Valiant TRUTH Warrior, Dr. Stan Monteith of Radio Liberty Passed Away – Monday, September 29, 2014

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Dr. Stanley Monteith

Dr. Stan­ley Monteith

Dr. Stan Mon­tei­th, age 85, founder and radio pro­gram host of Radio Lib­er­ty, broad­cast­ing out of San­ta Cruz, Cal­i­for­nia, passed away Sep­tem­ber 29, 2014, of lym­phoma in a hos­pi­tal in San­ta Cruz, Cal­i­for­nia. He passed away peace­ful­ly sur­round­ed by his loved ones.

Dr. Stan will be great­ly missed by his many radio fans across the nation and world­wide (through inter­net). A for­mer ortho­pe­dic sur­geon, he start­ed his radio pro­gram back in 1993 and it con­tin­ued on for 21 years. Orig­i­nal­ly just one hour a day, the pro­gram had grown to five hours a day, five days a week — Mon­day through Fri­day, going out to over 70 oth­er radio sta­tions nation-wide and one pro­gram in the UK.

Dr. Stan was also the author of a month­ly newslet­ter, sev­er­al med­ical arti­cles excel­lent books and pam­phlets: Aids the Unnec­es­sary Epi­dem­ic; To Deceive a Nation; A Nation Deceived and Betrayed; and the Broth­er­hood of Dark­ness. He also has been a guest on oth­er radio and tele­vi­sion shows.

Inspite, of Dr. Stan’s weak­ness he was so ded­i­cat­ed to his work that he was broad­cast­ing every­day, and con­tin­ued broad­cast­ing almost to the day he entered the hospital.

Our nation and the world has lost a great, ded­i­cat­ed defend­er of truth and lib­er­ty. Dr. Stan was one of the best informed, bril­liant men try­ing to save our nation. He tru­ly knew what was going on behind the scenes and had been offer­ing his lis­ten­ers source doc­u­ments and infor­ma­tion so they could under­stand the real­i­ty in which we all live. Dr. Stan will be missed by mil­lions of peo­ple who lis­tened to his radio programs.

Dr. Stan leaves a lega­cy in radio archives which can be accessed and lis­tened to at Dr. Stan can be hon­ored by those that will con­tin­ue to inform the peo­ple and spread the infor­ma­tion as he was doing for so many years . .