect the Amer­i­can Form of Government In a result ori­ent­ed deci­sion, Alame­da Coun­ty Supe­ri­or Court Judge Eve­lio Gril­lo ruled against Free­dom Advo­cates and oth­ers in the war over pro­tect­ing Cities and Coun­ties from a trans­for­ma­tion of local gov­ern­ment (One Bay Area). The new form of gov­ern­ment in the San Fran­cis­co Bay Area […]

Anita Hoge Tells All About Testing Attitudes

No Way ESEA!  WATCH & LISTEN to a riv­et­ing pre­sen­ta­tion by Ani­ta Hoge! (Start lis­ten­ing about the 23 minute mark) The Feb­ru­ary 5th inter­view Ani­ta Hoge did with John Wells of Car­a­van To Mid­night radio is now post­ed on YouTube. This is a “must watch.” Maybe you are a per­son who has trou­ble read­ing and digest­ing all of […]


‘Free trade’ isn’t what Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship would deliv­er … Think the Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship is a free trade agree­ment? Think again. In prin­ci­ple, almost every­one’s in favor of free trade. It pro­motes inter­na­tion­al har­mo­ny, rais­es wages, helps economies grow. It’s an arti­cle of his­tor­i­cal faith that the enact­ment of harsh pro­tec­tive U.S. tar­iffs in 1930 con­tributed […]