Burn Down the Suburbs

Stan­ley Kurtz out­lines how “Sus­tain­abil­i­ty” is also the cov­er used by the Oba­ma admin­is­tra­tion, allied with a nation­al net­work of “Left” rad­i­cal income redis­tri­b­u­tion advo­cates for their more imme­di­ate domes­tic agen­da to dis-empow­er mid­dle class Amer­i­cans.  Sus­tain­abil­i­ty also includes the net­work of “Right” multi­na­tion­al cor­po­ratists who oper­ate to the destruc­tion of the Amer­i­can mid­dle class […]

MAP-21: Congress-Obama Expand NAFTA Superhighway Trade Corridor and Toll Road System

Some have tried to con­vince the pub­lic that the Trans-Texas Cor­ri­dor and NAFTA Super­high­ways are dead, nev­er exist­ed or are even a myth. Yet, Con­gress recent­ly passed a new, two-year fed­er­al high­way bill called Mov­ing Ahead for Progress in the 21st Cen­tu­ry (MAP-21) that not only gives pri­or­i­ty fund­ing to these ‘high pri­or­i­ty’ trade cor­ri­dors, […]

How MTC sneaked Vehicle Miles Traveled tax into One Bay Area Plan

The Con­tra Cos­ta Times edi­to­r­i­al of July 18 “Car tax idea is out of the box: Put it back!” expressed shock and out­rage about “… the cre­ative audac­i­ty of Bay Area lead­ers propos­ing a per-mile tax on dri­ving, maybe as ear­ly as next year, using — wait for it — a GPS-like tracker!” But what […]