Beware ESEA Re-authorization!

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To come up for a vote by end of March!

An Alert by Ani­ta Hoge

This was the plan all along.… The House passed their ver­sion of the re-autho­riza­tion in July 2013. The Sen­ate had their ver­sion come out of com­mit­tee last year (HR 5 and SB 1094). Plus, Repub­li­cans put amend­ments that allowed CHOICE VOUCHERS TO FOLLOW THE CHILD, which uses Title I to dis­perse Com­mon Core to every pri­vate and reli­gious school.

This is very seri­ous. I guess Oba­ma need­ed a Repub­li­can Con­gress to pass this agen­da. (Will the bills come out with a new num­ber??? Not sure.)

The “test­ing man­date” or ‘over test­ing’ was used for the exper­i­men­tal research that has been pushed by NAEP (Nation­al Assess­ment of Edu­ca­tion­al Progress) in each of the state con­sor­tiums. NAEP has always pro­mot­ed the even­tu­al 3 lev­els for testing:

  • 3rd grade guarantee;
  • 8th grade career pathway;
  • 11 or 12 grade grad­u­a­tion requirement.

The cur­ricu­lum based assess­ments are used for teach­ers in the class­room for imme­di­ate feed­back. The Spe­cial Ed inter­ven­tions in the reg­u­lar class­room called Response to Inter­ven­tion (RTI) will be the meth­ods to change atti­tudes and val­ues. This is the Med­ic­aid-Edu­ca­tion Con­nec­tion. The over test­ing was bound to stop once the research was done for embed­ding the assess­ment in the con­tent. NAEP is the main advo­cate of the state lon­gi­tu­di­nal data sys­tems to be used for the census.

And, of course, the 2 free years of com­mu­ni­ty col­lege? What does P‑20 real­ly mean? Pre­na­tal to age 20. All of the state lon­gi­tu­di­nal data sys­tems are womb to work­force. Col­lege is no excep­tion. Every­one must have their dos­es of men­tal health re-edu­ca­tion. The new col­lege degree is called the “degree qual­i­fi­ca­tion profile.”

This is the “Com­er Method” pre-K-20 years old. See “Oba­ma taps Yale psy­chol­o­gist for nation­al edu­ca­tion pan­el,” by Melis­sa Bai­ley, New Haven Inde­pen­dent, Feb­ru­ary 20, 2014:


A person’s “exec­u­tive func­tion,” the part of the brain that gives us self-con­trol and helps us stick with a task to its com­ple­tion, doesn’t ful­ly devel­op until we reach our 20s, Com­er said. That means schools need to focus on con­tin­u­al devel­op­ment from before birth to maturity.

So, the Re-autho­riza­tion of ESEA re-defines the fam­i­ly to any adult in the care of the child
(teach­ers at school and care­givers at day­care), sets up a nation­al school board which will be sim­i­lar to the Gor­don Com­mis­sion for a nation­al assess­ment com­mit­tee that will mir­ror the NAEP, allow­ing test­ing “across domains” which will include the affec­tive domain, and sets up the “com­mu­ni­ty hubs,”  called “promise schools” and “promise neigh­bor­hoods,” which allows out­side providers access to our chil­dren to be able to bill Med­ic­aid for all of the psy­cho­log­i­cal garbage called “men­tal health wrap around ser­vices” that will tar­get EVERY CHILD to con­form to Com­mon Core.

And… HIPPA does not apply to edu­ca­tion records. So, FERPA allows all data to flow to out­side 3rd par­ty ven­dors. No pri­va­cy, no protections.

From: “Arne Dun­can to call for No Child Left Behind revamp,” by Caitlin Emma, 1/8/15:

Repub­li­can Sen. Lamar Alexan­der has made rewrit­ing the law one of his pri­or­i­ties; he has sched­uled a hear­ing on the test­ing man­date for lat­er this month — on the same day Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma deliv­ers his State of the Union. The House is also like­ly to move quick­ly. Rep. John Kline, chair­man of the House Edu­ca­tion and the Work­force Com­mit­tee, said Thurs­day that he plans to have a bill on the House floor “before the end of March.”

The NEA sup­ports Dun­can’s re-autho­riza­tion of equi­ty. Read NEA calls for more equal oppor­tu­ni­ty in No Child Left Behind reauthorization,”

Char­lot­te’s Note: For more infor­ma­tion about James P. Com­er and his key role in edu­ca­tion reform the past few decades, Bil­ly Lyon’s Report on “Con­nec­tions and Con­flicts of Inter­est,” includ­ed in a down­load­able file of “Expos­ing the Glob­al Road to Ruin Through Edu­ca­tion”:

From page 160