CHARTERS in the ESEA Re-authorization Bill!!!

Scott Walk­er’s Plan to Pri­va­tize Schools Ani­ta B. Hoge An Alert by Ani­ta Hoge “After cut­ting a bil­lion dol­lars from edu­ca­tion, Scott Walk­er and his GOP friends have achieved the goal sink­ing the edu­ca­tion­al poten­tial of Wis­con­sin Schools. On their first day back in ses­sion, Assem­bly Repub­li­cans seek­ing a free mar­ket solu­tion have intro­duced a bill […]

Proposed water quality rules may limit ag activities

A new effort to reg­u­late graz­ing and its poten­tial impacts on water qual­i­ty has Cal­i­for­nia ranch­ers con­cerned new rules could lim­it their food pro­duc­tion activ­i­ties and yield lit­tle envi­ron­men­tal benefits. State water reg­u­la­tors launched a series of pub­lic lis­ten­ing ses­sions around the state dur­ing Jan­u­ary to solic­it pub­lic com­ments before devel­op­ing a new “Graz­ing Reg­u­la­to­ry […]

Greenhouse Gases “Rise” in Importance for NEPA Reviews -National Environmental Policy Act

Just before Christ­mas, the White House Coun­cil on Envi­ron­men­tal Qual­i­ty (“CEQ”) pub­lished revised draft guid­ance intend­ed to direct fed­er­al agen­cies on when and how to con­sid­er the effects of green­house gas (“GHG”) emis­sions and cli­mate change when eval­u­at­ing the envi­ron­men­tal effects of pro­posed agency actions under the Nation­al Envi­ron­men­tal Pol­i­cy Act (“NEPA”).  Con­sid­er­a­tion of cli­mate change is […]

‘Unprecedented Mobilization’: Hundred Thousand Rise Against Irish Water Tax

FA Note: Around the world water is being collectivized through “privatization”. The goal is to get water out of the hands of individuals. Control the water – control the people. Via centralized water people will be forced to live where and how those in control desire. Centralization of water means you will live where you […]

Going Round the Farris Wheel

Michael Farris: More Disturbing History  and Ques­tion­able Associations Since the post yes­ter­day, “Far­ris’s Fer­ris Wheel…”, a num­ber of indi­vid­u­als have sent addi­tion­al links with more research and back­ground infor­ma­tion on the dis­turb­ing activ­i­ties of Michael Farris. Below are some fur­ther items for read­ers to explore. Again, read this your­self and draw your own con­clu­sions. Warn­ing: […]

Local lizard may be named an endangered species

Flat-tailed horned lizardPho­to cour­tesy Ari­zona Game & Fish The Cal­i­for­nia Fish and Wildlife Com­mis­sion is set to con­sid­er whether the flat-tailed horned lizard, whose habi­tat includes the Algo­dones and Impe­r­i­al sand dunes west of Yuma, should be list­ed as endangered. The Cen­ter for Bio­log­i­cal Diver­si­ty’s peti­tion to the state seek­ing endan­gered sta­tus was accept­ed by the […]

PEN America: “The Harm Caused by Surveillance…is Unmistakable”

PEN Amer­i­ca pub­lished a report this week sum­ma­riz­ing the find­ings from a recent sur­vey of 772 writ­ers around the world on ques­tions of sur­veil­lance and self-cen­sor­ship. The report, enti­tled “Glob­al Chill­ing: The Impact of Mass Sur­veil­lance on Inter­na­tion­al Writ­ers,” builds upon a late 2013 sur­vey of more than 500 US-based writ­ers con­duct­ed by the organization. […]

EPA’s Wood-Burning Stove Ban Has Chilling Consequences For Many Rural People

It seems that even wood isn’t green or renew­able enough any­more. The EPA has recent­ly banned the pro­duc­tion and sale of 80 per­cent of America’s cur­rent wood-burn­ing stoves, the old­est heat­ing method known to mankind and main­stay of rur­al homes and many of our nation’s poor­est res­i­dents. The agency’s strin­gent one-size-fits-all rules apply equal­ly to […]

Update on the Lawsuit to Stop the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) from Taking Away Local Control

Judge Grillo’s tentative ruling is against local autonomy, however, the Judge is in possession of the information he requested at the hearing and has not yet made a final ruling. Anticipation builds as to what the Superior Court will do… On Fri­day Novem­ber 7, Alame­da Coun­ty Supe­ri­or Court Judge Eve­lio Gril­lo issued a ten­ta­tive rul­ing deny­ing […]

Congress authorizes federal government to collect and use all private communications by U.S. citizens

A House Repub­li­can is crit­i­ciz­ing a piece of leg­is­la­tion just passed by Con­gress as gross­ly uncon­sti­tu­tion­al because it essen­tial­ly gives the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment and local law enforce­ment “unlim­it­ed access to the com­mu­ni­ca­tions of every American.” As report­ed by, Rep. Justin Amash of Wis­con­sin said he found a pas­sage in the Intel­li­gence Autho­riza­tion Act for […]

Advocates seek grizzly re-introductions

An advo­ca­cy group has peti­tioned the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser­vice to rein­tro­duce griz­zly bears into the Sel­way-Bit­ter­root area of Ida­ho and Montana. The Cen­ter for Bio­log­i­cal Diver­si­ty said Thurs­day that it hopes to revive a stalled recov­ery plan for the ani­mals that was final­ized in 2000. The group says hav­ing bears in the Sel­way-Bit­ter­root would […]

Seven Reasons Why Plan Bay Area is Illegal & Bad Policy for California

Tim­o­thy V. Kassouni Plan Bay Area is a mon­u­men­tal land use doc­u­ment pre­pared by the Met­ro­pol­i­tan Trans­porta­tion Com­mis­sion (MTC), and the Asso­ci­a­tion of Bay Area Gov­ern­ments (ABAG), for the osten­si­ble pur­pose of reduc­ing green­house gas emis­sions by 15 per­cent by the year 2035, as required by for­mer Gov­er­nor Schwarzenegger’s Sen­ate Bill 375. Kas­souni Law is cur­rent­ly lit­i­gat­ing […]

Facebook Atlas: Giving Advertisers Invasive Maps of Your Life

Kather­ine Albrecht (l),  Liz McIntyre ® Face­book Atlas: Giv­ing Adver­tis­ers Inva­sive Maps of Your Life   Face­book has qui­et­ly intro­duced a new ser­vice for adver­tis­ers called “Face­book Atlas,” and we’re giv­ing it a “thumbs down” because it’s not good for your privacy. Like an atlas, it offers a col­lec­tion of maps, but these maps show the where­abouts […]

EFF in Court to Argue NSA Data Collection from Internet Backbone Is Unconstitutional

First Pub­lic Court Chal­lenge to “Upstream” Inter­net Spying Oak­land — The Elec­tron­ic Fron­tier Foun­da­tion (EFF) will argue on Fri­day before a fed­er­al court that the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Agency (NSA) is vio­lat­ing the Fourth Amend­ment by copy­ing and search­ing data that it col­lects by tap­ping into the Inter­net back­bone. The hear­ing on a motion for par­tial […]

A vast land grab to ‘protect’ water

William Per­ry Pend­ley, Pres­i­dent, Moun­tain States Legal Foundation ANALYSIS/OPINION In Novem­ber, com­ments closed on a pro­pos­al by the Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engi­neers to rede­fine “waters of the Unit­ed States,” as set forth in the Clean Water Act of 1977. While Sen. Edmund Muskie, Maine Demo­c­rat, author of the 1977 […]

CIA Chief (Petraeus): We’ll Spy on You Through Your Dishwasher

More and more per­son­al and house­hold devices are con­nect­ing to the inter­net, from your tele­vi­sion to your car nav­i­ga­tion sys­tems to your light switch­es. CIA Direc­tor David Petraeus can­not wait to spy on you through them. Ear­li­er this month (March, 2012), Petraeus mused about the emer­gence of an “Inter­net of Things” — that is, wired […]

Land protection credits come under fire in Virginia

Vir­ginia Depart­ment of Nat­ur­al ResourcesLAND WAR: Con­ser­va­tion cred­its designed to pro­tect Vir­ginia lands from devel­op­ment are com­ing under increas­ing fire in Richmond. RICHMOND, Va. – Con­ser­va­tion ease­ments that sup­pos­ed­ly pro­tect Vir­ginia lands from devel­op­ment are com­ing under increas­ing fire for abu­sive practices. One law­mak­er calls the sit­u­a­tion at a Fauquier Coun­ty farm “a trav­es­ty.” Oth­ers […]

Over 700 Million People Taking Steps to Avoid NSA Surveillance

There’s a new inter­na­tion­al sur­vey on Inter­net secu­ri­ty and trust, of “23,376 Inter­net users in 24 coun­tries,” includ­ing “Aus­tralia, Brazil, Cana­da, Chi­na, Egypt, France, Ger­many, Great Britain, Hong Kong, India, Indone­sia, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mex­i­co, Nige­ria, Pak­istan, Poland, South Africa, South Korea, Swe­den, Tunisia, Turkey and the Unit­ed States.” Amongst the find­ings, 60% of Inter­net […]

COP20: Ban Ki-moon hails delegates for paving way to ‘meaningful’ climate agreement

Sec­re­tary-Gen­er­al ban Ki-moon address­es the UN Cli­mate Change Con­fer­ence in Lima, Peru. UN Photo/Mark Garten 14 Decem­ber 2014 – Sec­re­tary-Gen­er­al Ban Ki-moon has hailed the out­come of a Unit­ed Nations-backed cli­mate con­fer­ence recent­ly con­clud­ed in Lima, Peru, prais­ing del­e­gates for set­ting the ground­work for a more con­clu­sive agree­ment to be reached in 2015, a spokesper­son […]

Woman Tasered By Police For Filming Man’s Arrest

Kian­ga Mwamba FA Note:  Remem­ber, every­thing about Agen­da 21 is about control. A Bal­ti­more, Mary­land woman was tasered by police for video-record­ing police. The offi­cers were engaged in a sep­a­rate arrest, which the woman explains did not seem right. So she hit record on her cell phone. Offi­cers imme­di­ate­ly sprung into attack mode, yelling “you a […]

Congress Quietly Bolsters NSA Spying in Intelligence Bill

Con­gress this week qui­et­ly passed a bill that may give unprece­dent­ed legal author­i­ty to the government’s war­rant­less sur­veil­lance pow­ers, despite a last-minute effort by Rep. Justin Amash to kill the bill. Amash staged an aggres­sive eleventh-hour ral­ly Wednes­day night to block pas­sage of the Intel­li­gence Autho­riza­tion Act, which will fund intel­li­gence agen­cies for the next fis­cal […]

Why Rockefellers Aim at Destroying Farmers Worldwide?

FA Note:  The realities of agribusiness, as described below, put the lie to the need for “Sustainable Agriculture” as promoted by Agenda 21. Local farmers are told they must eschew any mechanized equipment, even a small tractor, for instance; and each community may only raise (and expect to eat) what can be produced in their […]

Artist James Dupree fends off eminent domain effort by Philadelphia City Hall

The Philadel­phia Rede­vel­op­ment Author­i­ty still wants to build a gro­cery store in the city’s Man­tua neigh­bor­hood, but it won’t be tak­ing James Dupree’s art stu­dio to do it. The PRA on Thurs­day relent­ed on its quest to acquire the renowned Dupree’s stu­dio via emi­nent domain, say­ing the legal costs result­ing from Dupree’s appeal of con­dem­na­tion pro­ceed­ings […]

John McCain Trying to Use NDAA to Give Tonto National Forest to a British Mining Company

I think at a cer­tain point one has to under­stand that glob­al­iza­tion amounts to trea­son. These greedy Vichy politi­cians we have in Wash­ing­ton need to be removed before they hand over every­thing in the coun­try that isn’t nailed to the floor. This is Ton­to Nation­al For­est. It is yours. It is this country’s fifth largest for­est and […]