Biosurveillance Rapists Gearing Up

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Bio­sur­veil­lance:  Data Rapists

As pan­dem­ic waves pound the globe you need to be aware that there are those who seek to exploit med­ical dis­as­ters with bio­sur­veil­lance data rape.  The gov­ern­ment and their part­ners need data, lots of data.  We are see­ing an explo­sion of data rapists in the name of secu­ri­ty, and for the ‘health, safe­ty, and wel­fare’ of cit­i­zens.  This is a dan­ger­ous clause insert­ed into leg­is­la­tion and reg­u­la­tion which pro­vides the gov­ern­ment the pow­er to do anything.

The Men­ace Among Us

When you resist giv­ing up your pri­va­cy you are defined in gov­ern­ment reg­u­la­tions as a men­ace to soci­ety.  All gov­ern­ments since the time of Moses (Leviti­cus Chap­ter 11–16) estab­lished bio­sur­veil­lance and pro­tec­tions to “pro­tect” their peo­ple.  Since ancient bib­li­cal times those who the gov­ern­ment want­ed to iso­late and demo­nize were referred to as a menace.

His­to­ry of Biosurveillance

Bio­sur­veil­lance goes back before our coun­try exist­ed.  Estab­lished in 1741, Rhode Island in colo­nial Amer­i­ca, required tav­ern keeps to report small­pox, yel­low fever, and cholera.  Each year since that time the gov­ern­ment has spawned more and more con­trol of health care and relat­ed health information.

By 1874 physi­cians were asked to report by week­ly post card the preva­lence of 14 noti­fi­able and infec­tious diseases.

The Cen­ter [sic] for Dis­ease Con­trol was actu­al­ly spawned in 1946 from the Office of Malar­ia Con­trol in War Areas.  In 1970 its mis­sion and scope broad­ened to include non­com­mu­ni­ca­ble dis­eases such as obe­si­ty, heart dis­ease, and dia­betes.  This was in prepa­ra­tion for com­ing inter­na­tion­al treaties.  As Agen­da 21 was com­ing on to the stage in 1992 the CDC’s name was changed to the Cen­ter [sic] for Dis­ease Con­trol and Pre­ven­tion to high­light its lead­er­ship role in pre­ven­tion of disease.

Today we have inter­na­tion­al bodes expand­ing the alpha­bet soup: WHO, OIE, PAHO, and more, call­ing the shots on pre­cise­ly how coun­tries will han­dle dis­ease out­breaks, epi­demics, and pandemics.

The State Has the Power

States have the pri­ma­ry author­i­ty and respon­si­bil­i­ty to pro­tect pub­lic health except in mat­ters of the mil­i­tary and Vet­er­ans Admin­is­tra­tion (VA).  Unfor­tu­nate­ly most states have com­pro­mised their author­i­ty through fed­er­al entan­gle­ments involv­ing cer­tain con­trac­tu­al agree­ments and accept­ing fed­er­al dol­lars.  Of par­tic­u­lar inter­est in these days of envi­ron­men­tal mania is item #11 in Stan­dard Form 424 where any enti­ty accept­ing fed­er­al funds must imple­ment and be in com­pli­ance with a pletho­ra of envi­ron­men­tal reg­u­la­tions, lock-step with Agen­da 21.

States can del­e­gate their health author­i­ty to local gov­ern­ment pro­vid­ed their state con­sti­tu­tion allows for this delegation.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the U.S. Supreme Court favors grant­i­ng fed­er­al pow­ers to pro­tect the public’s health and safe­ty.  Here is where the issue gets com­plex.  The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment can step in when the sit­u­a­tion involves com­merce, envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion, occu­pa­tion­al health and safe­ty, and food and drug purity.

In mat­ters of health the leg­isla­tive branch enacts laws, devel­ops health pol­i­cy, and allo­cates monies.  The exec­u­tive branch estab­lish­es health reg­u­la­tions and enforces health pol­i­cy.  The judi­cia­ry branch task is to inter­pret and adju­di­cate dis­putes.  They can deter­mine if a statute is uncon­sti­tu­tion­al or if their is any negligence.


The CDC is part of the Depart­ment of Health and Human Ser­vices (HHS).  They are respon­si­ble for col­lect­ing, ana­lyz­ing, and dis­sem­i­nat­ing nation­al dis­ease occur­rence to the pub­lic and state and local health depart­ments.  The Depart­ment of Health and Human Ser­vices is in a research and fund­ing feed­ing fren­zy sim­i­lar to what we wit­nessed after 911 with the Patri­ot Act and the Bioter­ror­ism Act of 2002.

Health Depart­ments

In 2006 there were 3000 health depart­ments, 60 state (trib­al or ter­ri­to­r­i­al) health depart­ments and the CDC at the fed­er­al level.


This net­work of health enti­ties coor­di­nate and com­mu­ni­cates through a Nation­al Elec­tron­ics Telecom­mu­ni­ca­tions Sys­tem for Sur­veil­lance (NETSS).  There is an array of oth­er sur­veil­lance sys­tems in place con­stant­ly com­mu­ni­cat­ing and updat­ing the state of health of  Amer­i­cans.  This sys­tem includes your physi­cian, lab­o­ra­to­ries, ear­ly warn­ing sys­tems (ESSENCE and SAGE), bio-sen­sors, vital records, and syn­dromic sur­veil­lance (PHIN).


The DOD Iden­ti­ty Oper­a­tions Enter­prise clear­ly states, “Deny the ene­my anonymi­ty.”  This sim­ply means that the Unit­ed Nations ‘War against Dis­ease’ puts your most inti­mate and pri­vate health infor­ma­tion at risk.  You need to under­stand the prob­lem of com­pro­mised pri­va­cy and then take action.


The HIPPA paper­work that med­ical facil­i­ties have been requir­ing for decades is not about pri­va­cy in the least.  HIPPA and the HITECH Act (part of the 2009 stim­u­lus bill) togeth­er already allow 2.2 mil­lion enti­ties to have legal access to your pri­vate med­ical records with­out your con­sent, and that is a fed­er­al num­ber in the 2010 fed­er­al regulation.

Make A Med­ical Pri­va­cy Plan

Once you allow your med­ical infor­ma­tion out into pub­lic ter­ri­to­ry your pri­va­cy has been com­pro­mised.  The prover­bial genie is out of the bot­tle.  Now is the time to devel­op your med­ical pri­va­cy plan!


Hand­book of Bio­sur­veil­lance, Michael Wag­n­er, Andrew W. Moore, Ron Aryel