Senator Reads the TPP and Exposes Its Contents; Other Elected Officials Should Do the Same

Sen. Jeff Ses­sions, speak­ing to the press. (Pho­to: Talk Radio News Ser­vice) Sen­a­tor Jeff Ses­sions (R‑AL) is one of the few mem­bers of Con­gress who has tak­en the time to jump through the hoops and read the Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship (TPP). But, he has gone a step far­ther than oth­er mem­bers — he told mem­bers of […]

How The Media Deceive The Public About “Fast Track” And The “Trade Bills”

The way that “Fast Track” is described to the Amer­i­can pub­lic is as an alter­na­tive method for the Sen­ate to han­dle “Trade Bills” (TPP & TTIP) that the Pres­i­dent presents to the Sen­ate for their approval; and this alter­na­tive method is said to be one in which “no amend­ments are per­mit­ted, and there will be […]

Senate Reverses Course and Advances TPP Fast Track Bill

The U.S. Sen­ate advanced the Fast Track bill today May 14) in a rushed vote fol­low­ing a slew of con­ces­sions made to swing Democ­rats who had vot­ed to block it ear­li­er this week. The set­back on Tues­day could have forced pro­po­nents of the Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship (TPP), the Transat­lantic Trade and Invest­ment Part­ner­ship (TTIP), and oth­er secre­tive, […]

Sessions on the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA)

From US Sen­a­tor Jeff Ses­sions: “…here are the top five con­cerns about the Trade Pro­mo­tion Author­i­ty (TPA) that must be ful­ly under­stood and addressed before passage:” “Con­sol­i­da­tion Of Pow­er In The Exec­u­tive Branch. TPA elim­i­nates Con­gress’ abil­i­ty to amend or debate trade imple­ment­ing leg­is­la­tion and guar­an­tees an up-or-down vote on a far-reach­ing inter­na­tion­al agree­ment before […]

Arizona Mother Facing Jail Time for Speaking out Against Medical Kidnapping

Kay­la and Han­nah Diegel One sup­port­er has asked if this is a “hit list.” Melis­sa Diegel has until Mon­day (May 18th) to turn over all the con­tact infor­ma­tion, includ­ing phone num­bers and emails, of every sin­gle per­son that she has com­mu­ni­cat­ed with about her daugh­ters, or an Ari­zona judge says she will go to jail. The […]

Why NSA surveillance is worse than you’ve ever imagined

Last sum­mer, after months of encrypt­ed emails, I spent three days in Moscow hang­ing out with Edward Snow­den for a Wired cov­er sto­ry. Over pep­per­oni piz­za, he told me that what final­ly drove him to leave his coun­try and become a whistle­blow­er was his con­vic­tion that the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Agency was con­duct­ing ille­gal sur­veil­lance on […]

Medical Kidnapping in the U.S. – Kidnapping Children for Drug Trials

War Crimes Tri­bunal at Nurem­berg. Adolf Hitler’s per­son­al physi­cian, 43-year old Karl Brandt. Brandt was also Reich Com­mis­sar for Health and San­i­ta­tion, and was indict­ed by the U.S. pros­e­cu­tion with 22 oth­er Nazi doc­tors. Brandt was found guilty of par­tic­i­pat­ing in and con­sent­ing to using con­cen­tra­tion camp inmates as guinea pigs in hor­ri­ble med­ical exper­i­ments, […]

Ohio CPS Destroys Family of 5 – Parents Acquitted of Any Wrong Doing

But­ner fam­i­ly togeth­er for a vis­it, before the chil­dren were adopt­ed out. Source: But­ner family. Liv­ing in a small Ohio town, Chris and Kathy But­ner felt their lives were com­plete. They hadn’t had an easy road, but always tried to do their best for their fam­i­ly of 5 chil­dren, from their old­est son hav­ing asth­ma […]

What law says the text of the TPP must remain secret?

To the US Congress: reveal the contents of the TPP now It seems like a case of mass hyp­no­sis. Peo­ple claim­ing they can’t say what’s in the TPP trade agree­ment. And main­stream media accept this premise. “That’s right. Con­gress must stay silent.” Pop quiz: who says the text of the TPP must remain secret? Under what […]

In Landslide Vote, House Overwhelmingly Passes USA Freedom Act without Amendments

Is this the year Con­gress pass­es a bill to lim­it NSA spy­ing? The House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives cer­tain­ly hopes so. But just how strong that reform will be remains to be seen. Min­utes ago, the House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives passed the USA Free­dom Act over­whelm­ing­ly with 338 yes votes and 88 no votes. EFF is neu­tral on the […]

Major Win as U.S. Senate Blocks TPP Fast Track Bill

Oppo­nents of sprawl­ing and secre­tive inter­na­tion­al agree­ments won a sig­nif­i­cant vic­to­ry today when U.S. Sen­a­tors vot­ed to block the advance­ment of its Fast Track trade bill. The leg­is­la­tion would have allowed mas­sive unde­mo­c­ra­t­ic trade deals like the Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship (TPP) and the Trans-atlantic Trade and Invest­ment Part­ner­ship (TTIP) to be rushed through to rat­i­fi­ca­tion, and […]

Motels Sharing “Daily Guest List with Police” and Aiding Warrant Checks on Every Guest

The motel and hotel indus­try is not only spy­ing you, it is part­ner­ing with police. This isn’t just rou­tine coop­er­a­tion when police request infor­ma­tion for crim­i­nal inves­ti­ga­tions. Instead, it is appar­ent­ly every­day data shar­ing on every guest. It is a trou­bling pri­vate-pub­lic over­lap where motel and hotel clerks are sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly shar­ing “do not rent” lists and […]

Ultra-Secrecy Surrounds Barack Obama’s New Global Economic Treaty

Barack Oba­ma is secret­ly nego­ti­at­ing a glob­al eco­nom­ic treaty which would destroy thou­sands of Amer­i­can busi­ness­es and mil­lions of good pay­ing Amer­i­can jobs.  In oth­er words, it would be the final nail in the cof­fin for America’s eco­nom­ic infra­struc­ture.  Oba­ma knows that if the Amer­i­can peo­ple actu­al­ly knew what was in this treaty that they […]

Obama’s Trade Bill Gets Boost as Mitch McConnell Vows Vote ‘Soon’

The Senate majority leader says he has been working with the White House on passing the deal. The U.S. Sen­ate will take up leg­is­la­tion to give Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma the trade nego­ti­at­ing author­i­ty he wants “very soon,” Sen­ate Major­i­ty Leader Mitch McConnell said. “It’s been almost an out of body expe­ri­ence but we’ve been work­ing close­ly […]

Obama, Hillary/Bill, Bush, “income inequality and violence”

The big lie “There are lots of ways to destroy com­mu­ni­ties. One of the most suc­cess­ful is: take jobs away. Can­cel jobs. Then, cov­er this plot with lies about pover­ty and inequal­i­ty. Set race and against race: tap into human feel­ings and the mind in their vul­ner­a­ble areas—where hatred and ran­cor can be stim­u­lat­ed. Thus, dis­tract […]

Little Red Riding Hood

#NO WAY ESEA  #NO WAY ESEA  #NO WAY ESEA MAKE THIS GO VIRAL!!! MENU FOR THE 21ST CENTURY: COMMUNISM, SOCIALISM, FASCISM? (1) Excerpt from “Clus­ters Pro­mote Com­mu­ni­ty Growth” arti­cle below : “Metro Unit­ed Way’s vice pres­i­dent of com­mu­ni­ty invest­ments, Ger­a­lyn Shee­han, calls the teams a pilot pro­gram for the entire nation, teach­ing res­i­dents through­out Amer­i­ca how to recon­nect with […]

Lawmakers Want FDA To Crack Down On Soap Makers

Peo­ple who are try­ing to do good for their fam­i­lies and the plan­et by liv­ing a sim­ple life based on tra­di­tion­al skills are fac­ing yet anoth­er assault. Arti­sanal soap mak­ers say new reg­u­la­tions, pro­posed by Sen­a­tor Dianne Fein­stein (D‑California) and Sen­a­tor Susan Collins (R‑Maine), will put them out of busi­ness. Many soap mak­ers are rur­al […]

Attorney Calls Easements A ‘Government Land Grab’

Har­ri­et Hage­man, Attorney In recent years, con­ser­va­tion easements—agreements between landown­ers and non­prof­it organizations—have gained pop­u­lar­i­ty as a way to pro­tect wildlife, pro­vide var­i­ous kinds of tax exemp­tions as well as pre­vent land and min­er­al devel­op­ment with an eye toward per­ma­nent preservation. At the same time, there has been con­cerns these ease­ments have caused ero­sion of […]

John Deere’s Weird Idea of ‘Ownership’

It’s offi­cial: John Deere and Gen­er­al Motors want to evis­cer­ate the notion of own­er­ship. Sure, we pay for their vehi­cles. But we don’t own them. Not accord­ing to their cor­po­rate lawyers, anyway. In a par­tic­u­lar­ly spec­tac­u­lar dis­play of cor­po­rate delu­sion, John Deere—the world’s largest agri­cul­tur­al machin­ery mak­er —told the Copy­right Office that farm­ers don’t own […]

Big Automakers Want to Make it Against the Law to Work on Your Own Car

It was recent­ly report­ed that automak­ers could soon be going after car own­ers for mak­ing repairs on their own vehi­cles. Some of the indus­tries lead­ing com­pa­nies are now claim­ing that their soft­ware has become so com­pli­cat­ed that “tam­per­ing with it,” or mak­ing repairs on your own prop­er­ty, could be a copy­right violation. Inter­est­ing­ly enough, Tes­la, […]

Bad Guys Pushing THIS WEEK to Promote Global Tyranny Run By Corporations

Here’s How to STOP Them The pow­ers-that-be are push­ing this week to fast track a hor­ri­ble treaty which would destroy America. The treaty is called the Trans Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship (TPP). The U.S. Trade Rep­re­sen­ta­tive – the fed­er­al agency respon­si­ble for nego­ti­at­ing trade treaties – has said that the details of the TPP are clas­si­fied due to […]

US Steel Warns Of Layoffs In Arkansas And Texas As Trans-Pacific Partnership Looms

FA Note: The last para­graph pro­vides a clue as to how mega-cor­po­ra­tions will prof­it from this “21st cen­tu­ry trade agreement”. Domes­tic pro­duc­ers have strug­gled amid a wave of Asian steel imports. In this pho­to, employ­ees at a steel fac­to­ry in Dalian, Chi­na. Reuters/China Daily Unit­ed States Steel Cor­po­ra­tion issued lay­off notices to 1,404 work­ers in the […]

Morris: Obama Sneaking in ‘Unrestricted Immigration’ in TPA Trade Deal

Mon­day on New­max TV’s “America’s Forum,” polit­i­cal com­men­ta­tor Dick Mor­ris said the Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship (TPA) fast track being sup­port­ed by many Repub­li­cans has a pro­vi­sion that allows for the “free flow of work­ers” between coun­tries, essen­tial­ly cre­at­ing a back­door to “unre­strict­ed immigration.” Mor­ris said, “This is huge. I hope every­body lis­ten­ing takes action call your […]

Deal Reached on Fast-Track Authority for Obama on Trade Accord

Before a Sen­ate Finance Com­mit­tee hear­ing on the trade pact Thurs­day: Sen­a­tor Robert Menen­dez, seat­ed at table, and stand­ing from left, Sen­a­tors Ben­jamin L. Cardin of Mary­land and Ron Wyden of Ore­gon; Trea­sury Sec­re­tary Jacob J. Lew; and Michael Fro­man, the Unit­ed States trade rep­re­sen­ta­tive. Cred­it Stephen Crowley/The New York Times           […]