“Common Core is a distraction”

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Charlotte Thomson IserbytLib­er­tar­i­an Can­di­date Quotes Charlotte!

We inter­rupt the cur­rent Skin­ner Hor­ror Files series to announce that the Lib­er­tar­i­an can­di­date for gov­er­nor in New York state has just quot­ed Char­lotte in his oppo­si­tion to char­ter schools!McDermott

Go to: http://news.wbfo.org/post/video-candidates-square-sole-gubernatorial-debateMcDermott2

Start lis­ten­ing at 36 min­utes. The sub­ject is Com­mon Core. Below is a transcript:

38.20 Michael McDer­mott, Lib­er­tar­i­an can­di­date for Gov­er­nor, New York State:

I don’t agree with that…not for one minute. You know what char­ter schools are? Char­ter schools are pub­licly-fund­ed schools. They have no local con­trol. Char­lotte Iser­byt, for­mer U.S. Edu­ca­tion Sec­re­tary (wrong title!), under Ronald Rea­gan, said

Char­ter Schools is the end game. Com­mon Core is a distraction.”McDermott3

Think about that for a minute. We can­not have char­ter schools expand­ed. We need to bring schools back to local con­trol, to the local peo­ple — local school boards. There is no local school board with char­ter schools. I know that Mr. Astori­no has come through with “Stop Com­mon Core” and all that might be true, but he seems to sup­port char­ter schools. We will see about that when he speaks today. Char­ter Schools is ter­ri­ble. It takes away the peo­ple’s con­trol of education.

My lit­tle girl, Gracie…she is not going to a char­ter school. I will home school before she goes to a char­ter school. I want local con­trol. I am the par­ent; my wife is the par­ent. I want us to con­trol our chil­dren’s edu­ca­tion. I want local con­trol. Local school board and teach­ers being allowed to teach. That does­n’t hap­pen with char­ter schools and it won’t.”