C40 Cities Chair Michael Bloomberg Leads the World’s Megacities Down Agenda 21 Path

Take a look at how New York City May­or Bloomberg is the lead play­er in this mas­sive Agen­da 21 pro­gram, C40 Cities. [Bloomberg video is mid­way down C40Cities.org home­page] Be sure to check out the C40 Cities “About” page as well: Addi­tion­al Resource: Watch the “Future of Cities” video here:  The Future of Cities TV Debate […]

The Battle To Save Drakes Bay Oyster Farm

This is the sto­ry of Drakes Bay Oys­ter Farm, locat­ed on the Pacif­ic coast just north of San Fran­cis­co, and Inte­ri­or Sec­re­tary Ken Salazar’s Novem­ber 29th deci­sion to destroy jobs, destroy 40% of Cal­i­for­ni­a’s oys­ter pro­duc­tion, exter­mi­nate mil­lions of oys­ters, ter­mi­nate a beloved busi­ness that has been in oper­a­tion since 1934, and make fam­i­lies that […]

Rosa Koire Delivers Dynamic Presentation on Agenda 21

Rosa Koire of Democ­rats Against UN Agen­da 21 and Exec­u­tive Direc­tor of The Post Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Insti­tute, spoke at West­ern Wash­ing­ton Uni­ver­si­ty in Belling­ham, Wash­ing­ton on Octo­ber 2, 2012 at the invi­ta­tion of WWU’s Col­lege Repub­li­cans. Her high­ly infor­ma­tive pro­gram describes the his­to­ry and intent of the glob­al­ist action plan called Agen­da 21. Watch her pre­sen­ta­tion […]

ICLEI Charter 2011

ICLEI — Local Gov­ern­ments for Sus­tain­abil­i­ty, found­ed 1990 as the Inter­na­tion­al Coun­cil for Local Envi­ron­men­tal Initiatives. Char­ter — ICLEI Coun­cil approved by con­sen­sus on 21 Octo­ber 2011. For your infor­ma­tion and research, read the ICLEI Char­ter here.

Court Insider Exposes Judicial Treachery

Allan Para­chi­ni served for eight years as the Pub­lic Infor­ma­tion Offi­cer for the Los Ange­les Supe­ri­or Court. He was there dur­ing the incred­i­ble per­se­cu­tion of Dr. Richard Fine, who served eigh­teen months in soli­tary coer­cive confinement. PART 1 & 2 PREVIEW In this pre­view of parts one and two of this three-part inter­view, he explains […]

A Real Agenda, Not a Conspiracy Theory

Dur­ing the week of Novem­ber 14, 2012, a sto­ry and video was released by Bet­ter Geor­gia of a pre­sen­ta­tion giv­en to GOP State Sen­a­tors from Geor­gia on Octo­ber 14, 2012.  The Bet­ter Geor­gia sto­ry was tak­en out of con­text and a dis­tort­ed sen­sa­tion­al­ized head­line was cre­at­ed for polit­i­cal pur­pos­es.  Sub­se­quent­ly, the sto­ry was picked up […]

Freedom Advocates REPORT

The REPORT from FreedomAdvocates.org Decem­ber 2, 2012 There has been a surge of inter­est in Agen­da 21. Free­dom Advo­cates’ founders began their work in the year 2000 and have been con­sis­tent­ly ded­i­cat­ed to Agen­da 21 expo­sure, while always avoid­ing the false dialec­tic. The library of Agen­da 21 mate­ri­als at the Free­dom Advo­cates web­site is a com­pi­la­tion […]

Trilateral Commission Exposed

Mem­bers of the Tri­lat­er­al Com­mis­sion have just about destroyed what is left of Amer­i­ca. What is their endgame? Endgame This is a good time to step back and look at the big pic­ture. The fol­lowing 24 minute inter­view on the Tri­lat­eral Com­mis­sion was aired last week by WHDT on the east coast, reach­ing a poten­tial of […]

Refuting a Flyer: Case Study from ‘One Bay Area’ – The San Francisco Bay Area Regional Plan

We all know how impor­tant it is to be sure that our infor­ma­tion is accu­rate when we’re pre­sent­ing it to the pub­lic and to our allies in the strug­gle against glob­al gov­er­nance.  We received some­one’s fly­er about ONE BAY AREA that was full of exag­ger­a­tion and mis­in­for­ma­tion.  It might feel good to put togeth­er some­thing […]