Common Core “Mental Health”

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Charlotte Thomson IserbytThe Death of the Conscience

UNESCO’S LONG- PLANNED MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM ARRIVES! Eighty years in the mak­ing! This is an old agen­da. And you may find its roots disturbing!

Pres­i­dent Oba­ma has announced “Now is the time to do some­thing about gun vio­lence” and includes “men­tal health” as one of its tenets. Notice how he defines it.

Vis­it: where you can watch the Pres­i­den­t’s speech, down­load the full text of the Pres­i­den­t’s plan, and see the exec­u­tive actions that Pres­i­dent Oba­ma has announced.

Below is a sum­ma­ry of Oba­ma’s actions in an arti­cle titled “Pro­tect­ing our Chil­dren” in the Wake of Sandy Hook: Psy­chi­atric Sur­veil­lance of US Pub­lic School Chil­dren:

On Sep­tem­ber 22, 2014 Depart­ment of Health and Human Ser­vices Sec­re­tary Sylvia M. Bur­well announced $99 mil­lion in new grants “to train new men­tal health providers, help teach­ers and oth­ers rec­og­nize men­tal health issues in youth and con­nect them to help and increase access to men­tal health ser­vices for young people.”

Mental4On Sep­tem­ber 23 the Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion announced an addi­tion­al $70 mil­lion in “School Cli­mate Trans­for­ma­tion grants.” Accord­ing to the DOE, over half of the fund­ing “will be used to devel­op, enhance, or expand sys­tems of sup­port for imple­ment­ing evi­dence based, mul­ti-tiered behav­ioral frame­works for improv­ing behav­ioral out­comes and learn­ing con­di­tions.” The goals of such mea­sures include “connecting[ing] chil­dren, youths, and fam­i­lies to appro­pri­ate ser­vices and sup­ports,” and “increase[ing] mea­sures of and the abil­i­ty to respond to men­tal health issues among school-aged youth.”

1) Col. Bullis’s book Human Rela­tions in the Classroom—Course I, pub­lished in 1947, con­tained the fol­low­ing shock­ing admis­sions in the preface:

In 1932 the Pres­i­dent of the Carnegie Foun­da­tion for the Advance­ment of Teach­ing said to Dr. C.M. Hincks, dis­tin­guished Cana­di­an psy­chi­a­trist and to me, “You in the men­tal hygiene field are mak­ing lit­tle real progress with edu­ca­tors with your philo­soph­i­cal lec­tures, pam­phlets and books. Our teach­ers need some­thing to help them meet the every day pupil adjust­ment prob­lems of their class­rooms. They need sim­ple men­tal hygiene man­u­als and prac­ti­cal les­son plans to help their stu­dents to gain insights regard­ing their emo­tion­al problems.”

In 1940 I resigned as Exec­u­tive Offi­cer, the Nation­al Com­mit­tee for Men­tal Hygiene, to endeav­or to work out prac­ti­cal means of intro­duc­ing the teach­ing of pos­i­tive men­tal hygiene prin­ci­ples to nor­mal chil­dren in pub­lic schools. I wished to devel­op and try out pos­i­tive men­tal hygiene les­son plans, which from the begin­ning I called Human Rela­tions Les­son Plans.

At this time, Dr. M.A. Taru­mi­anz, out­stand­ing psy­chi­atric leader of Delaware, invit­ed me to come to Delaware to start this exper­i­men­tal work under the aus­pices of the Delaware State Soci­ety for Men­tal Hygiene. Short­ly after, the Com­mit­tee on Research in Dimen­tial Prae­coz (financed by the Supreme Coun­cil, Scot­tish Rite Masons, North­ern Juris­dic­tion) and Mrs. Hen­ry Ittle­son of New York City also made grants to my work. [Bold added. An excerpt from the updated/abridged ver­sion of my book the delib­er­ate dumb­ing down of amer­i­ca is avail­able at, pages 14–15.]

These “human rela­tions” pro­grams, devel­oped in the 1940s, set the stage for pas­sage of the 1965 Ele­men­tary and Sec­ondary Edu­ca­tion Act (ESEA) with its empha­sis on val­ues destroy­ing (val­ues clar­i­fi­ca­tion, etc.) pro­grams sub­se­quent­ly devel­oped by the U.S. Office of Education/Dept. of Edu­ca­tion, dis­sem­i­nat­ed by the Nation­al Dif­fu­sion Net­work. They were incor­po­rat­ed in the BSTEP (Behav­ior Sci­ence Teacher Edu­ca­tion Pro­gram) which trained pub­lic school teach­ers to be lit­tle psy­chi­a­trists as rec­om­mend­ed by Sovi­et agent Alger Hiss’s col­league, Cana­di­an Gen­er­al Brock Chisholm.)

Alger HissGo to Amer­i­can and type the term “Pace­set­ters” into the search engine for a FREE down­load of the 2‑inch thick U.S. Office of Edu­ca­tion cat­a­log of val­ues destroy­ing pro­grams which result­ed from this ini­tial Carnegie Cor­po­ra­tion, Scot­tish Rite Masons, Mrs. Hen­ry Ittle­son funding.

2) Dur­ing 1948 ALGER HISS, who would lat­er be con­vict­ed of spy­ing for the Sovi­et Union, wrote the pref­ace to Gen. Brock Chisholm’s lec­ture, “The Psy­chi­a­try of Endur­ing Peace and Social Progress,” which was re-pub­lished in Inter­na­tion­al Con­cil­i­a­tion (No. 437, March, 1948, p. 109). Alger Hiss was at that time pres­i­dent of the Carnegie Endow­ment for Inter­na­tion­al Peace, the pub­lish­er of Inter­na­tion­al Con­cil­i­a­tion. The pref­ace to Chisholm’s lec­ture (Feb. 21, 1948), rede­fined the word “health,” follows:

Defin­ing health as a “state of com­plete phys­i­cal, men­tal, and social well-being, and not mere­ly the absence of dis­ease or infir­mi­ty,” it includes not only the more con­ven­tion­al fields of activ­i­ty but also men­tal health, hous­ing, nutri­tion, eco­nom­ic or work­ing con­di­tions, and admin­is­tra­tive and social tech­niques affect­ing pub­lic health. In no oth­er field is inter­na­tion­al coop­er­a­tion more essen­tial and in no oth­er field has it been more effec­tive and polit­i­cal dif­fer­ence less appar­ent. [Excerpt­ed from pages 42–43 of my book]

3) Unit­ed States mem­ber­ship in the Unit­ed Nations Edu­ca­tion­al, Sci­en­tif­ic and Cul­tur­al Orga­ni­za­tion (UNESCO) in 1946 set in motion the desta­bi­liza­tion of our soci­ety through the rejec­tion of absolute morals and val­ues, Judeo-Chris­t­ian tra­di­tion, and Roman law. Leg­is­la­tion autho­riz­ing Unit­ed States mem­ber­ship in UNESCO marked the end of Unit­ed States auton­o­my in a very cru­cial area: that of edu­ca­tion. From this time on UNESCO would dic­tate edu­ca­tion pol­i­cy to our gov­ern­ment and others.

This leg­is­la­tion was accom­pa­nied by Pres­i­dent Har­ry Truman’s remark­able state­ment: “Edu­ca­tion must estab­lish the moral uni­ty of mankind.” Truman’s rec­om­men­da­tion was bol­stered by Gen­er­al Brock Chisholm, a Cana­di­an psy­chi­a­trist and friend of Sovi­et agent Alger Hiss. Chisholm rede­fined health to include “men­tal” health, and pre­sent­ed a paper enti­tled “The Psy­chi­a­try of Endur­ing Peace and Social Progress” to the Unit­ed Nations World Health Orga­ni­za­tion (WHO) in 1946 which “rein­ter­pret­ed” (erad­i­cat­ed) the word “moral­i­ty.” Chisholm assert­ed that

The reinterpretation and eventually eradication of the concept of right and wrong… these are the belated objectives of practically all effective psychotherapy.

Brock Chisholm went on to rec­om­mend that teach­ers all over the world be trained in “no right/no wrong” psy­chother­a­peu­tic tech­niques found in the schools today. [Excerpt­ed from my book, pp. 27–28]