Green Economics

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I have been writ­ing for sev­eral years now that the glob­al elite are plan­ning to imple­ment a Tech­noc­ra­cy-ori­ent­ed eco­nomic sys­tem that will turn our exist­ing cap­i­tal­istic eco­nomic sys­tem upside-down. Why? Because it will be based on ENERGY instead of MONEY.

The Tro­jan horse that is enabling Tech­noc­racy is “Green Ener­gy.” You already know that green is on the lips of just about every politi­cian in the world. Oba­ma kick-start­ed the con­ver­sion of America’s ener­gy grid into a “Smart Grid” that will con­trol ener­gy con­sump­tion down to the appli­ance lev­el in your home and busi­ness. Pub­lic mon­ey is reck­lessly thrown down a rab­bit hole into green com­pa­nies like Solyn­dra. Europe is obsessed with green and sus­tain­able development.

In his sec­ond inau­gu­ra­tion speech, Oba­ma stated,

We will respond to the threat of cli­mate change, know­ing that the fail­ure to do so would betray our chil­dren and future gen­er­a­tions.  Some may still deny the over­whelming judg­ment of sci­ence, but none can avoid the dev­as­tating impact of rag­ing fires, and crip­pling drought, and more pow­erful storms.  The path towards sus­tain­able ener­gy sources will be long and some­times dif­fi­cult.  But Amer­i­ca can­not resist this tran­si­tion; we must lead it.” 

At the annu­al World Eco­nomic Forum sum­mit meet­ing cur­rently tak­ing place in Davos, Switzer­land, the first major head­line to be pro­duced is: Davos call for $14 tril­lion ‘green­ing’ of glob­al econ­o­my. This is an amount larg­er than the entire glob­al econ­o­my. The orga­ni­za­tion behind the pro­nounce­ment is the Green Growth Action Alliance. Who are they and who belongs to it?

The Green Growth Action Alliance was com­mis­sioned at last year’s Davos meet­ing, and is head­ed by for­mer Mex­ican pres­i­dent Felipe Calderon. Alliance glob­al bank­ing mem­bers include: Bank of Amer­i­ca Mer­rill Lynch, Bar­clays Cap­ital, Deutsche Bank Group, Euro­pean Bank for Recon­struc­tion and Devel­op­ment, Euro­pean Invest­ment Bank, Grupo Financiero Banorte, HSBC, Inter-Amer­i­can Devel­op­ment Bank, Mor­gan Stan­ley, World Bank Group. Oth­er indus­try mem­bers include: Accen­ture, Alca­tel-Lucent, Applied Mate­rials, Envi­ron­mental Defense Fund, GE Ener­gy, Infos­ys, McK­insey & Com­pany, Sam­sung Elec­tronics Com­pany, Siemens, World Trade Organization.

This is a “who’s who” list of glob­al giants. They, among oth­er glob­al movers and shak­ers, are col­lec­tively scream­ing for the world to turn “green”, all of it pred­i­cated on the unproven the­o­ry called Glob­al Warming.

Giv­en that the sci­ence behind glob­al warm­ing is rid­dled with fraud­u­lent data and pre­de­ter­mined “stud­ies” skewed by grants from these same orga­ni­za­tions, what is the real agen­da behind all this hoopla?


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