Common Core Charter Village Hub Schools

COMMUNISM IS HERE: “COMMUNITY EDUCATION” Far­rell (Penn­syl­va­nia) “hub” com­mu­ni­ty edu­ca­tion diagram Rus­sia has been a key play­er in devel­op­ing TAX-FUNDED SCHOOL ’ ”CHOICE” & CHARTERS WITHOUT ELECTED BOARDS and its cor­re­spond­ing COMMUNITY EDUCATION! Some his­to­ry fol­lows, start­ing with the Full-Ser­vice Com­mu­ni­ty Schools Act of 2014 and going back to the 1946 Mont­gomery Coun­ty, Mary­land pilot project […]

A.C. homeowner combating eminent domain sees no good reason

Char­lie Birn­baum stands on his roof with the closed Rev­el Casi­no Hotel in the back­ground. “I don’t think I’m in any­body’s way what­so­ev­er,” he said. (MEL EVANS / AP, File) ATLANTIC CITY — Char­lie Birn­baum, piano tuner, home­own­er, land­lord, son of Holo­caust sur­vivors and famed emi­nent domain resister, had a mes­sage for Atlantic City about try­ing […]