Just a few days ago the Mia­mi Her­ald, Flori­da, news­pa­per ran a sto­ry head­lined: Law­mak­ers To Con­sid­er Ban­ning Bio­met­rics in Schools.  The Pinel­las Coun­ty school dis­trict start­ed using bio­met­rics (iris scans, fin­ger­print scans, and palm readers…not the ones wear­ing tur­bans and ear­rings…) in the school cafe­te­rias.  When the Polk and Semi­nole Coun­ty school dis­tricts insti­tut­ed […]

The UN’s got the money, the UN’s got the water

Judi McLeod, Edi­tor, Cana­da Free Press No one, and most espe­cial­ly Detroit May­or Mike Dug­gan, should be sur­prised that two Unit­ed Nations lawyers came to town to scold city offi­cials for cut­ting off water to delin­quent cus­tomers, sanc­ti­mo­nious­ly describ­ing the water shut-offs as a “human rights” violation. The Unit­ed Nations vir­tu­al­ly owns cities and towns of […]

“Common Core is a distraction”

Lib­er­tar­i­an Can­di­date Quotes Charlotte! We inter­rupt the cur­rent Skin­ner Hor­ror Files series to announce that the Lib­er­tar­i­an can­di­date for gov­er­nor in New York state has just quot­ed Char­lotte in his oppo­si­tion to char­ter schools! Go to: Start lis­ten­ing at 36 min­utes. The sub­ject is Com­mon Core. Below is a transcript: 38.20 Michael McDer­mott, Lib­er­tar­i­an […]

UN Calls for National Water “Affordability Standard” in America

As more than one bil­lion peo­ple oppressed under Unit­ed Nations mem­ber regimes strug­gle to live on less than $1 a day, the UN’s “human rights” brigades vis­it­ed Detroit this week — where the aver­age wel­fare ben­e­fits amount to almost $30,000 per year — to call for a nation­al “afford­abil­i­ty stan­dard” for water. Accord­ing to the […]

Performance-based Teacher Education:

Day 23: SKINNER HORROR FILES Teach­ing the way it used to be before per­for­mance-based out­comes on a predi­gest­ed learn­ing tools Over the years one has seen the depar­ture of many tal­ent­ed teach­ers who have left the pro­fes­sion due to Skin­ner­ian Per­for­mance-based Teacher Edu­ca­tion. Teach­ing used to be a joy­ful job in a cre­ative envi­ron­ment where stu­dents thrived […]

Land of the Free – 1 in 3 Americans Are on File with the FBI in the U.S. Police State

This arti­cle illus­trates the tie-in between the behav­ior mod­i­fi­ca­tion and con­di­tion­ing meth­ods employed in our schools and the grow­ing police state, all designed to instill a pas­sive, com­pli­ant “herd” men­tal­i­ty into human beings in the New World Order.   The sick­en­ing trans­for­ma­tion of these Unit­ed States into an author­i­tar­i­an police state with an incar­cer­a­tion rate that would […]

Protect Yourself from RFID: Frightening Tracking Tech

Kather­ine Albrecht (l), Liz McIntyre ® A creepy new spy­ing tech­nol­o­gy called Radio Fre­quen­cy Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion – known by its abbre­vi­a­tion RFID — is start­ing to show up on prod­ucts you buy at stores like Wal­mart, and it could be used to track your every move. What is RFID? RFID is a track­ing tech­nol­o­gy. It uses tiny microchips hooked up […]

Global Skinnerian Outcomes

Day 22: SKINNER HORROR FILES Pavlov’s Chil­dren To read this book, go to and type in the key word “Pavlov” into the search box. You will find this book on the list (bot­tom), and if you click the red “Down­load Now” box, the book will down­load onto your com­put­er into a pdf file. Here is […]

The Unalienable Right to Use and Enjoy One’s Property

Michael Shaw Pri­vate prop­er­ty is more than a “thing.”  Your body, your thoughts and your actions obtain for you the ben­e­fits of var­i­ous things, but it is the rela­tion­ship between you and those things that form the essence of pri­vate prop­er­ty. Our fore­bear­ers rec­og­nized the idea and the ide­al that every indi­vid­ual pos­sess­es unalien­able rights. […]

Shielded from Justice: The High Cost of Living in a Police State

John W. White­head, Founder, the Ruther­ford Institute “It’s been over five months since the night a SWAT team broke into the house in which we were staying…We were stay­ing with rel­a­tives and my whole fam­i­ly was sleep­ing in one room. My hus­band and I, our three daugh­ters and our baby (nick­named “Baby Bou Bou”) in […]

Skinnerizing Teachers

Day 21: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files The Skin­ner­iza­tion* of Teachers *DEFINITION of Skinnerize: The process by which stu­dents, teach­ers, prin­ci­pals, admin­is­tra­tors, etc. — and any­one else for that mat­ter — con­form to B.F. Skin­ner’s mod­el, meth­ods, goals, process and sys­tem. To become Skin­ner­ized means one has adapt­ed them­selves, will­ing­ly or through com­pul­sion, to the entire modus operen­di […]

EFF Launches Updated Know Your Rights Guide

If the police come knock­ing at your door, the con­sti­tu­tion offers you some pro­tec­tion. But the con­sti­tu­tion is just a piece of paper—if you don’t know how to assert your rights. And even if you do assert your rights…what hap­pens next? That answer may seem com­pli­cat­ed, but pro­tect­ing your­self is sim­ple if you know your […]

Residents of Alamo Heights in San Antonio, Texas Win Support of City Council in “Spark Meter” Battle

Dozens of res­i­dents speak to Alamo Heights City Coun­cil on Mon­day evening Res­i­dents of Alamo Heights in San Anto­nio, Texas Win Sup­port of City Coun­cil in “Spark Meter” Battle Dozens of res­i­dents speak to Alamo Heights City Coun­cil on Mon­day evening (Sept. 22, 2014) ALAMO HEIGHTS, TX— Mon­day evening, more than 20 res­i­dents spoke out at […]

The TPP may endanger world health, newly leaked chapter shows

Wik­iLeaks on Thurs­day pub­lished an updat­ed ver­sion of the nego­ti­at­ing texts of a con­tro­ver­sial and high­ly secre­tive trade agree­ment between the Unit­ed States and 11 oth­er mem­ber nations. Crit­ics warn that the inter­na­tion­al agree­ment, dubbed the Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship (TPP), pro­pos­es sweep­ing changes to intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty norms that would sti­fle free­dom of expres­sion online and impose […]

Cyber-Espionage and Trade Agreements: An Ill-Fitting and Dangerous Combination

Yes­ter­day’s (Oct. 16, 2014) leak of a May 2014 draft of the Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship (TPP) agree­ment revealed the addi­tion of new text crim­i­nal­iz­ing the mis­use of trade secrets through “com­put­er sys­tems”, as men­tioned in our pre­vi­ous post about the leak. This is a sig­nif­i­cant rev­e­la­tion, because we also know that trade secrets are planned for […]

Alameda County: I-580 political signs spark free speech fight

Activist Michael Shaw pos­es for a pho­to­graph at his pub­lic self-stor­age facil­i­ty in Cas­tro Val­ley, Calif., Wednes­day, Oct. 8, 2014. Shaw says that bill­boards he erect­ed there this sum­mer are con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly pro­tect­ed free speech against a gov­ern­ment con­spir­a­cy to abol­ish pri­vate prop­er­ty and crowd Amer­i­cans into high-den­si­ty “pack and stack” hous­ing in a car-less soci­ety. […]

Your Child the Guinea Pig

DAY 20: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files Behav­ioral Sci­ence Teacher Edu­ca­tion Pro­gram (BSTEP)   George Orwell “We are get­ting clos­er to devel­op­ing effec­tive methods for shap­ing the future and are advanc­ing in fun­da­men­tal social and indi­vid­ual evolution.” ~BSTEP Few Amer­i­cans know about this pro­gram unless they were trained in edu­ca­tion. Even few­er know how seri­ous­ly bad this pro­gram […]

EFF Response to FBI Director Comey’s Speech on Encryption

FBI Direc­tor James Comey gave a speech yes­ter­day (Oct. 16, 2014)reiterating the FBI’s near­ly twen­ty-year-old talk­ing points about why it wants to reduce the secu­ri­ty in your devices, rather than help you increase it. Here’s EFF’s response: The FBI should not be in the busi­ness of try­ing to con­vince com­pa­nies to offer less secu­ri­ty to […]

Should We Just Follow Orders? Rules of Engagement for Resisting the Police State

John W. White­head, Founder, the Ruther­ford Institute “Let your mot­to be resis­tance! resis­tance! Resis­tance! No oppressed peo­ple have ever secured their lib­er­ty with­out resistance.”—Abolitionist Hen­ry High­land Garnet The per­ils of resist­ing the police state grow more cost­ly with each pass­ing day, espe­cial­ly if you hope to escape with your life and prop­er­ty intact. The thing […]

Fire chiefs call for smart meter probe after blazes

(Pho­to: Pro­vid­ed by the Reno Fire Department) RENO — The Reno and Sparks fire chiefs are ask­ing the Pub­lic Util­i­ties Com­mis­sion to inves­ti­gate the safe­ty of smart meters installed by NV Ener­gy on homes through­out the state in the wake of a trou­bling spate of blazes they believe are asso­ci­at­ed with the meters, includ­ing one […]

“The ‘Skinner Box’ School”

Day 19: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files “…to con­trol a child’s atti­tudes and values it is first nec­es­sary to mod­i­fy the child’s behav­ior.” “Par­ents have been told that Out­come-Based Edu­ca­tion has noth­ing to do with chang­ing the atti­tudes and val­ues of their children;  that OBE will improve learn­ing for all chil­dren through “best-prac­tices” research. What par­ents are not […]

The Making of a Mexico-to-Canada Wolf Corridor – Part 2

W. R. McAfee The South­west is the area where Cana­di­an and Mex­i­can wolves most­ly like­ly will meet and cross­breed. Accord­ing to USFWS doc­u­ments, the Mex­i­can wolf’s inbreed­ing con­tributes to small lit­ter sizes and low pup-sur­vival rates. Cross-breed­ing with the non-native Cana­di­an wolves would “solve” the Mex­i­can wolf’s gene pool prob­lem.  Call it a “nonessen­tial exper­i­men­tal […]

Press Release – Updated Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) – IP Chapter (second publication)

Thurs­day 16 Octo­ber 2014, Wik­iLeaks released a sec­ond updat­ed ver­sion of the Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship (TPP) Intel­lec­tu­al Prop­er­ty Rights Chap­ter. The TPP is the world’s largest eco­nom­ic trade agree­ment that will, if it comes into force, encom­pass more than 40 per cent of the world’s GDP. The IP Chap­ter cov­ers top­ics from phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, patent reg­is­tra­tions and […]

Wolves as Stalking Horses

Jim Beers is a retired Refuge Man­ag­er, Spe­cial Agent, & Wildlife Biol­o­gist U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service The talk below on wolves, and their “reintroduction” by federal bureaucrats, was given at a Town Forum in Dorris, California, on May 18, 2014. Mr. Beers handed out copies of  his prepared remarks, published below. Jim Beers is […]