Police Enter Home, Confiscate Cellphone And Arrest Woman For Recording Them

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The author does­n’t men­tion Agen­da 21, but that is what this is. “Com­mu­ni­ty edu­ca­tion” is guid­ing our youth and adults into com­pli­ance, rather than enlight­en­ment. K‑12 edu­ca­tion is not teach­ing the crit­i­cal, inde­pen­dent thought nec­es­sary for informed, inde­pen­dent action; our chil­dren are being taught to “feel” and act as a col­lec­tive, or hive. Amer­i­cans are being taught to cau­tious­ly move as a herd rather than take a prin­ci­pled stand on any issue. All edu­ca­tion lev­els are designed to coerce stu­dents into “skills” need­ed by cor­po­ra­tions, rather than their desire to own an entre­pre­neur­ial endeav­or. Con­trol and use of pri­vate prop­er­ty is being destroyed so peo­ple can­not cre­ate their own wealth, but be depen­dent on cor­po­rate employ­ment. Top that off with unlaw­ful and retal­ia­to­ry police action against those who stand up against it, and you have the per­fect lab­o­ra­to­ry to pro­duce an Amer­i­can sovi­et union where cit­i­zens go along to get along, and will avert their eyes, or turn and walk away to avoid being seen to be see­ing the abuse of those around them.

Gayman arrest

Gay­man arrest

A police depart­ment in Penn­syl­va­nia is being sued after an offi­cer alleged­ly entered a home with­out a war­rant to con­fis­cate a cell­phone that was being used to record him. In the suit, sev­er­al offi­cers are accused of unlaw­ful arrest, mali­cious pros­e­cu­tion, retal­ia­to­ry arrest, unlaw­ful search and a vari­ety of oth­er charges.

The law­suit alleges that offi­cer Carl White aggres­sive­ly con­front­ed plain­tiff Michael Gay­mon on Feb­ru­ary 22nd, because a fam­i­ly member’s vehi­cle was ille­gal­ly parked on the street. When the con­fronta­tion began to esca­late, Kia Gay­mon start­ed to record the encounter with her cellphone.

This action alleged­ly upset offi­cer White, who then threat­ened the woman with arrest if she did not stop record­ing. When she refused, White then entered the couple’s home with­out a war­rant or per­mis­sion and arrest­ed 38-year-old Kia for “dis­or­der­ly conduct”.

Michael and Kia Gay­mon filed the law­suit in the U.S. Dis­trict Court for the East­ern Dis­trict of Penn­syl­va­nia on Tues­day, along with their 21-year-old daugh­ter, San­shu­ray Pur­nell, who was also arrest­ed, Accord­ing to the Delaware Coun­ty Times.

Accord­ing to the law­suit, when White real­ized that he was being record­ed, he turned his atten­tion from Michael to Kia, who at the time was back­ing up toward the house. When White began to approach her in a threat­en­ing man­ner, she backed up inside the house and con­tin­ued to record. White then threat­ened to enter her home, con­fis­cate her phone and arrest her for vio­lat­ing the state’s “wire­tap­ping statute”, a charge that would not apply to this circumstance.

Gay­mon con­tin­ued to stand firm, telling the offi­cer that he did not have per­mis­sion to enter her home. White alleged­ly respond­ed by grab­bing Pur­nell, putting her in hand­cuffs and threat­en­ing to use a taser on her.

Gay­mon was well with­in her rights to record the encounter and was in vio­la­tion of no laws. Regard­less, White still entered the home with­out per­mis­sion or a war­rant, con­fis­cat­ed Gaymon’s prop­er­ty and arrest­ed mul­ti­ple mem­bers of the fam­i­ly for dis­or­der­ly con­duct. Court records indi­cate that those charges were dis­missed in May.