Global Skinnerian Outcomes

Day 22: SKINNER HORROR FILES Pavlov’s Chil­dren To read this book, go to and type in the key word “Pavlov” into the search box. You will find this book on the list (bot­tom), and if you click the red “Down­load Now” box, the book will down­load onto your com­put­er into a pdf file. Here is […]

Skinnerizing Teachers

Day 21: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files The Skin­ner­iza­tion* of Teachers *DEFINITION of Skinnerize: The process by which stu­dents, teach­ers, prin­ci­pals, admin­is­tra­tors, etc. — and any­one else for that mat­ter — con­form to B.F. Skin­ner’s mod­el, meth­ods, goals, process and sys­tem. To become Skin­ner­ized means one has adapt­ed them­selves, will­ing­ly or through com­pul­sion, to the entire modus operen­di […]

Your Child the Guinea Pig

DAY 20: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files Behav­ioral Sci­ence Teacher Edu­ca­tion Pro­gram (BSTEP)   George Orwell “We are get­ting clos­er to devel­op­ing effec­tive methods for shap­ing the future and are advanc­ing in fun­da­men­tal social and indi­vid­ual evolution.” ~BSTEP Few Amer­i­cans know about this pro­gram unless they were trained in edu­ca­tion. Even few­er know how seri­ous­ly bad this pro­gram […]

“The ‘Skinner Box’ School”

Day 19: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files “…to con­trol a child’s atti­tudes and values it is first nec­es­sary to mod­i­fy the child’s behav­ior.” “Par­ents have been told that Out­come-Based Edu­ca­tion has noth­ing to do with chang­ing the atti­tudes and val­ues of their children;  that OBE will improve learn­ing for all chil­dren through “best-prac­tices” research. What par­ents are not […]

Propagandizing the K-12 Classroom to Create Desired Worldviews for Change: the New Anti-Bias Standards

If we think of the Com­mon Core as a buck­et or a ban­ner instead of pre­tend­ing it is about the trans­mis­sion of knowl­edge, its func­tion becomes much clear­er. All the changes that would cause an out­cry if pur­sued sep­a­rate­ly, and in many cas­es already have cre­at­ed wide­spread pop­u­lar rejec­tion, get to Come on Down Any­way […]

What Educrats Won’t Tell You…

Day 18: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files Your Child, the Lab Rat?! See yes­ter­day’s post “School-To-Prison-Pipeline” Sys­tem? Then exam­ine care­ful­ly the graph­ics in this post. This tells a more com­plete sto­ry about Oper­ant Con­di­tion­ing. Sim­i­lar graph­ics were used on pre­vi­ous posts this month dur­ing our “Skin­ner Hor­ror Files” series. But these images have an added element. Note the words […]

“School-To-Prison-Pipeline” System?

Day 17: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files Oper­ant Con­di­tion­ing Includes PUNISHMENT Don’t ever for­get this! Penal­ties, pun­ish­ment… it is all part of the sys­tem of oper­ant con­di­tion­ing and an inte­gral part of the method. And when par­ents find out about this, they often get upset. Very upset. Read this arti­cle: “Mom Says NO to School Sys­tem Intim­i­da­tion,” Sep­tem­ber 26, […]

Grooming Students for A Lifetime of Surveillance

The same tech­nol­o­gists who protest against the NSA’s meta­da­ta col­lec­tion pro­grams are the ones prof­it­ing the most from the wide­spread sur­veil­lance of students. Since 2011, bil­lions of dol­lars of ven­ture cap­i­tal invest­ment have poured into pub­lic edu­ca­tion through pri­vate, for-prof­it tech­nolo­gies that promise to rev­o­lu­tion­ize edu­ca­tion. Designed for the “21st cen­tu­ry” class­room, these tools promise […]


Ani­ta B. Hoge This edu­ca­tion mod­el is a recur­ring, failed edu­ca­tion mod­el being dupli­cat­ed with new names over the past sev­er­al decades. The ref­er­ence to a stu­dent is “human cap­i­tal.” This val­ue-added def­i­n­i­tion address­es the worth of an indi­vid­ual to busi­ness. There are many old­er names for Out­come Based Edu­ca­tion. Com­mon Core State Stan­dards, CCSS, is […]

Education Expert: Parents, Take Children Back From Gov’t Control

An edu­ca­tion expert who heads up a pop­u­lar online K‑12 school is advis­ing par­ents that they must be vig­i­lant against gov­ern­ment intru­sion if they want to main­tain con­trol over their chil­dren’s schooling. Alan Scholl and his wife, Doreen, have suc­cess­ful­ly home­schooled sev­en chil­dren over the past 29 years. In addi­tion to that accom­plish­ment, Scholl — […]

Skinner Tentacles

Day 16: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files Skin­ner’s Ten­ta­cles Extend to Pri­vate and Home Education An oldie from 2002 high­lights the prob­lems with Skin­ner­ian edu­ca­tion and com­put­ers. Once a tiny bit of gov­ern­ment monies comes to pri­vate edu­ca­tion, the gov­ern­men­t’s ten­ta­cles will ful­ly encir­cle and start to suffocate.  In an arti­cle pub­lished on NewsWith­Views on July 8, 2002, […]

Get Ready for BioSurveillance of Your Preschooler’s Health

Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan research shows web-based sys­tem could help improve detec­tion and response to spread of illnesses.  Argus bio­sur­veil­lance sys­tem — CDC There is grow­ing trend toward the use of “bio­sur­veil­lance” — Web-based sys­tems to track pub­lic health, many times with an added pre­dic­tive mod­el . As you’ll see in the Uni­ver­si­ty of Michi­gan press […]

Shaping A Child’s Behavior

Day 15: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files More his­to­ry that would upset par­ents if they only knew…   B.F. Skin­ner In 1961 PROGRAMMED LEARNING: EVOLVING PRINCIPLES AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS (Foun­da­tion for Research on Human Behav­ior: Ann Arbor, Mich., 1961) edit­ed by Jerome P. Lysaught was pub­lished. An excerpt from the intro­duc­tion by Thomas H. Miller follows: To intro­duce the […]

The Roll Out of the Hitler Youth Movement Through the Common Core Invasive Data Mining of Our Children

The peo­ple of this coun­try are speak­ing out, they are sick and tired of the intru­sive­ness of the Com­mon Stan­dards and the egre­gious vio­la­tions of our children’s civ­il lib­er­ties includ­ing their (and their par­ents) right to privacy. The more Amer­i­cans know about Com­mon Core, the less they like the stan­dards. In fact, just 33% sup­port […]

Backward Mapping: Bundling Human and Social Engineering While Trumpeting International Competition

Some­times peo­ple feel deeply shak­en by the things I write about. Me too, except there is no ambi­gu­i­ty in what is being sought by the time I am will­ing to dis­cuss it in pub­lic. If the dec­la­ra­tions appear to be Trag­ic or even just a hor­rif­i­cal­ly waste­ful idea, some­one needs to be bring­ing these inten­tions […]


DAY 14: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files THE BIG LIE EXPOSED Direct from the horse’s mouth “It is always to be kept in mind that these principles  are quite in con­trast to “rote learn­ing” or drill. “In rote learn­ing, many wrong respons­es are per­mit­ted to occur, and the stu­dent even­tu­al­ly learns to devel­op his own prompts often to a rel­a­tive­ly […]

Teaching vs. Training

Day 13: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files  “…Teach­ing thus dif­fers from train­ing and conditioning, which are con­cerned with performance rather than belief and ratio­nal action.… To be eth­i­cal, con­di­tion­ing must have student  coop­er­a­tion in and aware­ness of its use  to change behav­ior.” N.L.Gage and David C. Berlin­er, Edu­ca­tion­al Psy­chol­o­gy, Rand McNal­ly Col­lege Pub­lish­ing Co., Chica­go, 1975, 129–131

“The Attitude Changing Machine”

Day 11: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files And you thought com­put­ers just taught academics? In 1963 THE ROLE OF THE COMPUTER IN FUTURE INSTRUCTIONAL SYSTEMS was pub­lished as the March/ April, 1963 sup­ple­ment of Audio­vi­su­al Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Review.[1] James D. Finn of Los Ange­les was the prin­ci­pal inves­ti­ga­tor and Don­ald P. Ely (lat­er of Project BEST: Basic Edu­ca­tion­al Skills […]

Malleable Minds Fit for an Affirmative State Designed to Meet Needs and Constrain the Ruled

We actu­al­ly do not have to infer what kinds of minds and per­son­al­i­ties and beliefs are suit­able for these new visions of tomor­row. One advo­cate telling­ly used this quote from Napoleon that “There are but two pow­ers in the world, the sword, and the mind. In the long run the sword is always beat­en by […]

Programmed Instruction: The Next Generation

Day 12: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files Like a Bad Hor­ror Movie — Skin­ner’s BACK!!! More his­to­ry you aren’t sup­posed to know.…  Just like a bad B‑rated hor­ror film, B.F. Skin­ner’s Pro­grammed Instruc­tion con­tin­ues through the decades — rerun, rein­vent­ed, rein­tro­duced, repack­aged and re-named — as an inte­gral part Amer­i­can’s reform engine. Skin­ner is the METHOD that dri­ves the whole […]


DAY 9: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files HISTORY YOU ARE NOT MEANT TO KNOW! And par­ents con­tin­ue to mess around fight­ing Com­mu­nist Core? Should­n’t they instead be focus­ing on killing tax-fund­ed fake school “choice” which is the vehi­cle to con­trol not just stu­dents, but adults as well, under UNESCO’s agen­da: Lim­it­ed Learn­ing for Life­long Labor. What the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment funds […]

Your Child, the “Organism”

Day 10: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files More His­to­ry You Aren’t Sup­posed to Know… THE pres­i­den­tial­ly appoint­ed Nation­al Coun­cil for Edu­ca­tion­al Research (NCER) issued two “Poli­cies on Mis­sions for Edu­ca­tion­al Research and Devel­op­ment Cen­ters,” dat­ed June 14 and Octo­ber 25, 1984, short­ly after region­al hear­ings had been held regard­ing the need for reg­u­la­tions to imple­ment the Pro­tec­tion of Pupil […]

Teaching Machines and Programmed Learning

Day 8: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files Teach­ings Machines => Computers Comput­ers have become the per­fect vehi­cle for those who want to imple­ment soci­etal oper­ant con­di­tion­ing meth­ods on the chil­dren and pop­u­lace. These change agents desire to break down human behav­ior into the low­est com­mon denom­i­na­tor, and mea­sure it bit by bit via con­di­tioned respons­es desired (or required) […]

Skinner’s Incarnations

Day 6: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files “Please do not for­get for one moment that OBE is mas­tery learning/direct instruc­tion. The only dif­fer­ence between OBE and Direct Instruc­tion is that OBE had very bad, out­ra­geous… out­comes, and direct instruc­tion has… those peanut but­ter-and-jel­ly-sound­ing phon­ics outcomes.” – Char­lotte Iser­byt, cir­ca 1998, p. A‑156 the delib­er­ate dumb­ing down of america