Anti Agenda 21 Platform

FA Note:  The fol­low­ing Alame­da Coun­ty Repub­li­can Par­ty Plat­form ban­ning Agen­da 21 was draft­ed by Free­dom Advo­cates and is intend­ed for use by Demo­c­rat and Repub­li­can Cen­tral Com­mit­tees around the coun­try. Is your county’s polit­i­cal activism com­mit­ted to Amer­i­ca or to polit­i­cal glob­al­ism? Democ­rats and Repub­li­cans most like­ly will answer that ques­tion sim­i­lar­ly! Both par­ties […]

Senator Reads the TPP and Exposes Its Contents; Other Elected Officials Should Do the Same

Sen. Jeff Ses­sions, speak­ing to the press. (Pho­to: Talk Radio News Ser­vice) Sen­a­tor Jeff Ses­sions (R‑AL) is one of the few mem­bers of Con­gress who has tak­en the time to jump through the hoops and read the Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship (TPP). But, he has gone a step far­ther than oth­er mem­bers — he told mem­bers of […]

How The Media Deceive The Public About “Fast Track” And The “Trade Bills”

The way that “Fast Track” is described to the Amer­i­can pub­lic is as an alter­na­tive method for the Sen­ate to han­dle “Trade Bills” (TPP & TTIP) that the Pres­i­dent presents to the Sen­ate for their approval; and this alter­na­tive method is said to be one in which “no amend­ments are per­mit­ted, and there will be […]

Pentagon directive authorizes military forces against civilians – Was considered for use in Bundy standoff

Frank DuBois. A 2010 Pen­ta­gon direc­tive on mil­i­tary sup­port to civil­ian author­i­ties details what crit­ics say is a trou­bling pol­i­cy that envi­sions the Oba­ma administration’s poten­tial use of mil­i­tary force against Amer­i­cans. The direc­tive con­tains non­con­tro­ver­sial pro­vi­sions on sup­port to civil­ian fire and emer­gency ser­vices, spe­cial events and the domes­tic use of the Army Corps […]

Senate Reverses Course and Advances TPP Fast Track Bill

The U.S. Sen­ate advanced the Fast Track bill today May 14) in a rushed vote fol­low­ing a slew of con­ces­sions made to swing Democ­rats who had vot­ed to block it ear­li­er this week. The set­back on Tues­day could have forced pro­po­nents of the Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship (TPP), the Transat­lantic Trade and Invest­ment Part­ner­ship (TTIP), and oth­er secre­tive, […]

The Legislature and The Sob Sister Circus

Yes­ter­day (May 19) was an expe­ri­ence.  It was nev­er on my buck­et list to tes­ti­fy to a state leg­is­la­ture on leg­is­la­tion but I did it.  And I learned a lot. HB 1 was the replace­ment bill for S.1067 – the bill that inte­grates the Hague Con­ven­tion on Inter­na­tion­al Recov­ery of Child Sup­port etc. into state law. […]

The Empty Chair

Occa­sion­al­ly when one writes on polit­i­cal issues, it’s easy to get car­ried away.  When I wrote The Leg­is­la­ture and The Sob Sis­ter Cir­cus, I spoke ill of Scott Keim, Deputy Attor­ney Gen­er­al of the State of Ida­ho.  I said he “got his law degree out of a box from the Crack­er­jack Uni­ver­si­ty”.   When I wrote […]

Sessions on the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA)

From US Sen­a­tor Jeff Ses­sions: “…here are the top five con­cerns about the Trade Pro­mo­tion Author­i­ty (TPA) that must be ful­ly under­stood and addressed before passage:” “Con­sol­i­da­tion Of Pow­er In The Exec­u­tive Branch. TPA elim­i­nates Con­gress’ abil­i­ty to amend or debate trade imple­ment­ing leg­is­la­tion and guar­an­tees an up-or-down vote on a far-reach­ing inter­na­tion­al agree­ment before […]

The EPA myth of “Clean Power”

There are many things I do not like about the Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency, but what angers me most are the lies that stream forth from it to jus­ti­fy pro­grams that have no basis in fact or sci­ence and which threat­en the economy. Cur­rent­ly, its “Clean Pow­er” plan is gen­er­at­ing its lat­est and most duplic­i­tous Admin­is­ter […]

Prospectors, North Carolina land trust face off over access to gold

Once again, the arrogant do-gooders think they are the law  Recre­ation­al prospec­tors, long accus­tomed to spend­ing their week­ends search­ing for gold in North Carolina’s Uwhar­rie Riv­er, are under fire by a local land trust, which claims own­er­ship of the riv­er bed. The rise in the price of gold to its all-time high of $1,900 per ounce in […]

Background on S.1067

FA Note:  Even if you don’t live in Ida­ho, all the objec­tions Vicky has list­ed will apply to the cor­re­spond­ing bill in your state.  Integrating The Hague Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance into State Law On 4 May 2015, Gov­er­nor Butch Otter announced he would call a spe­cial ses­sion […]

Chairman Conaway Supports Bill to Stop “Waters of the United States” Proposed Rule

Today, House Agri­cul­ture Com­mit­tee Chair­man K. Michael Conaway (R‑TX) spoke in sup­port of H.R. 1732, the Reg­u­la­to­ry Integri­ty Act of 2015. The bill, which would force the Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engi­neers to stop mov­ing for­ward with the pro­posed “Waters of the Unit­ed States” rule, passed the House by a […]

COS Admits it Cannot Defend the Convention Method of Amending the Constitution

Pub­lius Huldah Con­ven­tion Of States’ mas­sive, well-fund­ed nation­al cam­paign to “sell” their decep­tive tool with which to tear down our Founders’ dis­ci­plined, prin­ci­pled, lim­its on fed­er­al pow­ers has been run­ning into an over­whelm­ing, pow­er­ful force of truth and light — a 5′, 80lb, 70-year-young lady who many of us know, respect and admire as Pub­lius […]