Unhappy Green Economy: People + Planet = Profit – Natural Capital explained

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Sum­ma­ry: The ‘triple bot­tom line’ mea­sures peo­ple, plan­et and prof­it; this forms part of each of the For­tune 500’s com­mit­ment to sus­tain­abil­i­ty, and is often referred to as ‘ESG’, or envi­ron­men­tal, social, and gov­er­nance report­ing. It is now a legal require­ment in many coun­tries for com­pa­nies to report their effects on soci­ety and the envi­ron­ment. Instead of exter­nal­is­ing the effects, they must inter­nalise them by incor­po­rat­ing them into their bal­ance sheets. Mea­sure and price EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF NATURE, as long as it pro­vides a ‘ser­vice’. The new Green Econ­o­my is backed by bankers and the For­tune 500 and all mem­bers of the Unit­ed Nations, and has begun to lead to the con­trol of all resources, by finan­cial­iz­ing, and com­mod­i­fy­ing, what we hold to be sacred: nature, and US.

The UN’s cult of Hap­pi­ness and the plan to mea­sure our well-being are just one part of a most auda­cious plan – to mea­sure and price EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF NATURE, so long as it pro­vides a ‘ser­vice’. The new Green Econ­o­my is backed by bankers and the For­tune 500 and all mem­bers of the Unit­ed Nations, and has begun to lead to the con­trol of all resources, by finan­cial­iz­ing, and com­mod­i­fy­ing, what we hold to be sacred: nature, and US.

This issue goes way beyond the polit­i­cal – it breaks a fun­da­men­tal moral code, and that’s why I think it’s large­ly been kept out of the news. It’s also the rea­son we can break this.

The com­mod­i­fi­ca­tion of intan­gi­ble assets caused by the Green Econ­o­my is already lead­ing to new cur­ren­cies form­ing, such as ‘social cred­its’; togeth­er with Iden­ti­ty Man­age­ment, well­ness pro­fil­ing, and bio-sen­sor sur­veil­lance, this sys­tem would also facil­i­tate social sim­u­la­tion on the grand­est scale. The prize is to under­stand and pre­dict our every move.

Many of the back­ers of nat­ur­al cap­i­tal are also strong sup­port­ers of com­mu­ni­ty cur­ren­cies, and of com­plex­i­ty sci­ence. George Soros must be rub­bing his hands in glee, as for many years he has expound­ed the phi­los­o­phy of reflex­iv­i­ty, which fits in very neat­ly with net­work sci­ence (com­plex­i­ty).

An attempt to mod­el the glob­al ecosys­tem has already begun by FuturICT, backed by George Soros and his Insti­tute for New Eco­nom­ic Think­ing. The rel­e­vance of com­plex­i­ty sci­ence to eco­nom­ics was explored at INET’s Bret­ton Woods Con­fer­ence in 2011.

So the soon­er every­one clocks on to the full extent of Agen­da 21, the bet­ter…. it’s about much more than com­mu­ni­tar­i­an­ism, prop­er­ty rights, and car­bon foot­prints! Agen­da 21 means mea­sur­ing and pric­ing all of nature, and all peo­ple, for prof­it. This requires glob­al sur­veil­lance, such as mea­sur­ing our ‘well being’.

The econ­o­my is under­go­ing a staged col­lapse to insti­tute a new eco­nom­ic regime. This is being achieved by incor­po­rat­ing new­ly defined asset class­es (such as rep­u­ta­tion­al cap­i­tal) into nation­al, and cor­po­rate, accounts. Two of the most impor­tant asset class­es now being ‘account­ed for’ are nat­ur­al and human/social capital.

Con­tin­ue arti­cle here:  http://activistpost.com/2013/05/unhappy-green-economy-people-planet.html