BREAKING: Judge Strikes MASSIVE Blow to Obama’s Common Core

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One by one, states are rebelling against Pres­i­dent Barack Obama’s Com­mon Core. Now a judge in Mis­souri has just ruled that it is ille­gal for the gov­ern­ment to work with an inter­state test­ing com­pa­ny that admin­is­ters Com­mon Core stan­dards on behalf of local schools.

Mis­souri Cir­cuit Judge Daniel Green stat­ed that the state’s alliance with a group called the Smarter Bal­anced Con­sor­tium is an “ille­gal inter­state com­pact not autho­rized by the U.S. Congress.”

That con­sor­tium involves 16 states. Mis­souri schools had been con­tract­ing with the orga­ni­za­tion to pro­vide math and Eng­lish exams for ele­men­tary students.

The deal cost tax­pay­ers around $4.3 mil­lion per year (H/T The Blaze).

Com­mon Core, of course, has come under heavy crit­i­cism by both con­ser­v­a­tives and edu­ca­tors. Even fair­ly lib­er­al states such as Maine have start­ed to reject the con­tro­ver­sial standards.

First of all, there is always a bet­ter way. And I no longer sup­port Com­mon Core, and I say that because we have been in Com­mon Core for sev­er­al years here in Maine,” said the gov­er­nor of that state, Paul LePage.

Well known edu­ca­tion experts have also begun to jump off the “Oba­ma­core” band­wag­on. One of them is Stacey Starr, who won a cov­et­ed “Top Teacher” award giv­en out by ABC’s “Live with Kel­ly and Michael” show.

That teacher recent­ly announced that she was step­ping down from her posi­tion, and Com­mon Core was the reason.

I don’t think any­one under­stands that in this envi­ron­ment if your child can­not quick­ly grasp mate­r­i­al, study like a robot and pass all of these tests, they will not sur­vive,” stat­ed Starr.

Each and every day, I have to look in my stu­dents’ eyes and tell them I can’t help them because the state has decid­ed they have to prove what they know,” she continued.

It’s time to admit that one-size-fits-all fed­er­al gov­ern­ment pro­grams like Com­mon Core only make prob­lems worse. Final­ly, states like Mis­souri are learn­ing that lesson.