History of the “Farris” Wheel

Going Round the Leg­isla­tive Loop cir­ca 1990s The fol­low­ing extreme­ly well-doc­u­ment­ed arti­cle from the 1990s sheds con­sid­er­able light on the pre­vi­ous two posts that inves­ti­gat­ed Michael Far­ris of HSLDA: Far­ris’s Fer­ris Wheel… and Going Round the Far­ris Wheel. It was authored by Mary McCarthy and is repub­lished with her permission. THE RELIGIOUS FREEDOM RESTORATION ACT (RFRA), THE […]

Going Round the Farris Wheel

Michael Far­ris: More Dis­turb­ing History and Ques­tion­able Associations Since the post yes­ter­day, “Far­ris’s Fer­ris Wheel…”, a num­ber of indi­vid­u­als have sent addi­tion­al links with more research and back­ground infor­ma­tion on the dis­turb­ing activ­i­ties of Michael Farris. Below are some fur­ther items for read­ers to explore. Again, read this your­self and draw your own con­clu­sions. Warn­ing: […]

Who is Robert Pondiscio and What Does He Think About the Questioning of Common Core?

Robert Pondis­cio This is what hap­pens when an edu­ca­tion reformer doesn’t want to answer seri­ous ques­tions about Com­mon Core. He blocks ‘rav­ing mani­acs’ (parents/taxpayers/teachers/administrators) con­cerned about the lack of research/data on Com­mon Core and the fact that the creators/validation Com­mit­tee had to sign non-dis­clo­sure agree­ments. He insists he wants to deal in facts but when […]

US School Forces Girls to Follow Islamic Dress Code on Field Trip

A school dis­trict in Col­orado is com­ing under the wrath of the com­mu­ni­ty for telling school girls that they may have to sub­mit to sharia-com­pli­ant rules regard­ing cov­er­ing their heads and ankles on a field trip to a Mus­lim mosque. Accord­ing to WND, Dou­glas Coun­ty School Dis­trict con­firmed that such Islam­ic law will be enforced […]

Going Round the Farris Wheel

Michael Farris: More Disturbing History  and Ques­tion­able Associations Since the post yes­ter­day, “Far­ris’s Fer­ris Wheel…”, a num­ber of indi­vid­u­als have sent addi­tion­al links with more research and back­ground infor­ma­tion on the dis­turb­ing activ­i­ties of Michael Farris. Below are some fur­ther items for read­ers to explore. Again, read this your­self and draw your own con­clu­sions. Warn­ing: […]

Vermont parent to be paid $150,000 in lawsuit over ban from school meetings

For­mer Ben­son, Ver­mont res­i­dent Mar­cel Cyr was award­ed $147,500 Mon­day after win­ning a law­suit against the Addi­son Rut­land Super­vi­so­ry Union. He had been banned from all school grounds in the dis­trict because school offi­cials were fright­ened of him. The ACLU took up Cyr’s case on free speech grounds, and in Sep­tem­ber fed­er­al judge J. Gar­van Murtha […]

Farris’s Ferris Wheel…

Mike Far­ris’s Dis­turb­ing History and Ques­tion­able Associations Many think that Michael Far­ris is the good guy in the white hat who hero­ical­ly rides in on his white horse to save the day for home­school­ers. Many are not aware that Far­ris has a con­tro­ver­sial his­to­ry that goes back three decades. Far­ris, head of Home­school Legal Defense […]

The Islamization of American Public School Children

Many his­to­ri­ans have com­pared our cur­rent plight to that of the Roman Empire in its fall-apart days. Like the Romans, we are falling because we became com­pla­cent and stopped doing the things that build a pow­er­ful civ­i­liza­tion. We, as Amer­i­cans, are fail­ing to see where we are at in our own his­to­ry. Our gov­ern­ment has […]

Cradle Snatchers!

Obama launches $1 billion early education plan Com­men­tary by Mary Thomp­son, 3D Research Group Here we go… offi­cial full throt­tle for the “ear­ly learn­ing” agen­da, uni­ver­sal “preschool,” womb to tomb train­ing ( called edu­ca­tion). All the buzz words and play­ers are on stage: Oba­ma, Dun­can, and oth­er “stooges” includ­ing a “local sher­iff from Ohio.” Read […]

Parental Rights in Public School: Quickly Disappearing.

Parental Rights in Pub­lic School: Quick­ly Disappearing. Graph­ic comes from a Wal­ton Coun­ty (GA) School Dis­trict pow­er point dis­cussing truancy, Par­ents are increas­ing­ly con­cerned that pub­lic school admin­is­tra­tors are super­sed­ing the legal author­i­ty par­ents have in their child’s life. Mis­souri par­ents were sur­prised to learn that their direc­tives for their chil­dren not to use com­put­ers […]

Fresh attacks on Common Core ahead after GOP wave

New Repub­li­can majori­ties in state leg­is­la­tures across the coun­try are prepar­ing to launch a fresh assault on Com­mon Core edu­ca­tion stan­dards after sweep­ing to pow­er in November’s midterm elections. Strate­gists involved in the state-by-state fight against the nation­al K‑12 math and read­ing bench­marks S, rather than sin­gle bills aimed at dis­man­tling the whole pro­gram all […]

North Carolina: Pitts Public School Parents Apoplectic Over Propaganda, Proselytizing for Islam in Class

Pamela Geller More par­ents are wak­ing up to the twist­ed pro­pa­gan­da being taught in pub­lic schools across the coun­try. Our orga­ni­za­tion, AFDI and SIOA, is work­ing with indi­vid­ual par­ents and small groups of par­ents to remove these dis­hon­est lessons that are pros­e­ly­tiz­ing for Islam to our chil­dren and intel­lec­tu­al­ly dis­arm­ing them about the gravest threat […]

New Jersey 10-year-old explains why Common Core tests are ‘nonsense’

MONTCLAIR, N.J. – A New Jer­sey 10-year-old is get­ting a lot of atten­tion after deliv­er­ing a speech to her local school board about the rea­sons she thinks Com­mon Core test­ing is “non­sense.” Eliz­a­beth Blaine, whose moth­er Sarah Blaine is for­mer teacher and attor­ney who writes an edu­ca­tion blog, attend­ed the Mont­clair School Board meet­ing Mon­day […]

Anita Hoge’s Call to Activism

What Cit­i­zens Can Do http://abcsofdumbdown.blogspot.com/2014/12/the-greatest-christmas-present-to.html Ani­ta Hoge’s ground­break­ing arti­cle, “The Great­est Christ­mas Present to Amer­i­ca 2014,” pub­lished yes­ter­day on abc­sof­dumb­down is now also post­ed on NewsWith­Views. Ani­ta has now fol­lowed up with some impor­tant activism. She advises: My arti­cle gives a link for every state to look up their Nation­al Cen­ter for Edu­ca­tion Sta­tis­tics (NCES) grant […]

Prof: ‘Elf on the Shelf’ conditions kids to accept surveillance state

TORONTO – Could there be some­thing more sin­is­ter behind the lit­tle elf sit­ting on the shelf who returns to the North Pole each night? Yes, says Lau­ra Pin­to, a dig­i­tal tech­nol­o­gy pro­fes­sor at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ontario Insti­tute of Technology. She recent­ly pub­lished a paper titled “Who’s the Boss” on the doll, say­ing the idea of […]

The Bogeyman has entered the nursery

More fright­en­ing than any­thing else: In the night­mare world pro­gres­sives are design­ing for civ­il soci­ety, lit­tle tots are no longer your lit­tle tots.  They are gov­ern­ment-sought human resources to be raised as tomorrow’s anarchists. “On Wednes­day, the White House Sum­mit on Ear­ly Edu­ca­tion will unveil near­ly $1 bil­lion in new “invest­ments” to “expand access to high-qual­i­ty […]

The Greatest Christmas Present to America 2014

Your Gift From Ani­ta B Hoge (Source) A Link To Your Fed­er­al Grant in Your State Cre­at­ing A “Nation­al ID” When think­ing about the vio­la­tions of pri­va­cy that were exposed by Edward Snow­den for the NSA mon­i­tor­ing emails and phone con­ver­sa­tions.… Hon­est­ly! Snow­den’s release of this infor­ma­tion is child’s play com­pared to what the gov­ern­ment is col­lect­ing […]

Think Concept, Concept, Concept

New arti­cle by Mary Thompson Mary Thomp­son has just post­ed a new arti­cle on NewsWithViews.com “Think Con­cept, Con­cept, Con­cept,” and it is a must-read! In this arti­cle Mary shares more of her mem­oirs. This is infor­ma­tion that the young gen­er­a­tion needs to know. Below are just a few fas­ci­nat­ing paragraphs: It is this writer’s con­tention […]

Charlotte and Anita blasted

Anti-Com­mon Core lead­ers rattled Word must be out amongst the pro-tax-fund­ed school choice and anti-Com­mon Core peo­ple about my blog. They don’t like it. We are telling the truth about their pho­ny “choice.” Joy Pull­man, researcher at Heart­land Insti­tute, which sup­ports Skin­ner­ian oper­ant con­di­tion­ing and which has recent­ly pub­lished a book enti­tled Rewards, recent­ly wrote […]

Governors Closing Barn Doors After Horse has Bolted!

or… BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR! http://breitbart.com/Big-Government/2014/12/06/Jeb-Bush-s-Education-Reform-Empire The above cit­ed arti­cle by Dr. Susan Berry, pub­lished on Dec. 6, 2014, went on to report the increas­ing unpop­u­lar­i­ty of Jeb Bush’s con­tin­ued dri­ve for Com­mon Core: “With polls show­ing Repub­li­can sup­port for Com­mon Core plum­met­ing, com­mon sense would dic­tate that Bush call it a day with the […]

Common Core Career Readiness

Eco­nom­ic Devel­op­ment with the Human Resource – just one goal of Com­mon Core By Jean­nie George, 3D Research Group There’s been a shift in edu­ca­tion. The goal has changed from ‘gain­ing knowl­edge’ to ‘get­ting a job’. That goal has caused the delib­er­ate dumb-down; the steady dete­ri­o­ra­tion of every aca­d­e­m­ic sub­ject taught in school. Thus, stu­dents (human resources) […]

Chinese Mom Spills The Red Beans!

Tells the truth about Com­mon Core being Communist!  Watch Lily’s speech by watch­ing the video. I have been warn­ing for years that this is Com­mu­nist. Here is an amaz­ing and coura­geous teti­mo­ny by Lily Tang Williams! Her speech is report­ed about in an arti­cle titled Chi­nese-Amer­i­can Mom Says Com­mon Core Is Just Like Edu­ca­tion in Com­mu­nist […]

Quietly Coercing a Vassals and Fiefdoms Future for All of Us While Hyping Economic Development

I actu­al­ly am not nos­tal­gic for the cas­tles, moats, or medieval armor. For one thing I like to cook, but not with­out cen­tral­ized plumb­ing or over an open hearth. No, I keep think­ing of terms from the Mid­dle Ages because pub­lic poli­cies being qui­et­ly enact­ed in the Unit­ed States as well as oth­er coun­tries via […]

Common Core Psych Data on Children

Ani­ta Hoge’s Call for Stu­dent Data Moratorium Receives Nation­al Attention Read the whole arti­cle by click­ing HERE The read­ers of abc­sof­dumb­down blog will want to know that the Press Release sent out last week by Penn­syl­va­nia par­ents and cit­i­zens gen­er­at­ed media atten­tion. Here is what we pub­lished on the blog: The Press Release was post­ed on […]