Private Property Rights Under Attack by Comprehensive Land Use Plans

“Pri­vate prop­er­ty must be guard­ed as price­less free­dom. Land own­ers should reject the sus­tain­able devel­op­ment idea that only gov­ern­ment can pro­tect nature, air, soil, water, open spaces, and the poor.” Dr. Ileana John­son Paugh Humans have always desired to own a piece of land that could be passed on to their heirs. Once they acquired prop­er­ty for […]

Mr. Big – Edicts from the Mountain

The news­pa­per in Ida­ho Falls, ID is the Post Reg­is­ter. Yes­ter­day they had an edi­to­r­i­al writ­ten by a mem­ber of [sic] City Coun­cil. Appar­ent­ly, he is a qua­si-staff mem­ber because the Reg­is­ter allows him a bul­ly pul­pit on a reg­u­lar basis. I found that out when I wrote a response to an edi­to­r­i­al he wrote […]

Security Vulnerabilities of Smart Electricity Meters

Bruce Schneier “Who con­trols the off switch?” by Ross Ander­son and Shailen­dra Fuloria. Abstract: We’re about to acquire a sig­nif­i­cant new cybervul­ner­a­bil­i­ty. The world’s ener­gy util­i­ties are start­ing to install hun­dreds of mil­lions of ‘smart meters’ which con­tain a remote off switch. Its main pur­pose is to ensure that cus­tomers who default on their pay­ments […]

Minnesota’s global outlook helps land sustainability conference

For­mer heads of state will meet (in Min­neso­ta, Oct. 2015) on democ­ra­cy, sus­tain­abil­i­ty (Agen­da 21). An announce­ment expect­ed Mon­day in New York will break the news that Min­neapo­lis will host a major glob­al con­fer­ence on sus­tain­abil­i­ty that will attract the for­mer heads of state of near­ly 100 coun­tries to Min­neso­ta in Octo­ber 2015. The theme of “MN2015,” as […]

This Common Home Appliance Can Compromise Your Entire Security

Bruce Schneier LIFX is a smart light bulb that can be con­trolled with your smart phone via your home­’s Wi-Fi net­work. Turns out that any­one with­in range can obtain the Wi-Fi pass­word from the light bulb. It’s a prob­lem with the com­mu­ni­ca­tions protocol.

Privacy Nightmare: When Baby Monitors Go Bad

A secure crib and a baby mon­i­tor are on the the “must-have” safe­ty check­list for many new par­ents. But when you tuck Junior in for the night, you nev­er imag­ine wak­ing to a scene straight out of The Twi­light Zone: a foul-mouthed baby cam­era with a life of its own. This is exact­ly what hap­pened to […]

Police Enter Home, Confiscate Cellphone And Arrest Woman For Recording Them

The author does­n’t men­tion Agen­da 21, but that is what this is. “Com­mu­ni­ty edu­ca­tion” is guid­ing our youth and adults into com­pli­ance, rather than enlight­en­ment. K‑12 edu­ca­tion is not teach­ing the crit­i­cal, inde­pen­dent thought nec­es­sary for informed, inde­pen­dent action; our chil­dren are being taught to “feel” and act as a col­lec­tive, or hive. Amer­i­cans are […]

Top Ten Things Parents Hate About the Common Core

“It’s the first school year most par­ents have heard about Com­mon Core. And they don’t like it one bit.” This is the year new nation­al Com­mon Core tests kick in, replac­ing state tests in most locales, cour­tesy of an eager Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion and the future generation’s tax dol­lars. It’s also the first year a major­i­ty […]

iOS 8’s WiFi location privacy isn’t as powerful as you might think

If you were hop­ing that iOS 8’s abil­i­ty to hide your device ID from near­by WiFi net­works would ren­der you invis­i­ble to nosy hotspot oper­a­tors, you’ll want to dial back your expec­ta­tions a bit. Air­Tight Net­works’ Bhupin­der Mis­ra has found that Apple’s hard­ware address ran­dom­iza­tion only kicks in under a very nar­row set of cir­cum­stances. […]

Treasure of Social Comity Requires Sacrifices of Individual Sovereignty

Many of us have seen news reports in recent days on stu­dent walk­outs in the Den­ver sub­urbs. The School Board wants to ensure that cer­tain tra­di­tion­al areas are still empha­sized in Amer­i­can his­to­ry, while the stu­dents see the inter­ven­tion as pro­pa­gan­da. The adults involved seem a bit shocked that what they see as facts is […]

How the NSA wants total population control

William Bin­ney is one of the high­est-lev­el whistle­blow­ers to ever emerge from the NSA. He was a lead­ing code-break­er against the Sovi­et Union dur­ing the Cold War but resigned soon after Sep­tem­ber 11, dis­gust­ed by Washington’s move towards mass surveillance. On 5 July he spoke at a con­fer­ence in Lon­don organ­ised by the Cen­tre for […]

Globalists Taking Charge: Agenda 21’s Global Depopulation Agenda

In my last arti­cle I dis­cussed the idea that much of what we are expe­ri­enc­ing in this coun­try can’t be con­sid­ered a “con­spir­a­cy the­o­ry” any­more because it is actu­al­ly hap­pen­ing. We are lit­er­al­ly watch­ing the world burn around us and every day there is anoth­er new, excit­ing devel­op­ment that only, in my mind any­ways, rein­forces […]

Journey to the Center of the Core Yields the Yoke of Citizen-Centric Governance to Force a Shared Vision

I still remem­ber my shock that so many famous and pow­er­ful Amer­i­cans endorsed the view in the March 2013 book by Moi­ses Naim that sim­ply assumed that the Amer­i­can peo­ple were now to be Gov­erned as if they were col­lec­tive­ly a ship in need of steer­ing by politi­cians. Sil­ly me. Turns out there was […]


Ani­ta B. Hoge While every­one is out there debat­ing Com­mon Core, there is a sys­tem of stan­dard­iza­tion being put in place. And, if you are unaware of this sys­tem, what you don’t know about Com­mon Core, Choice, and Char­ter Schools CAN hurt you. This sto­ry tells a dif­fer­ent Com­mon Core tale with a much dif­fer­ent end­ing […]

Don’t Listen to Google and Facebook: The Public-Private Surveillance Partnership Is Still Going Strong

Bruce Schneier And real cor­po­rate secu­ri­ty is still impossible. If you’ve been read­ing the news recent­ly, you might think that cor­po­rate Amer­i­ca is doing its best to thwart NSA surveillance. Google just announced that it is encrypt­ing Gmail when you access it from your com­put­er or phone, and between data cen­ters. Last week, Mark Zucker­berg […]


Rur­al landown­ers who desire to use their own prop­er­ty are shocked when they learn new reg­u­la­tions increas­ing­ly restrict them from doing almost any­thing. These reg­u­la­tions osten­si­bly pro­tect endan­gered species, view­sheds, open space, or a host of oth­er rea­sons for lim­it­ing the own­ers rights to use their land. Although the envi­ron­ment and soci­ety alleged­ly ben­e­fit from […]

Jim Beers responds to San Francisco anti-dairy advertising

BART is the Bay Area Rapid Tran­sit district Anti-Dairy Ads on BART Urge Com­muters to Bathe Exact­ly as the poi­son of ille­gal drugs is the root cause of so much vio­lent and debil­i­tat­ing crime, and just as the army of poor chil­dren born annu­al­ly into father­less homes to be raised like weeds by elder­ly rel­a­tives is […]

How Agenda 21 influences the Bradley County BCC 2035 joint strategic plan

This fol­low-up is relat­ed to our Sep­tem­ber 18 post, UN’s Inter­na­tion­al Build­ing Codes, nec­es­sary tool for Agen­da 21 imple­men­ta­tion. The Bradley Coun­ty, Ten­nessee, Board of Com­mis­sion­ers vot­ed this week to adopt the pro­posed 2035 Joint Strate­gic Plan. The post below is an exam­ple of local Agen­da 21 oppo­nents’ efforts to stop imple­men­ta­tion through edu­ca­tion, pub­lic aware­ness, […]

Gaining Access To and Then Guiding Each Student’s Subjective Perception of Reality to Change the Here and Now

Let’s pre­tend for a moment that we are all in the same room mulling over why K‑12 edu­ca­tion is shut­ting down what works and expand­ing every­thing that has ever been con­tro­ver­sial or even trag­ic. We could get out a White Board and pre­tend to be detec­tive Kate Beck­ett on the TV show Cas­tle and cre­ate […]

UN’s International Building Codes, necessary tool for Agenda 21 implementation

Here is an excerpt from the pre­am­ble of the doc­u­ment Agen­da 21: “Land… can­not be treat­ed as an ordi­nary asset, con­trolled by indi­vid­u­als and sub­ject to the pres­sures and inef­fi­cien­cies of the market. Pri­vate land own­er­ship is also a prin­ci­pal instru­ment of accu­mu­la­tion and con­cen­tra­tion of wealth and there­fore con­tributes to social injus­tice; if unchecked, it […]

House of Tomorrow: Targeting Behavior Change Requires Move Away from Declarative Knowledge

If you hang out in the dun­geons and attics of the Trans­for­ma­tion Blue­prints like I do, one of the omnipresent con­fes­sions that is cru­cial, but not mak­ing it into the pub­lic domain YET, is that class­room activ­i­ties and expe­ri­ences are now “aims-based” or “goal-direct­ed,” not “sub­ject-mat­ter based.” His­to­ry, math, lit­er­a­ture, or sci­ence course names still […]

The Dark Side of Sustainable Development and the Regional One Bay Area Plan

Heather Gass Over the past few years, I and many oth­ers in the San Fran­cis­co Bay Area have been fight­ing against a plan that seeks to social­ly re-engi­neer our lives: the One Bay Area Plan. Over the next 25 to 30 years it will trans­form the lives of over 9 mil­lion peo­ple in 9 coun­ties […]


The End of Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Government… …The Begin­ning of Glob­al “Gov­er­nance” Gov­ern­ment of the peo­ple, by the peo­ple, for the peo­ple?! Accord­ing to Reed Hast­ings of Net­flix you only have 20–30 years of free­dom left! Get out to vote now, because you won’t have it in the future. While many con­ser­v­a­tives are out in the polit­i­cal […]


“Those who have the priv­i­lege to know, have the duty to act.” ‑Albert Einstein Ani­ta B. Hoge Oba­ma and ‘Con­ser­v­a­tive’ Groups Use Bait and Switch Tac­tics. They are using the momen­tum against Com­mon Core to com­plete and fur­ther their agenda—“Choice” and Char­ter Schools. The truth has uneasy con­se­quences. ‘Con­ser­v­a­tives’ and Repub­li­cans are reveal­ing their so-called “Choice […]