History of the “Farris” Wheel

Going Round the Leg­isla­tive Loop cir­ca 1990s The fol­low­ing extreme­ly well-doc­u­ment­ed arti­cle from the 1990s sheds con­sid­er­able light on the pre­vi­ous two posts that inves­ti­gat­ed Michael Far­ris of HSLDA: Far­ris’s Fer­ris Wheel… and Going Round the Far­ris Wheel. It was authored by Mary McCarthy and is repub­lished with her permission. THE RELIGIOUS FREEDOM RESTORATION ACT (RFRA), THE […]

We Need to Stop the White House From Putting TPP and TTIP on the Fast Track To Ratification

Sen­a­tors are now work­ing around the clock to re-intro­duce a bill that would put trade agree­ments on the fast track to pas­sage in the US after those deals are final­ized. Deals like the Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship (TPP) and the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Invest­ment Part­ner­ship (TTIP) have been nego­ti­at­ed in almost com­plete secre­cy, except for pri­vate indus­try […]

‘Unprecedented Mobilization’: Hundred Thousand Rise Against Irish Water Tax

FA Note: Around the world water is being collectivized through “privatization”. The goal is to get water out of the hands of individuals. Control the water – control the people. Via centralized water people will be forced to live where and how those in control desire. Centralization of water means you will live where you […]

Going Round the Farris Wheel

Michael Far­ris: More Dis­turb­ing History and Ques­tion­able Associations Since the post yes­ter­day, “Far­ris’s Fer­ris Wheel…”, a num­ber of indi­vid­u­als have sent addi­tion­al links with more research and back­ground infor­ma­tion on the dis­turb­ing activ­i­ties of Michael Farris. Below are some fur­ther items for read­ers to explore. Again, read this your­self and draw your own con­clu­sions. Warn­ing: […]

Ditching US dollar: China, Russia launch financial tools in local currencies

A bank clerk counts Chi­nese yuan ban­knotes at a branch of Indus­tri­al and Com­mer­cial Bank of Chi­na in Huaibei (Reuters/Stringer) and Russ­ian ruble ban­knotes (Reuters/Ilya Naymushin) Chi­na and Rus­sia have effec­tive­ly switched to domes­tic cur­ren­cies in trad­ing using finan­cial tools as swaps and for­wards, as they seek to reduce the influ­ence of the US dol­lar […]

Who is Robert Pondiscio and What Does He Think About the Questioning of Common Core?

Robert Pondis­cio This is what hap­pens when an edu­ca­tion reformer doesn’t want to answer seri­ous ques­tions about Com­mon Core. He blocks ‘rav­ing mani­acs’ (parents/taxpayers/teachers/administrators) con­cerned about the lack of research/data on Com­mon Core and the fact that the creators/validation Com­mit­tee had to sign non-dis­clo­sure agree­ments. He insists he wants to deal in facts but when […]

Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025

Weath­er as a Force Multiplier:  Own­ing the Weath­er in 2025  A Research Paper Pre­sent­ed To Air Force 2025 by Col Tamzy J. House Lt Col James B. Near, Jr. LTC William B. Shields (USA) Maj Ronald J. Celentano Maj David M. Husband Maj Ann E. Mercer Maj James E. Pugh August 1996 ———————————————————————————- Dis­claimer 2025 is a study designed to […]

Welcome to the Matrix: Enslaved by Technology and the Internet of Things

John W. White­head, Founder, the Ruther­ford Institute “There will come a time when it isn’t ‘They’re spy­ing on me through my phone’ any­more. Even­tu­al­ly, it will be ‘My phone is spy­ing on me.’” ― Philip K. Dick If ever Amer­i­cans sell their birthright, it will be for the promise of expe­di­en­cy and com­fort deliv­ered by way […]

Oceans not acidifying – “scientists” hid 80 years of pH data

Empir­i­cal data with­held by key sci­en­tists shows that since 1910 ocean pH lev­els have not decreased in our oceans as car­bon diox­ide lev­els increased. Over­all the trend is messy but more up than down, becom­ing less acidic. So much for those ter­ri­fy­ing oceans of acid that were com­ing our way. What hap­pened to those graphs? Sci­en­tists […]

US School Forces Girls to Follow Islamic Dress Code on Field Trip

A school dis­trict in Col­orado is com­ing under the wrath of the com­mu­ni­ty for telling school girls that they may have to sub­mit to sharia-com­pli­ant rules regard­ing cov­er­ing their heads and ankles on a field trip to a Mus­lim mosque. Accord­ing to WND, Dou­glas Coun­ty School Dis­trict con­firmed that such Islam­ic law will be enforced […]

Going Round the Farris Wheel

Michael Farris: More Disturbing History  and Ques­tion­able Associations Since the post yes­ter­day, “Far­ris’s Fer­ris Wheel…”, a num­ber of indi­vid­u­als have sent addi­tion­al links with more research and back­ground infor­ma­tion on the dis­turb­ing activ­i­ties of Michael Farris. Below are some fur­ther items for read­ers to explore. Again, read this your­self and draw your own con­clu­sions. Warn­ing: […]

Vermont parent to be paid $150,000 in lawsuit over ban from school meetings

For­mer Ben­son, Ver­mont res­i­dent Mar­cel Cyr was award­ed $147,500 Mon­day after win­ning a law­suit against the Addi­son Rut­land Super­vi­so­ry Union. He had been banned from all school grounds in the dis­trict because school offi­cials were fright­ened of him. The ACLU took up Cyr’s case on free speech grounds, and in Sep­tem­ber fed­er­al judge J. Gar­van Murtha […]

Local lizard may be named an endangered species

Flat-tailed horned lizardPho­to cour­tesy Ari­zona Game & Fish The Cal­i­for­nia Fish and Wildlife Com­mis­sion is set to con­sid­er whether the flat-tailed horned lizard, whose habi­tat includes the Algo­dones and Impe­r­i­al sand dunes west of Yuma, should be list­ed as endangered. The Cen­ter for Bio­log­i­cal Diver­si­ty’s peti­tion to the state seek­ing endan­gered sta­tus was accept­ed by the […]

PEN America: “The Harm Caused by Surveillance…is Unmistakable”

PEN Amer­i­ca pub­lished a report this week sum­ma­riz­ing the find­ings from a recent sur­vey of 772 writ­ers around the world on ques­tions of sur­veil­lance and self-cen­sor­ship. The report, enti­tled “Glob­al Chill­ing: The Impact of Mass Sur­veil­lance on Inter­na­tion­al Writ­ers,” builds upon a late 2013 sur­vey of more than 500 US-based writ­ers con­duct­ed by the organization. […]

Farris’s Ferris Wheel…

Mike Far­ris’s Dis­turb­ing History and Ques­tion­able Associations Many think that Michael Far­ris is the good guy in the white hat who hero­ical­ly rides in on his white horse to save the day for home­school­ers. Many are not aware that Far­ris has a con­tro­ver­sial his­to­ry that goes back three decades. Far­ris, head of Home­school Legal Defense […]

EPA’s Wood-Burning Stove Ban Has Chilling Consequences For Many Rural People

It seems that even wood isn’t green or renew­able enough any­more. The EPA has recent­ly banned the pro­duc­tion and sale of 80 per­cent of America’s cur­rent wood-burn­ing stoves, the old­est heat­ing method known to mankind and main­stay of rur­al homes and many of our nation’s poor­est res­i­dents. The agency’s strin­gent one-size-fits-all rules apply equal­ly to […]

The Islamization of American Public School Children

Many his­to­ri­ans have com­pared our cur­rent plight to that of the Roman Empire in its fall-apart days. Like the Romans, we are falling because we became com­pla­cent and stopped doing the things that build a pow­er­ful civ­i­liza­tion. We, as Amer­i­cans, are fail­ing to see where we are at in our own his­to­ry. Our gov­ern­ment has […]