Anti Agenda 21 Platform

FA Note:  The fol­low­ing Alame­da Coun­ty Repub­li­can Par­ty Plat­form ban­ning Agen­da 21 was draft­ed by Free­dom Advo­cates and is intend­ed for use by Demo­c­rat and Repub­li­can Cen­tral Com­mit­tees around the coun­try. Is your county’s polit­i­cal activism com­mit­ted to Amer­i­ca or to polit­i­cal glob­al­ism? Democ­rats and Repub­li­cans most like­ly will answer that ques­tion sim­i­lar­ly! Both par­ties […]

Senator Reads the TPP and Exposes Its Contents; Other Elected Officials Should Do the Same

Sen. Jeff Ses­sions, speak­ing to the press. (Pho­to: Talk Radio News Ser­vice) Sen­a­tor Jeff Ses­sions (R‑AL) is one of the few mem­bers of Con­gress who has tak­en the time to jump through the hoops and read the Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship (TPP). But, he has gone a step far­ther than oth­er mem­bers — he told mem­bers of […]

Pentagon directive authorizes military forces against civilians – Was considered for use in Bundy standoff

Frank DuBois. A 2010 Pen­ta­gon direc­tive on mil­i­tary sup­port to civil­ian author­i­ties details what crit­ics say is a trou­bling pol­i­cy that envi­sions the Oba­ma administration’s poten­tial use of mil­i­tary force against Amer­i­cans. The direc­tive con­tains non­con­tro­ver­sial pro­vi­sions on sup­port to civil­ian fire and emer­gency ser­vices, spe­cial events and the domes­tic use of the Army Corps […]

Western Ranchers Sustain Big Grazing Victory at Appeals Court

Two ranch­ing orga­ni­za­tions, an Ari­zona ranch, and an Ari­zona ranch­er today won a major vic­to­ry at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Cir­cuit when a three-judge pan­el affirmed a rul­ing by an Ari­zona fed­er­al dis­trict court that grant­ed them sum­ma­ry judg­ment over a demand by envi­ron­men­tal groups that graz­ing per­mits be revoked and […]

The EPA myth of “Clean Power”

There are many things I do not like about the Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency, but what angers me most are the lies that stream forth from it to jus­ti­fy pro­grams that have no basis in fact or sci­ence and which threat­en the economy. Cur­rent­ly, its “Clean Pow­er” plan is gen­er­at­ing its lat­est and most duplic­i­tous Admin­is­ter […]

Grassroots Alaska Kills Agenda 21

Solu­tions Insti­tute [SI] is thrilled to announce that the peo­ple of the Bor­ough of Kodi­ak, Alas­ka have defeat­ed a zon­ing bill that would have severe­ly restrict­ed prop­er­ty rights and changed the char­ac­ter of their com­mu­ni­ty. Many res­i­dents were deeply con­cerned, but a coali­tion did not exist. Activism brought these peo­ple togeth­er, and all who con­tributed […]

Prospectors, North Carolina land trust face off over access to gold

Once again, the arrogant do-gooders think they are the law  Recre­ation­al prospec­tors, long accus­tomed to spend­ing their week­ends search­ing for gold in North Carolina’s Uwhar­rie Riv­er, are under fire by a local land trust, which claims own­er­ship of the riv­er bed. The rise in the price of gold to its all-time high of $1,900 per ounce in […]

Stanley Family Gets Custody Back of 4 Youngest Children – 3 Older Children Still in State Custody

The Stan­ley Fam­i­ly is greet­ed by sup­port­ers out­side of the Gar­land Coun­ty Arkansas Court House. Image cour­tesy Arkansas Her­ald. A review hear­ing in Gar­land Coun­ty Juve­nile Court in Arkansas yes­ter­day result­ed in the case being closed for the four younger Stan­ley chil­dren. The par­ents now have full cus­tody back of these four chil­dren. The three […]

In Landslide Vote, House Overwhelmingly Passes USA Freedom Act without Amendments

Is this the year Con­gress pass­es a bill to lim­it NSA spy­ing? The House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives cer­tain­ly hopes so. But just how strong that reform will be remains to be seen. Min­utes ago, the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives passed the USA Free­dom Act over­whelm­ing­ly with 338 yes votes and 88 no votes. EFF is neu­tral on the […]

Chairman Conaway Supports Bill to Stop “Waters of the United States” Proposed Rule

Today, House Agri­cul­ture Com­mit­tee Chair­man K. Michael Conaway (R‑TX) spoke in sup­port of H.R. 1732, the Reg­u­la­to­ry Integri­ty Act of 2015. The bill, which would force the Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engi­neers to stop mov­ing for­ward with the pro­posed “Waters of the Unit­ed States” rule, passed the House by a […]

Motels Sharing “Daily Guest List with Police” and Aiding Warrant Checks on Every Guest

The motel and hotel indus­try is not only spy­ing you, it is part­ner­ing with police. This isn’t just rou­tine coop­er­a­tion when police request infor­ma­tion for crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tions. Instead, it is appar­ent­ly every­day data shar­ing on every guest. It is a trou­bling pri­vate-pub­lic over­lap where motel and hotel clerks are sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly shar­ing “do not rent” lists and […]

NPS Ecological Mismanagement at Point Reyes: By Design?

Tule Elk at Point Reyes Nation­al Seashore The Nation­al Park Ser­vice (NPS) was able to shut down Drakes Bay Oys­ter Com­pa­ny at Point Reyes Nation­al Seashore by fal­si­fy­ing data about envi­ron­men­tal dam­age it claimed the oys­ter com­pa­ny caused. Now NPS is tar­get­ing ranch­ers for removal from Point Reyes. Here is the lat­est update on the NPS […]

Whistleblowers Reveal CPS Child Kidnappings in Kentucky Adoption Business

In 2006 and 2007 inves­tiga­tive reporter John Boel exposed much of the cor­rup­tion tak­ing place in the “child pro­tec­tion” sys­tem in Ken­tucky. His reports were broad­cast in the local media at that time, and includ­ed some amaz­ing inter­views with for­mer CPS whistle­blow­ers, doc­u­ment­ing the depth of the alleged cor­rup­tion with­in Ken­tucky CPS. In a report aired orig­i­nal­ly on […]

Breastfed Babies Kidnapped by CPS Because Parents were “Homeless” Living out of RV

  The Mehta fam­i­ly turned home­less­ness into a great adven­ture, before CPS. Source: Mehta family. Amber is one of those free-spir­it­ed peo­ple who takes even incred­i­ble hard­ships and turns them into adven­tures, inspir­ing oth­ers in the process. When her young fam­i­ly wound up home­less, through no fault of their own, she and her hus­band Krish­na […]

Joel Salatin’s Testimony on Food Freedom in Maine

Joel Salatin, author and own­er of Poly­face Farms Joel Salatin tes­ti­fied on April 30, 2015 before a leg­isla­tive com­mit­tee in favor of a state con­sti­tu­tion­al amend­ment in Maine on the Right to Food. Below is the text of his remarks. Sen­a­tor Edge­comb, Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Hick­man, and oth­er dis­tin­guished mem­bers of the Joint Stand­ing Com­mit­tee on Agri­cul­ture, Con­ser­va­tion […]

Will A Four-Decade Old Law Limit Obama’s Land Powers?

A “Sage­brush Rebel­lion” like the one that pro­pelled Ronald Rea­gan (“Count me in as a [sage­brush] rebel.”) into the Oval Office is mak­ing nation­al news because Pres­i­dent Oba­ma gov­erns like Pres­i­dent Carter.  Obama’s Inte­ri­or Sec­re­tary, for exam­ple, threat­ens more uni­lat­er­al land lock­up decrees if west­ern­ers do not embrace leg­is­la­tion putting vast areas off-lim­its to “mul­ti­ple […]

Here We Stand, At The Twilight’s Last Gleaming: “All Private Property Rights In The U.S. To Be Strategically Usurped”

“Here We Stand, At The Twilight’s Last Gleaming” These words are writ­ten past the mid­night hour and I remem­ber back to March 23, 2010 when Oba­macare was signed into law at the 11th hour.  I remem­ber it well; I was up almost all night, as it was around 11 pm that it was fin­ished.  Nev­er […]

Oyster Farmer: ‘We Are Terrified’ Of The Government

Two cus­tomers enjoy oys­ters out­side the oys­ter shack at Drakes Bay Oys­ter Com­pa­ny in Inver­ness, Cal­i­for­nia July 31, 2014. REUTERS/Stephen Lam Drakes Bay Oys­ter Com­pa­ny oper­at­ed in Point Reyes for decades until Nation­al Park Ser­vice offi­cials used fal­si­fied data to force Kevin Lunny’s fam­i­ly-run oys­ter farm to shut down. The expe­ri­ence has left its mark […]

Attorney Calls Easements A ‘Government Land Grab’

Har­ri­et Hage­man, Attorney In recent years, con­ser­va­tion easements—agreements between landown­ers and non­prof­it organizations—have gained pop­u­lar­i­ty as a way to pro­tect wildlife, pro­vide var­i­ous kinds of tax exemp­tions as well as pre­vent land and min­er­al devel­op­ment with an eye toward per­ma­nent preservation. At the same time, there has been con­cerns these ease­ments have caused ero­sion of […]

A Modern Paul Revere

Jim Beers, retired Refuge Man­ag­er, Spe­cial Agent, & Wildlife Biol­o­gist U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service The fol­low­ing is a recent let­ter from Mr. Jett Fere­bee of North Car­oli­na to the Sec­re­tary of the Inte­ri­or (Jew­ell) and the Direc­tor of the US Fish & Wildlife Ser­vice (Ashe).   Mr. Fere­bee and his asso­ciates in North Car­oli­na […]

John Deere’s Weird Idea of ‘Ownership’

It’s offi­cial: John Deere and Gen­er­al Motors want to evis­cer­ate the notion of own­er­ship. Sure, we pay for their vehi­cles. But we don’t own them. Not accord­ing to their cor­po­rate lawyers, anyway. In a par­tic­u­lar­ly spec­tac­u­lar dis­play of cor­po­rate delu­sion, John Deere—the world’s largest agri­cul­tur­al machin­ery mak­er —told the Copy­right Office that farm­ers don’t own […]

Big Automakers Want to Make it Against the Law to Work on Your Own Car

It was recent­ly report­ed that automak­ers could soon be going after car own­ers for mak­ing repairs on their own vehi­cles. Some of the indus­tries lead­ing com­pa­nies are now claim­ing that their soft­ware has become so com­pli­cat­ed that “tam­per­ing with it,” or mak­ing repairs on your own prop­er­ty, could be a copy­right violation. Inter­est­ing­ly enough, Tes­la, […]

CPS Destroying Rengo Family: Demands Erica Separate from her Husband to Get Children Back

Cleave, Eri­ca, and their three chil­dren. CPS demand­ed that Eri­ca sep­a­rate from Cleave against her will. It has been more than three months since the dra­mat­ic arrest and cap­ture of Eri­ca May and Cleave Rengo’s 3 small chil­dren by CPS in Cal­i­for­nia, where Eri­ca shout­ed to reporters: “Send a mes­sage to Amer­i­ca for me. Chil­dren don’t […]

Another Medical Kidnapping at Boston Children’s Hospital: Baby Seized Over Formula Disagreement

  Baby Bel­la tak­en over infant for­mu­la. Source: Fight for Bel­la Face­book page. It is an all-too-famil­iar cas­cade of events that hap­pens all across the world, but for baby Bella’s fam­i­ly, their fair­ly typ­i­cal sce­nario has result­ed in their baby being tak­en from her lov­ing par­ents. Now Mass­a­chu­setts DCF wants to adopt this beau­ti­ful baby out, […]