Anita Hoge’s OPEN LETTER to PA Dept of Ed’s Dumaresq

The fol­low­ing is the com­plete text of the for­mal let­ter that Ani­ta Hoge addressed to Car­olyn C. Dumaresq, Act­ing Sec­re­tary of the Penn­syl­va­nia Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion on Nov. 21st. This let­ter gives the full details behind the PRESS RELEASE issued sev­er­al days ago, which we pub­lished in its entire­ty on this blog (click HERE). Ani­ta […]

New paper finds strong evidence the Sun has controlled climate over the past 11,000 years, not CO2

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK If you can’t explain the ‘pause’, you can’t explain the cause… A paper pub­lished today (Decem­ber, 2014) in Jour­nal of Atmos­pher­ic and Solar-Ter­res­tri­al Physics finds a “strong and sta­ble cor­re­la­tion” between the mil­len­ni­al vari­a­tions in sunspots and the tem­per­a­ture in Antarc­ti­ca over the past 11,000 years. In stark con­trast, the authors find no […]

Censoring the Web Isn’t the Solution to Terrorism or Counterfeiting. It’s the Problem.

In pol­i­tics, as with Inter­net memes, ideas don’t spread because they are good—they spread because they are good at spread­ing. One of the most vir­u­lent ideas in Inter­net reg­u­la­tion in recent years has been the idea that if a social prob­lem man­i­fests on the Web, the best thing that you can do to address that […]

Grab Your Cameras, We Are Little Brother

 Note:  FA is not espous­ing an opin­ion or posi­tion here on racism in the Unit­ed States, or the killing of Michael Brown. We hope increased sun­light­ing through film­ing of author­i­ties will help restab­lish lib­er­ty, peace and jus­tice in this nation. Dystopi­an futures have always imag­ined gov­ern­ments oppress­ing us with sur­veil­lance. Under the all-see­ing, all-hear­ing eyes […]

PA Citizens Ask Gov. Corbett for Data Collection Moratorium

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. Penn­syl­va­ni­ans Restor­ing Education Con­tacts: Ani­ta B Hoge 724–263-0474 Cheryl Boise 412–389-6896 Ryan Ban­nis­ter 717–919-2122 Rich Felice 484–678-2236 Novem­ber 24, 2014. Har­ris­burg, Pa; Penn­syl­va­ni­ans Restor­ing Edu­ca­tion, Penn­syl­va­nia Against Com­mon Core, cit­i­zens of Penn­syl­va­nia, par­ents and stu­dents are ask­ing Gov­er­nor Cor­bett to place a mora­to­ri­um on the data col­lec­tion in the Penn­syl­va­nia Infor­ma­tion Man­age­ment […]

Common Core Charter School Craziness!

Using Turkish Islamic teachers just the tip of the iceberg in charter irregularities! Exhib­it 1 “Chica­go char­ter schools import 474 Turk­ish Mus­lim teach­ers as 40k Amer­i­can teach­ers go unem­ployed,” pub­lished on Novem­ber 22, 2014, report­ed the lat­est antics of char­ter school operators: Hori­zon Sci­ence Acad­e­my in Bond Hill… employs sev­en for­eign teach­ers, most­ly from Turkey, brought […]

The Muslim Brotherhood in American Schools

“I am wag­ing a Blood­less Rev­o­lu­tion in America’s Pub­lic Schools…” – Shab­bir Mansuri (Founder and Direc­tor of the Coun­cil on Islam­ic Education) Brigitte Gabriel spoke ear­li­er this year at First Con­ser­v­a­tive Bap­tist Church and informed the peo­ple there that the Mus­lim Broth­er­hood is in the process of infil­trat­ing Amer­i­can pub­lic schools, just as they have […]

CT Report Lays Groundwork for Nationwide Psychiatric Surveillance

FA Notes: A JAMA survey reports 14.2 per­cent of ado­les­cents ages 13 to 18 years with any men­tal dis­or­der report­ed being treat­ed with a psy­chotrop­ic medication. Some psy­chi­a­trists admit psy­chi­atric dis­or­ders are not med­ical dis­eases; there are no lab tests, brain scans, X‑rays or chem­i­cal imbal­ance tests that can ver­i­fy any men­tal dis­or­der is a phys­i­cal condition. Fed­er­al law […]

Is Water The New Enron? – Fake Crises, Fake Bills, And Fake Solutions

Rev. Edward Pinkney “In places like Ben­ton Har­bor, Michi­gan and Detroit, there is some­thing called the emer­gency man­ag­er, which essen­tial­ly is a local dic­ta­tor. He can depose the may­or and offer decrees and answer to no one except the gov­er­nor. In these two cities and oth­ers, because they are lack­ing tax rev­enue (because of lack […]

Common Core: Gates & Global Oligarchs Controlling the Future Through Our Children

  The infor­ma­tion pre­sent­ed here should shock you, rock you to your foun­da­tion and make you angry. So please read and watch all that is pre­sent­ed. You will find it well worth your time and effort, and an epiphany is all but guaranteed. “Com­mon core was nev­er intend­ed to make our chil­dren bet­ter or to […]

Judge Andrew P. Napolitano – Natural Law as restraint against tyranny

Judge Andrew P. Napoli­tano, once a Fox News TV show host — and now an out­spo­ken crit­ic of the US gov­ern­ment — deliv­ered a short, intrigu­ing, and, I believe, impor­tant speech at the Mis­es Insti­tute in Cos­ta Mesa, Cal­i­for­nia, on Novem­ber 8th, 2014. Sir Thomas More He began by talk­ing about the ori­gins of Nat­ur­al Laws, […]

Renewable energy ‘simply WON’T WORK’: Top Google engineers

Wind­mills, solar, tidal — all a ‘false hope’, say Stan­ford PhDs Two high­ly qual­i­fied Google engi­neers who have spent years study­ing and try­ing to improve renew­able ener­gy tech­nol­o­gy have stat­ed quite blunt­ly that renew­ables will nev­er per­mit the human race to cut CO2 emis­sions to the lev­els demand­ed by cli­mate activists. What­ev­er the future holds, it […]

Population Control via Water Control

Dr. Kate Vandemoer Dr. Kate Van­de­mo­er out­lines the Fed­er­al grab for con­trol of water out West. One does not need to achieve a very high lev­el of edu­ca­tion to real­ize that water is the bio­log­i­cal basis for all of mankind, and our most valu­able and nec­es­sary resource. In fact, very few peo­ple read­ing this would sur­vive […]

When the Time Comes We’ll Need to Step Up the Fight Against TPP’s Secret, Anti-User Agenda

If you missed our live teach-in yes­ter­day on the Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship (TPP) agree­ment and its restric­tive, anti-user pro­vi­sions, you can still check out the video of our dis­cus­sion. It’s embed­ded below. We invit­ed experts from dig­i­tal rights groups from sev­er­al TPP countries—all mem­bers of the Fair Deal Coali­tion—and we dis­cussed the var­i­ous ways this mas­sive, […]

Plan Bay Area – A Shocking Theft Of Our Democracy

Our local media has been drop­ping broad, con­fus­ing hints about some­thing big, some­thing immi­nent, com­ing to the greater Bay Area. A front page arti­cle in the San Fran­cis­co Chron­i­cle in March 2013, titled “Hard Choic­es for a grow­ing S.F.” begins, “San Fran­cis­co res­i­dents will be get­ting thou­sands of new neigh­bors in the next 30 years, and […]

EPA regs to increase Vermonters’ gas and electric bills by $880

By 2020, the aver­age annu­al house­hold gas and elec­tric bill in Ver­mont will increase by more than $880, thanks to the Oba­ma administration’s pro­pos­al to reg­u­late car­bon diox­ide emis­sions from U.S. pow­er plants. COST OF GOING GREEN: New car­bon reg­u­la­tions from the EPA will cause Ver­mon­ters’ res­i­den­tial gas and elec­tric bills to rise 36 per­cent […]

The Medusa System

Inter­na­tion­al Legal and Reg­u­la­to­ry Sys­tem is the Medusa Since Oba­ma is going to make his big announce­ment tonight con­cern­ing his 10 Point Plan for Immi­gra­tion reform, I thought I’d bet­ter find out pre­cise­ly what the plan entails. I only need­ed to read one arti­cle on Fox News to know exact­ly what this is about because […]

Is Gov. Jindal Breaking the Law?

IS GOVERNOR JINDAL’S OWN ADMINISTRATION CONSPIRING TO BREAK THE LAW? Below is an important national alert from The People LLC in Louisiana, 11/20/2014. It is reproduced in its entirety. The original is posted HERE. Please spread the word about what is happening! During the 2014 Louisiana Leg­isla­tive Ses­sion, the leg­is­la­ture unan­i­mous­ly passed Act 837 which pro­vides […]

Common Core Charter Village Hub Schools

COMMUNISM IS HERE: “COMMUNITY EDUCATION” Far­rell (Penn­syl­va­nia) “hub” com­mu­ni­ty edu­ca­tion diagram Rus­sia has been a key play­er in devel­op­ing TAX-FUNDED SCHOOL ’ ”CHOICE” & CHARTERS WITHOUT ELECTED BOARDS and its cor­re­spond­ing COMMUNITY EDUCATION! Some his­to­ry fol­lows, start­ing with the Full-Ser­vice Com­mu­ni­ty Schools Act of 2014 and going back to the 1946 Mont­gomery Coun­ty, Mary­land pilot project […]

A.C. homeowner combating eminent domain sees no good reason

Char­lie Birn­baum stands on his roof with the closed Rev­el Casi­no Hotel in the back­ground. “I don’t think I’m in any­body’s way what­so­ev­er,” he said. (MEL EVANS / AP, File) ATLANTIC CITY — Char­lie Birn­baum, piano tuner, home­own­er, land­lord, son of Holo­caust sur­vivors and famed emi­nent domain resister, had a mes­sage for Atlantic City about try­ing […]

“Free Trade” Agreements Are Criminalising Farmers’ Seeds for the Benefit of Multinational Corporations

FA Note:  GRAIN is a small inter­na­tion­al non-prof­it organ­i­sa­tion that works to sup­port small farm­ers and social move­ments in their strug­gles for com­mu­ni­ty-con­trolled and bio­di­ver­si­ty-based food systems. What could be more rou­tine than sav­ing seeds from one sea­son to the next? After all, that is how we grow crops on our farms and in our […]

Common Core-upt Charters

SOCIALISTS DETEST ELECTED OFFICIALS! Arne Dun­can in New Orleans One post after the oth­er (below) from the so-called school choice edu­ca­tion experts relates to “every­thing you ever want­ed to know — pro and con — about char­ter schools.” Be sure to watch this video! Lis­ten to this moth­er’s pleas! Watch the video at “DISCUSS: Are Char­ter […]

ACLU of California’s Smart About Surveillance Report: A Smart Way to Fight Local Spying

Think you know how your local cops are spy­ing on you? The ACLU of California’s “Mak­ing Smart Deci­sions About Sur­veil­lance: A Guide for Com­mu­ni­ties” is a new resource that can help you fig­ure out what sur­veil­lance tech­nol­o­gy is being deployed in your community—and what you can do about it. And as we’ve point­ed out, while […]


Forced Out?… Or Found Out? (Source) An arti­cle titled “Tulane’s Cowen Insti­tute head, John Ayers, resigns after botched report on New Orleans schools,” writer Jes­si­ca Williams of The Times-Picayune (New Orleans) report­ed on 11/10/14 that John Ayers, exec­u­tive direc­tor of Tulane Uni­ver­si­ty’s Cowen Insti­tute for Pub­lic Edu­ca­tion Ini­tia­tives, said Mon­day he is resign­ing at the end […]