U.S. backs down on trade dispute

FA Note: This arti­cle exem­pli­fies the use of inter­na­tion­al law and trade agree­ments to nul­li­fy U.S. sov­er­eign­ty and con­sumer protections. Fac­ing threat­ened retal­i­a­tion from Cana­da over “coun­try of ori­gin” meat labelling ruled unlaw­ful by the World Trade Orga­ni­za­tion, the U.S. Con­gress moved quick­ly on Wednes­day to start to repeal the requirement. “In light of the World Trade […]

Western Ranchers Sustain Big Grazing Victory at Appeals Court

Two ranch­ing orga­ni­za­tions, an Ari­zona ranch, and an Ari­zona ranch­er today won a major vic­to­ry at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Cir­cuit when a three-judge pan­el affirmed a rul­ing by an Ari­zona fed­er­al dis­trict court that grant­ed them sum­ma­ry judg­ment over a demand by envi­ron­men­tal groups that graz­ing per­mits be revoked and […]

Chairman Conaway Supports Bill to Stop “Waters of the United States” Proposed Rule

Today, House Agri­cul­ture Com­mit­tee Chair­man K. Michael Conaway (R‑TX) spoke in sup­port of H.R. 1732, the Reg­u­la­to­ry Integri­ty Act of 2015. The bill, which would force the Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency (EPA) and the Army Corps of Engi­neers to stop mov­ing for­ward with the pro­posed “Waters of the Unit­ed States” rule, passed the House by a […]

NPS Ecological Mismanagement at Point Reyes: By Design?

Tule Elk at Point Reyes Nation­al Seashore The Nation­al Park Ser­vice (NPS) was able to shut down Drakes Bay Oys­ter Com­pa­ny at Point Reyes Nation­al Seashore by fal­si­fy­ing data about envi­ron­men­tal dam­age it claimed the oys­ter com­pa­ny caused. Now NPS is tar­get­ing ranch­ers for removal from Point Reyes. Here is the lat­est update on the NPS […]

Joel Salatin’s Testimony on Food Freedom in Maine

Joel Salatin, author and own­er of Poly­face Farms Joel Salatin tes­ti­fied on April 30, 2015 before a leg­isla­tive com­mit­tee in favor of a state con­sti­tu­tion­al amend­ment in Maine on the Right to Food. Below is the text of his remarks. Sen­a­tor Edge­comb, Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Hick­man, and oth­er dis­tin­guished mem­bers of the Joint Stand­ing Com­mit­tee on Agri­cul­ture, Con­ser­va­tion […]

Here We Stand, At The Twilight’s Last Gleaming: “All Private Property Rights In The U.S. To Be Strategically Usurped”

“Here We Stand, At The Twilight’s Last Gleaming” These words are writ­ten past the mid­night hour and I remem­ber back to March 23, 2010 when Oba­macare was signed into law at the 11th hour.  I remem­ber it well; I was up almost all night, as it was around 11 pm that it was fin­ished.  Nev­er […]

Oyster Farmer: ‘We Are Terrified’ Of The Government

Two cus­tomers enjoy oys­ters out­side the oys­ter shack at Drakes Bay Oys­ter Com­pa­ny in Inver­ness, Cal­i­for­nia July 31, 2014. REUTERS/Stephen Lam Drakes Bay Oys­ter Com­pa­ny oper­at­ed in Point Reyes for decades until Nation­al Park Ser­vice offi­cials used fal­si­fied data to force Kevin Lunny’s fam­i­ly-run oys­ter farm to shut down. The expe­ri­ence has left its mark […]

Vermont Becomes First to Have Mandatory GMO Labeling

Will other states dive in by 2016? After months of con­sumer and activist com­ments, pick­et­ing at the Attor­ney General’s Office, and win­ning a law­suit against Mon­san­to who tried to over­turn the orig­i­nal law, Ver­mont has just become the first state to have manda­to­ry GMO labeling. Ver­mont became the first state to become GMO-labeled (a step toward […]

Minnesota Takes Aim at Egg Farmer Co-op Member for Third Time

FA Note — Anoth­er barage by the unholy alliance between Big Ag and gov­ern­ment, designed to erad­i­cate your free­dom to grow/buy your food as you will, put­ing the lie to  “sus­tain­able” agriculture. Alvan Schlangen, left. Min­neso­ta sim­ply can­not get enough of Alvin Schlangen. An egg farmer who tends to and vol­un­teers with a fresh food co-op. Two coun­ties in par­tic­u­lar […]

The USDA Is Taking On Agriculture’s Huge Contribution To Climate Change

U.S. Agri­cul­ture Sec­re­tary Tom Vil­sack.CREDIT: AP The Unit­ed States Depart­ment of Agri­cul­ture plans to announce a set of vol­un­tary ini­tia­tives aimed at help­ing farm­ers, ranch­ers, and for­est land own­ers respond to cli­mate change by increas­ing car­bon stor­age, reduc­ing car­bon emis­sions, and sup­port­ing resilience in the face of extreme weather. Sec­re­tary of Agri­cul­ture Tom Vil­sack is […]

The Free Market is Solving the GMO Problem

When Justin Dammann enters his south­west­ern Iowa corn­field this month, the 35-year-old farmer will sow some­thing these 2,400 acres have not seen in more than a decade — plants grown with­out genet­i­cal­ly mod­i­fied seeds. The corn, which will head to a proces­sor 20 miles down the road this fall, will like­ly make its way into tor­tilla […]

Editorial – The Incredible Raisin Heist

Steal­ing is ille­gal, unless the gov­ern­ment is the thief. On Wednes­day the Supreme Court will hear a case on whether the gov­ern­ment can seize a chunk of a business’s prod­uct to reg­u­late prices. This is a big one. Like much gov­ern­ment mis­chief, Horne v. USDA has its roots in the Great Depres­sion and fed­er­al pro­grams to […]

What is Monsanto Hiding in Secret Documents?

What is Mon­san­to hid­ing in secret documents? A sci­en­tist offers shock­ing comments. “Let’s have a fed­er­al court where the judge pre­tends the lawyers for the defense are ful­ly informed about the facts of the case. The plain­tiff, a giant cor­po­ra­tion, pre­tends it’s con­cerned about the safe­ty of the pub­lic. The press pre­tends it’s cov­er­ing the […]

Revealed: A Secret Monsanto Document In The Maui GMO Case

Imag­ine you are a lawyer argu­ing a case before a judge. There is no jury. The judge will decide the outcome. The judge tells you, “Look, the oth­er side, your oppo­nents in this case, have filed doc­u­ments with me. These doc­u­ments are at the heart of their argu­ment. I can’t allow you to read the […]

Seed Laws that Criminalise Farmers: Resistance and Fightback

Peas­ant seeds – the pil­lar of food pro­duc­tion – are under attack every­where. Under cor­po­rate pres­sure, laws in many coun­tries increas­ing­ly lim­it what farm­ers can do with their seeds. Seed sav­ing, which has been the basis of farm­ing for thou­sands of years, is quick­ly being criminalised. What can we do? A new book­let and poster […]

US Agribusiness, GMOs and The Plundering Of The Planet

Small family/peasant farms pro­duce most of the world’s food. They form the bedrock of glob­al food pro­duc­tion. Yet they are being squeezed onto less than a quar­ter of the planet’s farm­land. The world is fast los­ing farms and farm­ers through the con­cen­tra­tion of land into the hands of rich and pow­er­ful land spec­u­la­tors and agribusi­ness corporations. […]

Herbicides Used with GM Crops Alter Antibiotic Resistance of Disease-Causing Bacteria

Diverse E.coli Authors answer ques­tions on new study, which shows that expo­sure to Roundup and oth­er her­bi­cides could con­tribute to antibi­ot­ic resis­tant disease. A new study has found that expo­sure to the her­bi­cides used on GM crops changes how sus­cep­ti­ble dis­ease-caus­ing bac­te­ria are to antibi­otics. In many cas­es the bac­te­ria became more antibi­ot­ic-resis­tant, though in […]

Police Raid Small Family Farm, Charge Family, Seize Animals Because They Were Free Range

Image from Friends of West Wind Acres Face­book Page Sch­enec­tady Coun­ty, New York – Ear­li­er this month, a fam­i­ly farm in rur­al New York was raid­ed by police after the own­ers were cit­ed on a num­ber of trumped up reg­u­la­to­ry vio­la­tions. Joshua Rock­wood, the own­er of the farm, is being accused of mis­treat­ing his ani­mals, and […]

Stop The Fast Track To A Future Of Global Corporate Rule. The Dangers Underlying the TPP and TTIP “Trade Agreements”

Sev­er­al major inter­na­tion­al agree­ments are under nego­ti­a­tion which would great­ly empow­er multi­na­tion­al cor­po­ra­tions and the World Eco­nom­ic Forum is pro­mot­ing a new mod­el of glob­al gov­er­nance that cre­ates a hybrid gov­ern­ment-cor­po­rate struc­ture. Humankind is pro­ceed­ing on a path to glob­al cor­po­rate rule where transna­tion­al cor­po­ra­tions would not just influ­ence pub­lic pol­i­cy, they would write the […]

UPDATE: Minnesota Farmer Victorious in Court!

Judge Clears Raw Milk Farm­ers of Con­tempt Charges for sell­ing their products In the sto­ry of David and Hei­di Berglund from last week, was a glimpse into the over reg­u­la­to­ry nature of the Min­neso­ta Depart­ment of Agri­cul­ture (MDA). The MDA threat­ened a peace­ful fam­i­ly with $500 per day fines for feed­ing their community. On March […]


FA Note:  This arti­cle pro­vides back­ground for the sub­se­quent post, “CSKT Com­pact Breach­es State Sov­er­eign­ty”. Agen­da 21, Sec­tion II.  CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCES FOR DEVELOPMENT, calls for con­trol of ALL nat­ur­al resources by the UN’s Depart­ment of Sus­tain­able Deveop­ment, through local indige­nous peo­ples, as with the ongo­ing efforts to remove all four Kla­math Riv­er […]

CSKT Compact Breaches State Sovereignty

Note: our heart­felt thanks to for­mer Sen­a­tor Verdell Jack­son, an out­spo­ken crit­ic of the CSKT water com­pact for this arti­cle that will be sent out to all leg­is­la­tors and news­pa­pers through­out the state. by Verdell Jack­son, Kalispell Ten thou­sand water claims ready to be filed by the CSKT has been an effec­tive threat for the pro­po­nents […]

The Impacts of Genetic Engineering: Not Science, Just Lies and Propaganda: The Massive Fraud Behind GMOs Exposed

‘Altered Genes, Twist­ed Truth’, a new Book by US Pub­lic Inter­est Lawyer Steve Druker. This is not what the GMO indus­try want­ed to see: ban­ner head­lines today in major news­pa­pers and across the inter­net expos­ing the fraud behind GMOs. But this con­sti­tutes much more than a PR night­mare. The sto­ry behind the head­lines shakes the […]

Minnesota aims to fine family farmers $500 per day

If the Min­neso­ta Depart­ment of Agri­cul­ture (MDA) gets its way, Lake View Nat­ur­al Dairy Farm, owned and oper­at­ed by David and Hei­di Berglund and their daugh­ter Lyn­d­say, will be fined $500 per day until they sub­mit to an uncon­sti­tu­tion­al inspec­tion of their farm. When the farm briefly explored the pos­si­bil­i­ty of sell­ing milk for pro­cess­ing, this […]