Common core

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May 23, 2014

Over 150 par­ents, edu­ca­tors and oth­er inter­est­ed mem­bers of the com­mu­ni­ty came to hear a pan­el of experts spell out the myr­i­ad of prob­lems with the Com­mon Core State Stan­dards Ini­tia­tive and stu­dent data min­ing. Kevin Snider of the Pacif­ic Jus­tice Insti­tute mod­er­at­ed as Antho­ny Cody, Bill Evers, Orlean Koehle and Ze’ev Wur­man laid out clear­ly and con­cise­ly how the new standards:
1. Reverse hard-fought gains in Cal­i­for­nia education
2. Reduce local con­trol and parental authority
3. Threat­en stu­dent pri­va­cy rights.

This forum was put on by par­ents at their own time and expense, it also allowed for mem­bers of the audi­ence to ask their ques­tions of the panelists.

The Forum also pro­vid­ed a web­site where inter­est­ed par­ties can fur­ther research the advan­tages and prob­lems with the Com­mon Core State Stan­dards Ini­tia­tive. That web­site can be found at: Inter­est­ed par­ties are encour­aged to check back reg­u­lar­ly, as the orga­niz­ers con­tin­ue to update the site with per­ti­nent information.

Seg­ment outline
00:00:38 Overview — SALLY WOOD
00:04:59 Pro-Com­mon Core video
00:10:18 Some local CC facts — JEANNE WISNIEWSKI
00:11:45 Intro­duc­tion — KEVIN SNIDER
00:12:10 Pan­elist Open­ing statements
00:13:21 — ZE’VE WURMAN
00:18:47 — ORLEAN KOEHLE
00:22:12 — BILL EVERS
00:25:44 — ANTHONY CODY
00:29:33 Who are the cre­ators of the CC state stan­dards? — BILL EVERS
00:30:35 Why have so many states signed on? — ANTHONY CODY
00:33:25 Is CC supe­ri­or to most states stan­dards? — ZE’VE WURMAN
00:35:11 Are states sup­ply­ing the feds with stu­dent data? — ORLEAN KOEHLE
00:36:53 — BILL EVERS
00:38:27 Can states imple­ment CCSS how­ev­er they choose? — ANTHONY CODY
00:40:14 — ZE’VE WURMAN
00:41:11 Are CCSS tougher. What does that mean? — ZE’VE WURMAN
00:42:52 Were all states incen­tivized to build State Lon­gi­tu­di­nal Data Sys­tems? ORLEAN KOEHLE
00:45:05 Per­ma­nent Data file. — BILL EVERS
00:46:09 — ZE’VE WURMAN
00:47:22 — ANTHONY CODY
00:49:05 — BILL EVERS
00:49:58 What are Grit, Tenac­i­ty and Per­se­ver­ance? — BILL EVERS
00:52:01 — ZE’VE WURMAN
00:52:19 — ORLEAN KOEHLE
00:53:49 — BILL EVERS
00:55:02 What’s the dif­fer­ence in data col­lect­ed now and under CC? — ANTHONY CODY
00:56:48 To get mon­ey, you must play ball — BILL EVERS
00:58:22 — ANTHONY CODY
01:00:45 What is the cost to Cal­i­for­nia? — ZE’VE WURMAN
01:04:38 Is it a good idea to opt your stu­dent out of tests? — ORLEAN KOEHLE
01:06:29 — BILL EVERS
01:07:27 Audi­ence Questions
01:07:56 — Will tere be required texts for the kids?
01:11:17 — Health dan­gers of WiFI?
01:14:24 — How will stu­dents be penal­ized for not tak­ing tests?
01:17:15 — Too rig­or­ous for young, not enough for old­er students
01:21:04 — Will stu­dents be required to read “The Bluest Eyes”?
01:27:50 — Pun­ish­ments for stu­dents and teach­ers; How do we deal with the unions?
01:29:06 — Home-schooled and the tests
01:30:47 — Will we be forced away from home school­ing and pri­vate education?
01:32:49 — Where do bi-lin­gual chil­dren fall into this?
01:34:28 Clos­ing Statements
01:34:47 — ANTHONY CODY
01:36:42 — BILL EVERS
01:39:37 — ORLEAN KOEHLE
01:41:43 — ZE’VE WURMAN
01:43:12 Do you think it’s impor­tant to go to City Coun­cil meetings?
01:44:58 — ANTHONY CODY
01:45:32 — ORLEAN KOEHLE
01:45:59 Web­sites — BILL EVERS
01:47:49 Clos­ing — SALLY WOOD