Federal Court Finds Conspiracy, Orders USFS and BLM to Reinstate Hage Grazing Permits

Lib­er­ty Scene (Lib­er­ty and Prop­er­ty Rights Coali­tion) reports a land­mark deci­sion for ranch­ers in the Hage law­suit in the fol­low­ing press release. PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 5.29.2013   Fed­er­al Court Finds Con­spir­a­cy, Orders FS and BLM to Rein­state Hage Graz­ing Permits (RENO, NV)  Fri­day, Chief Judge Robert C. Jones of the Fed­er­al Dis­trict Court […]

Unhappy Green Economy: People + Planet = Profit – Natural Capital explained

Sum­ma­ry: The ‘triple bot­tom line’ mea­sures peo­ple, plan­et and prof­it; this forms part of each of the For­tune 500’s com­mit­ment to sus­tain­abil­i­ty, and is often referred to as ‘ESG’, or envi­ron­men­tal, social, and gov­er­nance report­ing. It is now a legal require­ment in many coun­tries for com­pa­nies to report their effects on soci­ety and the envi­ron­ment. Instead […]

Assess, Monitor and Control or Fusion Centers – Part 5

Sum­ma­ry: Fusion cen­ters advance the tenets of Agen­da 21, Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment by assess­ing, mon­i­tor­ing, and con­trol­ling us. -“The Intel­li­gent Vehi­cle High­way Sys­tem was just the begin­ning of ‘BIG SYSTEMS’ automa­tion of the infra­struc­ture lead­ing direct­ly to the “rein­ven­tion of gov­ern­ment” under the direc­tion of BIG SYSTEMS design­ers. When Clin­ton and Gore came into office, it was […]

Technocracy And The Making of China

Sum­ma­ry: Whence came Chi­na? This arti­cle gives you a clear his­to­ry of what we saw back in 1978–79 when Tri­lat­er­al Com­mis­sion­er and Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Advis­er Zbig­niew Brzezin­s­ki nor­mal­ized rela­tions with then-Com­mu­nist Chi­na. No, Chi­na did­n’t just hap­pen! It was care­ful­ly planned and orchestrated! It was no mis­take of his­tory that Chi­na trans­formed from a Com­mu­nist […]

Unsustainable Sustainability

Sum­ma­ry: Every elec­tion cycle can­di­dates deceit­ful­ly run on plat­forms of job cre­ation, pub­lic safe­ty, and a beau­ti­ful envi­ron­ment, because they know that’s what peo­ple want. Once in office, being fol­low­ers rather than lead­ers, they suc­cumb to ready-made tem­plates prof­fered by ICLEI and relat­ed orga­ni­za­tions. Con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly, it is patent­ly wrong, even trea­so­nous, for an elect­ed offi­cial […]

Local School Boards Are Being Replaced, Stripped Of Power

Sum­ma­ry: “The Com­mon Core Stan­dards” includes a per­for­mance-based test, aligned to the new stan­dards. Near­ly iden­ti­cal leg­is­la­tion is appear­ing state by state and is in all prob­a­bil­i­ty writ­ten by the Amer­i­can Leg­isla­tive Exchange Coun­cil (ALEC) or The Coun­cil for For­eign Rela­tions (CFR) who have now joined with the right polit­i­cal orga­ni­za­tions try­ing to con­vince cit­i­zens […]

Bay Area Should Model Itself After City-States Hong Kong and Singapore, Futurist Said

SAN JOSE, Calif. — “The Bay area is a city-state, and we should act like one,” said Paul Saf­fo, a tech­nol­o­gy futur­ist who explores and pre­dicts long term change. “We need to think like a region, not a mere col­lec­tion of cities.” Saf­fo, man­ag­ing direc­tor of fore­sight at Dis­cern Ana­lyt­ics, said it was time for […]

Natural Capital Accounting

Nat­ur­al Cap­i­tal Account­ing is a glob­al effort to reshape account­ing prac­tices, eval­u­at­ing busi­ness on a Triple E analy­sis — Envi­ron­ment [nature before man], Equi­ty [new social sys­tem and legal prin­ci­ples] and Econ­o­my [as in fas­cist con­trol]. The pur­pose of this new sys­tem is to assign val­ues to nature and resources and advance the cre­ation of […]

Managing Human Wildlife

The Nation­al Wildlife Fed­er­a­tion regards human beings as just anoth­er form of wildlife to be managed. A year ago this month, the US Nation­al Wildlife Fed­er­a­tion pub­lished a curi­ous, 60-page doc­u­ment titled The Psy­cho­log­i­cal Effects of Glob­al Warm­ing, And why the U.S. Men­tal Health Care Sys­tem is not Ade­quate­ly Pre­pared. Yes, that’s right. Wildlife activists […]

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Watch out for facil­i­ta­tor tac­tics, such as the Del­phi Tech­nique and Neu­ro Lin­guis­tic Pro­gram­ming (NLP). This arti­cle gives a good descrip­tion of NLP. Oba­ma uses a com­mu­ni­ca­tion tech­nique called Neu­ro Lin­guis­tic Pro­gram­ming (NLP). The idea is that the words being used are sim­ply a vehi­cle to implant an under­ly­ing message. For exam­ple, when he says that […]

Study Predicts Costs of Federal Grants to North Dakotans

Press Release:  Study Pre­dicts Costs of Fed­er­al Grants to North Dakotans Bis­mar­ck, N.D. — The North Dako­ta Pol­i­cy Coun­cil has released a study which pre­dicts that North Dakotans can expect their state tax­es to increase between $0.221 and $0.274 for each $1 of fed­er­al grants that is accepted. The study, con­duct­ed by Colum­bia Eco­nom­ics, L.L.C., con­clud­ed […]

Obama’s Green Money Scheme Exposed: Part Two

Sum­ma­ry: If you and your neigh­bors do not know about the threat from with­in to your home­towns, then you can­not com­bat it. Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma has nom­i­nat­ed Gina McCarthy to become the new head of the Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency. In 2010, McCarthy report­ed­ly vowed “not to sit around and wait for con­gres­sion­al action” when impos­ing […]

Climate Change Science Poised to Enter Nation’s Classrooms

New stan­dards rec­om­mend teach­ing man-made glob­al warm­ing in all sci­ence class­es. Some text­book pub­lish­ers to incor­po­rate cur­ricu­lum immediately. [The Next Gen­er­a­tion Sci­ence Stan­dards, writ­ten with 26 states and set to be released this month, rec­om­mend teach­ing the sci­en­tif­ic con­sen­sus of human-caused cli­mate change in all sci­ence class­es. The nation’s largest edu­ca­tion pub­lish­ers are already study­ing […]

Green Economics

I have been writ­ing for sev­eral years now that the glob­al elite are plan­ning to imple­ment a Tech­noc­ra­cy-ori­ent­ed eco­nomic sys­tem that will turn our exist­ing cap­i­tal­istic eco­nomic sys­tem upside-down. Why? Because it will be based on ENERGY instead of MONEY. The Tro­jan horse that is enabling Tech­noc­racy is “Green Ener­gy.” You already know that green […]

United Nations – Agenda 21 – Sustainable Development and the Regional One Bay Area Plan

Over the past few years I and many oth­ers in the Bay Area have been fight­ing against a plan that will social­ly re-engi­neer our lives referred to as the One Bay Area Plan. It will trans­form the lives of over 9 mil­lion peo­ple and towns in 9 coun­ties over the next 25 to 30 years […]

Mainstream Press Lies About UN Agenda 21 – Why?

For Pro­gres­sive Democ­rats and all… If you’re new to learn­ing about UN Agen­da 21/Sustainable Devel­op­ment you’d be under­stand­ably con­fused about what it is and how it impacts you and your area. You may be won­der­ing how some­thing that affects every aspect of your life includ­ing edu­ca­tion, health care, law enforce­ment, ener­gy, land use, and eco­nom­ic devel­op­ment […]

New National Identification System is Coming

-“Maybe we should just brand all the babies.”- With this joke, Ronald Rea­gan swat­ted down a nation­al iden­ti­fi­ca­tion card — or an enhanced Social Secu­ri­ty card — pro­posed by his attor­ney gen­er­al in 1981. For more than three decades since, attempts to imple­ment the pro­pos­al have all met with fail­ure, but now nation­al ID is […]

Commercial Crab Fisherman Sentenced for Crabbing in Marine Protected Area

Steven Anel­lo, 54, of Bode­ga Bay, was sen­tenced Jan­u­ary 3 to 36 months of infor­mal pro­ba­tion, for­fei­ture of the pro­ceeds of Dun­ge­ness crabs ille­gal­ly tak­en, pay­ment of a $10,000 fine, 20 hours of com­mu­ni­ty ser­vice work and five days in jail. Anel­lo was also ordered to stay out of Stew­arts Point Marine Con­ser­va­tion Area dur­ing […]