Orwell’s Dystopic Nightmare Comes True: Agenda 21 Smart Cities Are Here!

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smartgridOur brave new world starts with these brave new cities.

So-called smart cities aren’t just some far off futur­is­tic abstract twin­kle in the New World Order’s eye…these are being built right now.

Think pri­va­cy and free­dom are lim­it­ed com­modi­ties now? Try hav­ing either of those things liv­ing in a smart city con­trol grid where every­thing you do is tracked, traced, chipped and mon­i­tored 24 hours a day.

Masdar City: ‘City of the Future’

Cur­rent­ly being built in Abu Dhabi at a price tag of $22 bil­lion, Mas­dar (which means “the source”) is a six-kilo­me­ter walled smart city shaped like two squares that resem­ble The Borg’s Uni­com­plex from the sci-fi TV show Star Trek. Set for a tar­get pop­u­la­tion of 50,000 peo­ple, the city promis­es to be car­bon emis­sion-free with 100% renew­able ener­gy. Tra­di­tion­al cars are com­plete­ly out; while walk­ing, bik­ing and mass tran­sit are encour­aged. Futur­is­tic dri­ver­less ‘per­son­al rapid tran­sit’ (PRT) pod cars are being con­sid­ered, but are appar­ent­ly quite cost­ly. The tiny cars look like a small­er ver­sion of the lit­tle elec­tron­ic cars fea­tured in the 1980s film Total Recall.

As a research and test­ing ground for smart tech­nolo­gies, The Nation­al report­ed, “The offi­cials run­ning Masdar’s pow­er grid will have access to detailed data on how ener­gy is being used at any giv­en moment and will have the means to direct­ly mod­er­ate high rates of con­sump­tion to bal­ance sup­ply with demand.” [empha­sis added] 

Sen­sometrix SA – a Gene­va-based com­pa­ny and leader in next gen­er­a­tion bio­met­ric tech­nol­o­gy with prod­ucts includ­ing “Sen­so­Brain” and the eerie bio­met­ric slo­gan “Your hand is the future” – will work with Mas­dar to con­tin­ue devel­op­ing the company’s secu­ri­ty tech­nolo­gies such as iden­ti­ty access management.

Con­tin­ue arti­cle here:  http://truthstreammedia.com/orwells-dystopic-nightmare-comes-true-agenda-21-smart-cities-are-here/