Globalist Mouthpiece Calls For The Entire Planet To Adopt The ‘National Identification System’ One European Country Has Established

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Would you like to have a dig­i­tal iden­ti­ty card that is auto­mat­i­cal­ly issued to you at birth? In one Euro­pean nation, res­i­dents use such a card when they go to the hos­pi­tal, when they do their bank­ing, when they go shop­ping and even when they vote. This card has become so pop­u­lar that this par­tic­u­lar Euro­pean coun­try actu­al­ly plans to start issu­ing them to mil­lions of non-cit­i­zens all over the plan­et who request them. Nev­er heard about this? Nei­ther had I before this week. The Econ­o­mist, a well-known mouth­piece for the glob­al elite, is call­ing for the entire plan­et to adopt this “nation­al iden­ti­fi­ca­tion sys­tem” that the lit­tle nation of Esto­nia has adopt­ed. The Econ­o­mist is tout­ing all of the “ben­e­fits” of a “nation­al iden­ti­fi­ca­tion card”, but are there dan­gers as well? Could adopt­ing such a sys­tem poten­tial­ly open the door for greater gov­ern­ment tyran­ny than we have ever known before?

The Econ­o­mist arti­cle about this nation­al iden­ti­fi­ca­tion scheme went large­ly unno­ticed because it had a very bor­ing title: “Esto­nia takes the plunge“. But the con­tent of the arti­cle is absolute­ly star­tling. The Econ­o­mist arti­cle calls the Eston­ian nation­al iden­ti­fi­ca­tion sys­tem a “cyber­dream” and makes it sound like it will solve all of our problems…

There is one place where this cyber­dream is already real­i­ty. Secure, authen­ti­cat­ed iden­ti­ty is the birthright of every Eston­ian: before a new­born even arrives home, the hos­pi­tal will have issued a dig­i­tal birth cer­tifi­cate and his health insur­ance will have been start­ed auto­mat­i­cal­ly. All res­i­dents of the small Baltic state aged 15 or over have elec­tron­ic ID cards, which are used in health care, elec­tron­ic bank­ing and shop­ping, to sign con­tracts and encrypt e‑mail, as tram tick­ets, and much more besides—even to vote.

If this was just lim­it­ed to Esto­nia, it would be dis­turb­ing enough. But accord­ing to the Econ­o­mist, the Eston­ian gov­ern­ment plans to start issu­ing these cards to mil­lions of “satel­lite Esto­ni­ans” all over the world…

That has left a gap in the glob­al market—one that Esto­nia hopes to fill. Start­ing lat­er this year, it will issue ID cards to non-res­i­dent “satel­lite Esto­ni­ans”, there­by cre­at­ing a glob­al, gov­ern­ment-stan­dard dig­i­tal iden­ti­ty. Appli­cants will pay a small fee, prob­a­bly around €30–50 ($41–68), and pro­vide the same bio­met­ric data and doc­u­ments as Eston­ian res­i­dents. If all is in order, a card will be issued, or its vir­tu­al equiv­a­lent on a smart­phone (held on a spe­cial secure mod­ule in the SIM card).

Some good ideas nev­er take off because too few peo­ple embrace them. And with just 1.3m res­i­dents, Esto­nia is a tiddler—even with the 10m satel­lite Esto­ni­ans the gov­ern­ment hopes to add over the next decade. What may pro­vide the nec­es­sary scale is a Euro­pean Union rule soon to come into force that will require mem­ber states to accept each oth­ers’ dig­i­tal IDs. That means non-res­i­dent hold­ers of Eston­ian IDs, wher­ev­er they are, will be able not only to send each oth­er encrypt­ed e‑mail and to prove their iden­ti­ty to web-ser­vice providers who accept gov­ern­ment-issued iden­ti­ties, but also to do busi­ness with gov­ern­ments any­where in the EU.

The Econ­o­mist hopes that Esto­nia will become a mod­el that the rest of the world will follow.

But do we real­ly want gov­ern­ment to have that much con­trol over our lives?

If we need this “dig­i­tal iden­ti­ty card” to go shop­ping, do bank­ing or get health care, it would also give the gov­ern­ment the pow­er to revoke those “priv­i­leges” in a heartbeat.

Already there are count­less exam­ples of how gov­ern­ments around the world are using infor­ma­tion data­bas­es in abu­sive ways. For instance, one new law­suit in the U.S. alleges that aver­age cit­i­zens have been put in a ‘ter­ror data­base’ for doing such things as buy­ing com­put­ers and wait­ing for fam­i­ly mem­bers at train stations.

Do we real­ly want to go even fur­ther down this road?

And of course “iden­ti­ty cards” can be lost, stolen and forged. The next log­i­cal step would be to per­ma­nent­ly implant our iden­ti­ty cards.

To many old­er Amer­i­cans, such a notion sounds ludi­crous, but many younger Amer­i­cans are so eager to adopt this kind of tech­nol­o­gy that they are actu­al­ly doing it to them­selves. Just check out the fol­low­ing excerpt from a recent NBC News arti­cle about “bio­hack­ers”…

In tat­too par­lors and base­ments around the world, peo­ple are turn­ing them­selves into cyborgs by embed­ding mag­nets and com­put­er chips direct­ly into their bodies.

They call them­selves bio­hack­ers, cyborgs and grinders. With each piece of tech­nol­o­gy they put beneath their skin, they are explor­ing the bound­aries — and the impli­ca­tions — of fus­ing man and machine.

Wel­come to the world of biohacking.

It’s a niche com­mu­ni­ty at the lit­er­al bleed­ing edge of body mod­i­fi­ca­tion, and it attracts fer­vent fans from a vari­ety of schools of thought. Some sim­ply enjoy exper­i­ment­ing with new tech. Oth­ers use the mag­nets and chips for util­i­tar­i­an purposes.

Does that sound creepy to you?

It should.

But it isn’t just peo­ple on the fringes of soci­ety that are inter­est­ed in these kinds of technologies.

For exam­ple, elec­tron­ics giant LG says that it wants to put an elec­tron­ic track­ing device on your child…

Var­i­ous tech com­pa­nies have intro­duced wear­able devices over the last few years that track your steps or heart­beat and even deliv­er your e‑mails to your wrist.

Is elec­tron­i­cal­ly track­ing your kid the next frontier?

LG announced a new device Wednes­day morn­ing, the KizON wrist­band, designed to let par­ents keep track of their child’s where­abouts. The KizON uses GPS, WiFi and mobile Inter­net sig­nals to iden­ti­fy the user’s loca­tion in real time and sends the infor­ma­tion to an Android app.

And bil­lion­aire Bill Gates is help­ing to devel­op an implant that “acts as a con­tra­cep­tive for 16 years”…

Helped along by one of the world’s most notable bil­lion­aires, a U.S. firm is devel­op­ing a tiny implant that acts as a con­tra­cep­tive for 16 years — and can be turned on or off using a remote control.

The birth con­trol microchip, fund­ed by the Bill and Melin­da Gates Foun­da­tion, would hold near­ly two decades worth of a hor­mone com­mon­ly used in con­tra­cep­tives and dis­pense 30 micro­grams a day, accord­ing to a report from the MIT Tech­nol­o­gy Review.

The new birth con­trol, which is set to begin pre­clin­i­cal test­ing next year with hopes of putting it on shelves in 2018, can be implant­ed in the but­tocks, upper arm or abdomen.

Whether you are ready or not, these tech­nolo­gies are coming.

For now, they are voluntary.

But even­tu­al­ly a day may come when you will be required to have an “iden­ti­ty chip” in order to buy, sell, con­duct bank­ing, have a job or go to the hospital.

When that day arrives, what will you do?