Federal ESEA Reauthorization has its eye on Finland.

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Charlotte Thomson IserbytNo Way, ESEA!
Fin­land Fables:
What Tony Rob­bins does­n’t tell you…

Finland heroes fighting the Soviet Union in WWII (Source)

Fin­land heroes fight­ing the Sovi­et Union in WWII (Source)

Fin­land and her peo­ple are no strangers to war. How­ev­er, all these events pre­date the so-called “wel­fare state” that lat­er emerged. This change turned a once strong and proud nation to a shad­ow of its for­mer self.(Source)

You can be pret­ty sure edu­ca­tion change agent Tony Wag­n­er has been invit­ed to make his Com­mu­nist pre­sen­ta­tion rec­om­mend­ing the Com­mu­nist Finnish edu­ca­tion mod­el in your state. I have been fol­low­ing Wag­n­er since the ear­ly 1980s. See the pre­vi­ous blog posts on Wagner:

Below is a report titled “OUR COMMON FUHRER or FINLAND FABLES told by NANNY NEOCONS” by 3D researchers Mari & Ollie:

The vouch­er sys­tem in nar­cis­sis­tic psycho/socialist mini coun­tries, Fin­land and Swe­den, is the mod­el for ESEA Reau­tho­riza­tion.

From an arti­cle titled “Finland’s Wel­fare State Mod­el Holds The Inter­ests Of Ter­ror­ists Above Its Own Peo­ple,” a dis­grun­tled Finn remarks:

This and oth­er sim­i­lar stud­ies, which have since been delet­ed, high­light the prob­lem of too-lav­ish ben­e­fits. As expens­es such as accom­mo­da­tion, food, and even hob­bies are paid for by the wel­fare state, why would an indi­vid­ual get a job any­way? Unfor­tu­nate­ly, such is the real­i­ty of the mod­ern Nordic wel­fare state; for­eign nation­als are val­ued high­er than the native pop­u­la­tion whose labor pays for the lifestyle of these high­er val­ue indi­vid­u­als. [bold added] 

And sim­i­lar­ly in Amer­i­ca, scan the fol­low­ing arti­cle “USDA FLYER: WE DON’T CHECK IMMIGRATION STATUS FOR FOOD STAMPS,” described as:

A gov­ern­ment watch­dog group has dis­cov­ered that the Unit­ed States gov­ern­ment is advis­ing Span­ish-speak­ing res­i­dents that they need not declare their immi­gra­tion sta­tus to qual­i­fy for food stamps. [bold in original] 

In the fol­low­ing The Econ­o­mist arti­cle, Edu­ca­tion in Swe­den and Fin­land: Our friends in the north,” one can read how Fin­land and Swe­den are held up to be the model:

Copy­ing Fin­land seems to be the name of the game: more teacher train­ing, and lots of spe­cial-needs teach­ing. [bold added] 

This social­ist sys­tem has proven to cause soci­etal degra­da­tion, yet can be seen as the MODEL for Inter­na­tion­al Social­ism glob­al­ly in the name of Com­mu­ni­ty, Equi­ty, Envi­ron­men­tal­ism and Inter­de­pen­dence. This is the mod­el which we see today in Lamar Alexan­der’s bill to Reau­tho­rize the ESEA. Advanc­ing the agen­da for voucher’s and char­ters, just like Finland.

Remem­ber the report, “Report of the World Com­mis­sion on Envi­ron­ment and Devel­op­ment: Our Com­mon Future,” by Gro Harlem Brundt­land, bud­dy of Hillary Clinton?

Our Com­mon Future is also known as the Brundt­land Report in recog­ni­tion of for­mer Nor­we­gian Prime Min­is­ter Gro Harlem Brundt­land’s role as Chair of the World Com­mis­sion on Envi­ron­ment and Devel­op­ment. (Source)

See also this link at the Coun­cil on For­eign Rela­tions web­site: “Report of the World Com­mis­sion on Envi­ron­ment and Devel­op­ment: Our Com­mon Future (Brundt­land Report)”:Our_Common_Future_book_cover

This UN report on sus­tain­able devel­op­ment was released in March 1987. The fore­ward, by Chair­man Gro Harlem Brundt­land, states,

A glob­al agen­da for change” — this was what the World Com­mis­sion on Envi­ron­ment and Devel­op­ment was asked to for­mu­late. It was an urgent call by the Gen­er­al Assem­bly of the Unit­ed Nations:

Back to The Econ­o­mist arti­cle. It begins:

THE best schools in the world, it is gen­er­al­ly agreed, are in Fin­land. In the OECD’s Pro­gramme for Inter­na­tion­al Stu­dent Assess­ment (PISA) stud­ies, which com­pare 15-year-olds’ read­ing, math­e­mat­ics and sci­ence abil­i­ties in more than 50 coun­tries, it rou­tine­ly comes top. So politi­cians, aca­d­e­mics, think-tankers and teach­ers from all over the world vis­it Finnish schools in the hope of dis­cov­er­ing the mag­ic ingredient.

Finn’s can read bet­ter? Real­ly? Big­ger words? Real­ly? But what books do they read? What have they invent­ed? What jobs do they hold? And their pop­u­la­tion as com­pared to the U.S.? Fin­land, size of Man­hat­tan. And the mini pop­u­la­tions oppressed by Mus­lim immi­gra­tion con­doned by the state? They are trapped. The author of this arti­cle, try­ing to be pos­i­tive, express­es some skep­ti­cism and doubts about the great results. Does­n’t the fol­low­ing raise some red flags?

One thing sur­pris­es me: the num­ber of chil­dren being taught in “spe­cial edu­ca­tion” class­es. I am used to chil­dren with learn­ing dif­fi­cul­ties being inte­grat­ed into main­stream class­es when­ev­er pos­si­ble. But in Fin­land, large num­bers, includ­ing many with behav­iour­al dif­fi­cul­ties rather than more strict­ly med­ical prob­lems, are taught separately.

Of the 20 chil­dren in the two spe­cial class­es that I see, 18 are boys.…

THE OECD’s PISA stud­ies are exhib­it A for the excel­lence of Fin­land’s schools. Fin­land rou­tine­ly comes top, or occa­sion­al­ly sec­ond, in tests every three years of 15-year-olds’ abil­i­ties in read­ing, math­e­mat­ics and sci­ence. It is impres­sive, but the sus­pi­cious-mind­ed (or per­haps just the begrudgers?) won­der if it is real­ly all down to bril­liant schools.

Read the entire report to see how the num­bers are fun­da­men­tal­ly skewed. We are remind­ed of a Forbes report that divulged sim­i­lar sta­tis­ti­cal shenani­gans in Amer­i­ca, “Con­trary To Reports US Urban Child Pover­ty Is Not Above 50%; Actu­al­ly, It Hard­ly Exists.”

Is this what we want? It seems the pro­pa­gan­da is all there is. When log­i­cal­ly assessed it is noth­ing more than a tool of demor­al­iza­tion for Amer­i­cans and a tool of nar­cis­sism (con­trol) for the Finnish peo­ple and a dialec­tic process for “change.” Yes, “Our Com­mon Future” lays out the “Glob­al Agen­da for Change.”

So there you go. Vouch­ers and char­ters can be traced to this. As well as the PISA score-dri­ven pro­pa­gan­da about Fin­land! The mag­ic is in the pro­pa­gan­da and skewed data!

Here is a pro­pa­gan­da blog for Finnish system:

Not all par­ents take more than the ini­tial year off, either want­i­ng to work or need­ing the income. The cru­cial dif­fer­ence is that they have a choice.

The ” choice” is a decep­tion. You can choose one or two or three years off to raise your child. But not 4 years. The gov­ern­ment wel­fare only doles out for up to 3 years. That’s the CHOICE, as it is com­pared on the blog to Scot­land. The wel­fare trap ver­sus pay­ing for your­self. Free­dom. “Liv­ing Stan­dards” deci­sions made by the STATE ver­sus you, the individual.

We all make sac­ri­fices to raise our fam­i­lies. But this “atti­tude” is altered by STATE INTERVENTION EDUCATION meth­ods used to get kids ear­ly-on to con­form to the STATE-imposed RIGHTS of cit­i­zens to enti­tle­ment of all to EQUAL LIVING STANDARDS. Stan­dards set by the STATE. Your rights accord­ing to GRO HARLEM BRUNTLAND and Hillary CLINTON, et al.

And then this from the Demos Helsin­ki web­page, “Sus­tain­able growth replaced the wel­fare state”:

Finland EVAIn a high­ly devel­oped coun­try like Fin­land with an edu­cat­ed pop­u­la­tion, growth can­not be pur­sued at all costs, and lim­i­ta­tions relat­ed to human well­be­ing and the phys­i­cal capac­i­ty of the plan­et need to be tak­en seri­ous­ly. This is also on the wish list of the Finns them­selves: the fourth Finnish atti­tude sur­vey pub­lished by the Finnish Busi­ness and Pol­i­cy Forum (EVA) in 2014 reveals that three fourths of Finnish peo­ple con­sid­ers the wel­fare state wor­thy of its cost, and over two thirds believes that cur­rent style eco­nom­ic growth is detri­men­tal to both nature and the human kind in the long run. [empha­sis added] 

Okay, so whether this is data-skew­ing or truth-telling it points to a brain­washed iso­lat­ed oppressed cul­ture. THIS IS THE RESULT of the Wel­fare SYSTEM.

Vouch­ers are false choice when bun­dled with manda­to­ry stan­dards. The core idea of vouch­er sys­tem to cre­ate com­pe­ti­tion is good, like pri­vate schools, but the hid­den hand­cuffs are in the leg­is­la­tion tying it to oth­er leg­is­la­tion which makes it wel­fare with man­dat­ed stan­dards across the board, and data col­lec­tion to force any agen­da they want.

Why would we want to emu­late FINLAND? Amer­i­ca, the great­est, rich­est, smartest, most gen­er­ous, free coun­try in the world?!

From the Demos Helsin­ki web­site again:

The idea of sus­tain­able growth comes very close to sus­tain­able devel­op­ment, which has been on the table since the 1980s. Its def­i­n­i­tion orig­i­nates from the Brundt­land Com­mis­sion report Our Com­mon Future. Its guid­ing prin­ci­ple is increas­ing the liv­ing stan­dards of the poor­est sec­tion of world pop­u­la­tion with­out infring­ing upon the oppor­tu­ni­ties of future generations.…

Finland blogger

Fin­land blogger

Since the 1970s, all polit­i­cal par­ties have unan­i­mous­ly agreed that the Nordic wel­fare mod­el is one of the strengths of the Finnish soci­ety, and that its pro­tec­tion and enhance­ment may jus­ti­fy cer­tain polit­i­cal reforms. The Finnish wel­fare state is tra­di­tion­al­ly syn­ony­mous with a strong inter­ven­tion­ist state that lev­els the inequal­i­ties of wel­fare between cit­i­zens and smooths out risks relat­ed to dif­fer­ent phas­es of life. Although dif­fer­ing views on the means (and to some extent ends) exist, no par­ty has ques­tioned the val­ue base and prin­ci­ples of the wel­fare state.

Polit­i­cal par­ties are unan­i­mous in think­ing that strong eco­nom­ic growth and the wel­fare state are inter­de­pen­dent. Accord­ing to many a politi­cian main­tain­ing growth is a cru­cial part of wel­fare pol­i­cy: wealth has to be cre­at­ed before it can be dealt. In this way the turn from pri­ori­tis­ing the wel­fare state to pri­ori­tis­ing sus­tain­able growth may seem like a small shift in the focus of the relat­ed wording.[bold added] 

Wealth being cre­at­ed to “be dealt” is where busi­ness comes in with CHARTERS. And TAXATION to cov­er VOUCHERS. And here is what that The Econ­o­mist arti­cle says about Sweden:

In the 1990s it opened its state-edu­ca­tion sys­tem to pri­vate com­pe­ti­tion, allow­ing new schools to receive the same amount for each pupil as the state would have spent on that child.

The truth of the matter

The truth of the matter

Widar Ander­s­son, an ex-chair­man of Swe­den’s Inde­pen­dent Schools Asso­ci­a­tion, divulged that

I learned there must be oth­er ways to do things than those the state has decid­ed are right, espe­cial­ly in a coun­try like Swe­den where the state is so large…” [bold added]

That is when you know they are brain­washed beyond repair. The ladies from The Peo­ple LLC made a real­ly impor­tant state­ment on the Car­a­van to Mid­night inter­view recent­ly when they said that we in the US are repeat­ed­ly told that the U.S. is lag­ging behind oth­er devel­oped nations in edu­ca­tion but that this is an Orwellian manip­u­la­tion of facts.

Yes, the U.S. is lag­ging behind nations like Fin­land, Swe­den, Nor­way and Chi­na and Ger­many in edu­ca­tion Stan­dards if what we are mea­sur­ing as Excel­lence or Com­pe­tence is UNESCO-dri­ven Per­for­mance Stan­dards — and not actu­al aca­d­e­m­ic knowledge.

And THANK GOODNESS for it. Not enough of us here have con­formed to the zomb­i­fied, group think OUTCOMES of the total­i­tar­i­an UNESCO brain­wash system.

This is some­thing that needs to be drilled home to par­ents and cit­i­zens every­where. Every time we hear that “We are Lag­ging” meme we need to remem­ber that we are not com­par­ing Apples to Apples as most hon­est peo­ple assume.

The Finnish/Swedish fable

The Finnish/Swedish fable

Relat­ed Posts:
Spilling the Beans About Edu­ca­tion Reform
Com­mu­nism is NOT Dead!
CHARTERS in the ESEA Re-autho­riza­tion Bill!!!