Land of the Free – 1 in 3 Americans Are on File with the FBI in the U.S. Police State

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This arti­cle illus­trates the tie-in between the behav­ior mod­i­fi­ca­tion and con­di­tion­ing meth­ods employed in our schools and the grow­ing police state, all designed to instill a pas­sive, com­pli­ant “herd” men­tal­i­ty into human beings in the New World Order.

The sick­en­ing trans­for­ma­tion of these Unit­ed States into an author­i­tar­i­an police state with an incar­cer­a­tion rate that would make Joseph Stal­in blush, has been a key theme of my writ­ing since well before the launch of Lib­er­ty Blitzkrieg. One of the posts that shocked and dis­turbed read­ers most, was pub­lished a lit­tle over a year ago titled: Amer­i­can Police Make an Arrest Every 2 Sec­onds in 2012. In the event you nev­er read it, I sug­gest tak­ing a look before tack­ling the rest of this piece.

Fast for­ward to fall 2014, and the Wall Street Jour­nal has a pow­er­ful arti­cle about how chil­dren in schools sys­tems across the U.S. are being arrest­ed or turned over to police cus­tody for doing things that chil­dren have always done since the begin­ning of time. Things such as wear­ing too much per­fume, shar­ing a class­mates’ chick­en nuggets, throw­ing an eras­er or chew­ing gum.

As a result of our insane soci­etal obses­sion with author­i­ty and dis­pro­por­tion­ate pun­ish­ment, the WSJ reports that “near­ly one out of every three Amer­i­can adults are on file in the FBI’s mas­ter crim­i­nal database.” 


From the Wall Street Jour­nal:

A gen­er­a­tion ago, school­child­ren caught fight­ing in the cor­ri­dors, sass­ing a teacher or skip­ping class might have end­ed up in deten­tion. Today, there’s a good chance they will end up in police custody.

In Texas, a stu­dent got a mis­de­meanor tick­et for wear­ing too much per­fume. In Wis­con­sin, a teen was charged with theft after shar­ing the chick­en nuggets from a classmate’s meal—the class­mate was on lunch assis­tance and shar­ing it meant the teen had vio­lat­ed the law, author­i­ties said. In Flori­da, a stu­dent con­duct­ed a sci­ence exper­i­ment before the autho­riza­tion of her teacher; when it went awry she received a felony weapons charge.

Over the past 20 years, prompt­ed by chang­ing police tac­tics and a zero-tol­er­ance atti­tude toward small crimes, author­i­ties have made more than a quar­ter of a bil­lion arrests, the Fed­er­al Bureau of Inves­ti­ga­tion esti­mates. Near­ly one out of every three Amer­i­can adults are on file in the FBI’s mas­ter crim­i­nal database.

Did you catch that too? “Zero-tol­er­ance atti­tude toward small crimes.” Indeed, the big crim­i­nals go to Wall Street, crash the econ­o­my and then receive tril­lions in tax­pay­er bailouts. Or they get a top job in the Oba­ma Admin­is­tra­tion, such as Jedi-mas­ter of crony­ism, Tim Gei­th­n­er, being cho­sen as Trea­sury Sec­re­tary.

Back to the WSJ

At school, talk­ing back or dis­rupt­ing class can be called dis­or­der­ly con­duct, and a fight can lead to assault and bat­tery charges, said Judith Browne Dia­n­is, exec­u­tive direc­tor of the Advance­ment Project, a nation­al civ­il-rights group exam­in­ing dis­ci­pline pro­ce­dures around the country. 

If these rules were in place in my day, I would have been arrest­ed about 150 times.

We’re not talk­ing about crim­i­nal behav­ior,” said Texas State Sen. John Whit­mire, the Demo­c­ra­t­ic chair of the senate’s Crim­i­nal Jus­tice Com­mit­tee, who helped pass a new law last year that lim­its how police offi­cers can tick­et stu­dents. “I’m talk­ing about school dis­ci­pli­nary issues, throw­ing an eras­er, chew­ing gum, too much per­fume, unbe­liev­able vio­la­tions” that were result­ing in mis­de­meanor charges.

Accord­ing to the U.S. Edu­ca­tion Department’s Office of Civ­il Rights, 260,000 stu­dents were report­ed, or “referred” in the offi­cial lan­guage, to law enforce­ment by schools in 2012, the most-recent avail­able data. 

The num­ber of school police offi­cers rose 55% to about 19,000 in the 10 years to 2007, the last year for which num­bers were avail­able, accord­ing to a 2013 study from the Con­gres­sion­al Research Service.

The schools crack­down has had its intend­ed effect. Vic­tims’ sur­veys com­piled by the Edu­ca­tion Depart­ment show that there is a low­er rate of vio­lent crime com­mit­ted in schools, falling to 52 inci­dents per 100,000 stu­dents in 2012 from 181 inci­dents per 100,000 in 1992.Supporters say that alone proves the worth of aggres­sive policing.

Well yeah, and pigs in a pen are eas­i­ly con­trolled too, but are these the types of chil­dren we want to raise?

And what about the down­side, such as:

Brush­es with the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem go hand in hand with oth­er neg­a­tive fac­tors. A study last year of Chica­go pub­lic schools by a Uni­ver­si­ty of Texas and a Har­vard researcher found the high-school grad­u­a­tion rate for chil­dren with arrest records was 26%, com­pared with 64% for those with­out. The study esti­mat­ed about one-quar­ter of the juve­niles arrest­ed in Chica­go annu­al­ly were arrest­ed in school.

A sci­ence exper­i­ment that went awry turned into a 17-month bat­tle for Kiera Wilmot and her moth­er as they tried to clear the hon­or student’s arrest record. Accord­ing to the police report, she was on school grounds out­side the class­room try­ing out an exper­i­ment that hadn’t been autho­rized by her teacher. Ms. Wilmot, now 18, said she put a piece of alu­minum inside a bot­tle with two ounces of toi­let clean­er to see what would hap­pen. The teen’s moth­er said she was try­ing to sim­u­late a vol­canic eruption.

It popped,” blow­ing the top off the bot­tle, she said. She was hand­cuffed by the school-resource office, escort­ed out of the Bar­tow, Fla., school and tak­en to a juve­nile facil­i­ty where she was charged with pos­sess­ing or dis­charg­ing firearms or weapons at school and mak­ing, throw­ing, pos­sess­ing, pro­ject­ing, plac­ing or dis­charg­ing a destruc­tive device.

Think about what sorts of lessons we are teach­ing tal­ent­ed stu­dents about exper­i­ment­ing and being cre­ative. A mod­ern Ben­jamin Franklin would most like­ly be rot­ting away in soli­tary right now.

So as we mil­i­ta­rize the police, we police the schools. See the direc­tion this is all head­ed in?

Keep chant­i­ng muppets.