Charter Schools

Char­ter schools are nec­es­sary for Carnegie Cor­po­ra­tion’s imple­men­ta­tion of its 1934 plan to change our cap­i­tal­ist eco­nom­ic sys­tem to a planned economy. Please read all my arti­cles on char­ter schools at and go to the trail­er for “Expos­ing the Glob­al Road to Ruin through Edu­ca­tion,” which cov­ers the first con­fer­ence of same title in […]

ICLEI Press Release: 414 Cities Report Raft of Inspiring Climate Actions

Look­ing for inspi­ra­tion when tack­ling cli­mate change? Take a look at what Cities do…. Cities and towns of diverse sizes and eco­nom­ic stand­ings are reg­is­ter­ing more cli­mate com­mit­ments, actions and per­for­mance – and are gen­er­al­ly more ambi­tious than their nation­al governments. In its Novem­ber 2013 report, the car­bonn Cities Cli­mate Reg­istry (cCCR) announced that 414 […]

Trans-Pacific Partnership, Agenda 21 and Redistribution of Wealth via EO and Cap & Trade

Yet anoth­er grand deci­sion by this admin­is­tra­tion, in which the Unit­ed States Con­gress has had no say, is the Trans-Pacif­ic Partnership. From left are Nao­to Kan (Japan), Nguyen Minh Tri­et (Viet­nam), Julia Gillard (Aus­tralia), Sebastián Piñera (Chile), Lee Hsien Loong (Sin­ga­pore), Barack Oba­ma (Unit­ed States), John Key (New Zealand), Has­sanal Bolki­ah (Brunei), Alan Gar­cía (Peru), […]

Aussie Prime Minister: Carbon Tax is Not About the Environment

Australia’s new­ly elect­ed prime min­is­ter pulled no punch­es when giv­ing his thoughts on the country’s car­bon tax, which he says must be abol­ished as quick­ly as possible. “The car­bon tax is bad for the econ­o­my and it doesn’t do any good for the envi­ron­ment,” Abbott told The Wash­ing­ton Post. “Despite a car­bon tax of $37 […]

How Does UN Agenda 21 Become Embedded in City/Town Policies?

The YouTube below was pro­duced to com­bat the City of Tuc­son’s Propo­si­tion 402 (on the Novem­ber, 2013 bal­lot)  — a pro­posed gen­er­al plan revi­sion pro­mot­ed as “Plan Tuc­son” (aka “City of Tuc­son Gen­er­al & Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Plan 2013”). This ~5 minute video is use­ful as it out­lines one wom­an’s research and effort to edu­cate her fel­low […]

UN IPCC: We Predicted Less Antarctic Ice and We Have No Idea Why It Is Increasing

UPDATE: Antarc­ti­ca Set An All Time Record For Sea Ice Extent on Sept 14th. Read about it here. David Rose is get­ting a lot of hate for telling the truth about shod­dy cli­mate models. But this quote from the leaked upcom­ing AR5 jumped out at me: “Most mod­els sim­u­late a small decreas­ing trend in Antarc­tic sea […]

Orwell’s Dystopic Nightmare Comes True: Agenda 21 Smart Cities Are Here!

Our brave new world starts with these brave new cities. So-called smart cities aren’t just some far off futur­is­tic abstract twin­kle in the New World Order’s eye…these are being built right now. Think pri­va­cy and free­dom are lim­it­ed com­modi­ties now? Try hav­ing either of those things liv­ing in a smart city con­trol grid where every­thing you […]

Wolves Kill 176 Sheep near Victor, Greatest Loss Recorded in Idaho

IDAHO FALLS, Ida­ho — A south­east­ern Ida­ho ranch lost 176 sheep as the ani­mals ran in fear from two wolves that chased through a herd of about 2,400 ani­mals south of Victor. Sheep­herders for the Sid­doway Sheep Co. heard the wolves at about 1 a.m. Sat­ur­day, but did­n’t know the extent of the dam­age until […]

LGC, ILG, and ICLEI are Hiring: Statewide Local Government Energy Efficiency Best Practices Coordinator

For infor­ma­tion on part­ner­ships between Cal­i­for­nia pub­lic util­i­ty com­pa­nies and inter­na­tion­al NGOs, read more here and see pow­er­point of ABAG newslet­ter here. For the most recent job open­ing, read below: The Local Gov­ern­ment Com­mis­sion (LGC), the Insti­tute for Local Gov­ern­ment (ILG) and ICLEI – Local Gov­ern­ments for Sus­tain­abil­i­ty (ICLEI) (the three statewide asso­ci­a­tions) are recruit­ing for […]

Win the Common Core Battle But Lose the War?

This arti­cle relates to my seri­ous con­cern that Com­mon Core (CC) is being used as a very effec­tive DIVERSION from the seri­ous prob­lem of tax-sup­port­ed school choice which will lock up ALL chil­dren world­wide in the com­put­er­ized Communist/OBE work­force train­ing sys­tem nec­es­sary for a planned glob­al econ­o­my. This is the com­mu­nist edu­ca­tion sys­tem referred to […]

Geoengineering is Destroying the Ozone Layer

So, How Bad Can It Get? Just when it seemed the neg­a­tive news sur­round­ing glob­al geo­engi­neer­ing could not get any worse, it absolute­ly can and is. Off The Chart UV Lev­els Not Being Disclosed We have known for some time that the UV lev­els were get­ting rapid­ly worse due to the ongo­ing atmos­pher­ic spray­ing. Any­one that […]

Future Earth: Agenda 21’s ‘Forbidden Zones’

The planners intend to restrict your lifestyle to postpone the supposed coming environmental apocalypse. A new arti­cle up at Forbes “Earth’s Future For­bid­den Zones?” begins with all man­ner of com­ing world doom: “Sci­ence fic­tion is rife with plan­e­tary ‘for­bid­den zones’ — whole regions of a plan­et that have become vir­tu­al­ly unin­hab­it­able due to changes in cli­mate; […]

Regionalism: Obama’s Quiet Anti-Suburban Revolution

The con­sen­sus response to Pres­i­dent Obama’s Knox Col­lege speech on the econ­o­my is that the admin­is­tra­tion has been reduced to push­ing a menu of stale and timid poli­cies that, in any case, won’t be enact­ed. But what if the admin­is­tra­tion isn’t actu­al­ly out of ideas? What if Obama’s bold­est pol­i­cy ini­tia­tive is mere­ly some­thing he’d […]

Who Killed Detroit City and Why?

Cities don’t die because of hap­pen­stance. The city of Detroit has been mur­dered by the same forces that are slow­ly killing cities all across the Unit­ed States. Detroit Becomes the Largest US City to Declare Bankruptcy On July 18, 2013, Detroit declared Chap­ter 9 bank­rupt­cy to squelch most of their $18 bil­lion in debts. The […]

Agenda 21 Chapter 8 – The Final Coup

If you think the econ­o­my is sim­ply going to col­lapse, think again. The bankers, the cor­po­ra­tions, and the Unit­ed Nations have got ecosys­tem account­ing ready to rock and roll, and it’s set to change everything…. … the plan is bril­liant. You reduce the num­ber from 7+ bil­lion by at least 33% with­out fir­ing one shot. […]

Citizen Letter to CA Senator DeSaulnier regarding SB375 and SB1

Let­ter sent via email to Cal­i­for­nia State Sen­a­tor Mark DeSaulnier (7th Dis­trict) regard­ing SB375 and SB1, July 17, 2013: Sen­a­tor DeSaulnier, As co-author of both of these hor­ren­dous bills you should be ashamed of your­self. Why are you attack­ing sub­ur­ban and rur­al pri­vate prop­er­ty own­ers? Why are you push­ing for unelect­ed, unac­count­able region­al bod­ies to dic­tate […]

Action Alert! Stop SB 1 – Eminent Domain Abuse and Bond Debt Without Voter Approval

California Senate Bill 1 (SB 1):  Sustainable Communities Investment Authority Summary of SB 1 If Stein­berg’s SB 1 (Stein­berg’s Sus­tain­able Com­mu­ni­ties Invest­ment Author­i­ty) becomes law, what will the cost be to you and each and every­one of us who own pri­vate prop­er­ty parcels? I believe this is one of the most dan­ger­ous bills and will be […]

Boy Scouts of America to Require Sustainability Merit Badge

Excerpt:  The Boy Scouts of Amer­i­ca said in a state­ment to The Dai­ly Caller News Foun­da­tion: “In an effort to reflect a bet­ter bal­ance of the needs of youth and our nation today and in the future, Sus­tain­abil­i­ty, a new mer­it badge, will join Envi­ron­men­tal Sci­ence as an Eagle Scout option after its debut at […]

Why I Am Against the Common Core Standards

You hand John­ny his packed lunch, give him a kiss, and smile as you see him run off to school.  Once in the class­room, his teacher tells him that today is the big day to take the state test for Com­mon Core. John­ny sits down in front of a com­put­er and avails him­self to the “four […]

Restructure US Government to Make “Huge” Green Changes in America, Study Proposes

Excerpt:  One of the major imped­i­ments, the study says, is cre­at­ed by America’s “basic frame­work of gov­ern­ment, estab­lished by law,” which is “one of sep­a­rat­ed and dis­persed author­i­ty,” in which “gov­ern­ment agen­cies at all lev­els — fed­er­al, state, local, trib­al and even inter­na­tion­al — can only do what they have been autho­rized to do by […]

Committee for a New Ashtabula Still has Shot at Changing County Government

Is the pro­posed Ashtab­u­la Coun­ty, Ohio char­ter gov­ern­ment an Agen­da 21  Tro­jan Horse? “The cit­i­zens of Ashtab­u­la Coun­ty will make that deci­sion Novem­ber 5th when they decide “FOR” or “AGAINST” the pro­posed Coun­ty Char­ter Gov­ern­ment.… We can only hope that the cit­i­zens of Ashtab­u­la Coun­ty read every­thing close­ly and ask a lot of ques­tions before […]

New Jersey City Council Tries to Use Eminent Domain on Property Owners, Gets Swept Out of Office

Some­times you can beat City Hall. Michael Mon­aghan has want­ed to devel­op his prop­er­ty on Main Street in Hack­en­sack, New Jer­sey, just a few miles away from Man­hat­tan.  Yet the city twice denied two appli­ca­tions for banks to build on his land. Instead, Hackensack’s Plan­ning Board des­ig­nat­ed Michael’s and anoth­er owner’s land as an “area in need […]

How Your Local Officials Are Using Stealth to Implement Agenda 21 and ICLEI

How your local offi­cials are using stealth to put Agen­da 21 and ICLEI into every city, town and coun­ty in America. We all know that politi­cians play fast and loose with the truth — when run­ning for office to get our vote, once they get into office in order to stay there — when­ev­er it […]

Utah to Feds: Stop Enforcing Our Laws

SALT LAKE CITY — Fed­er­al offi­cers and rangers have no right to enforce dri­ving and oth­er com­mon laws on nation­al for­est, fed­er­al range lands and nation­al parks, the Utah Attor­ney Gen­er­al’s Office asserts. The state is defend­ing an effort to lim­it the police pow­ers of fed­er­al offi­cers in the lat­est flash­point between Utah and U.S. […]