St. Lucie County, Florida Withdraws from Seven50 Plan

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Grassroots turning the tide on regionalism

Watch the Novem­ber 7, 2013 meet­ing of the St. Lucie Board of Coun­ty Com­mis­sion that cul­mi­nates with the Com­mis­sion vot­ing 4–1 to with­draw from the region­al Seven50 Plan.

St Lucie FL BOCC video
The fol­low­ing email was received by WDWFL from the Amer­i­can Coali­tion 4 Prop­er­ty Rights Task Force:



First, let me tell you our reac­tions last night fol­low­ing the St. Lucie Board of Coun­ty Commissioner’s coura­geous deci­sion to for­mal­ly with­draw from the Seven50 Region­al Plan. The very fact that they chose to vote imme­di­ate­ly fol­low­ing the Seven50 Staff’s grand pre­sen­ta­tion, and to do it while their staff was still sit­ting in the BOCC Cham­ber was sim­ply amaz­ing. Imme­di­ate­ly after the vote, we stood there feel­ing both numb and hum­bled, say­ing to ourselves……did this just happen?

On our way home I said to June “OMG, so this is what is feels like after a well fought polit­i­cal vic­to­ry. What a con­cept.” It had been so long since I felt that way that I had tru­ly for­got­ten … and we both liked it!

We were feel­ing so very grate­ful and hum­bled by the help & sup­port present at this event. There are so many pub­lic & pri­vate indi­vid­u­als who put in count­less hours sup­port­ing this Stop Seven50 move­ment. There are so many, we will not attempt to sin­gle out indi­vid­u­als because we do not want to offend some­one who could pos­si­bly be left out. Over the past few months, an army of ded­i­cat­ed and tal­ent­ed folks have worked hard to achieve the results we so des­per­ate­ly desired and need­ed last evening. Many have endeav­ored long hours behind the scenes with­out fan­fare or even look­ing for recog­ni­tion. We are tru­ly blessed and very thank­ful for all of your efforts. It real­ly has tak­en a team of com­mit­ted and pas­sion­ate indi­vid­u­als work­ing togeth­er to accom­plish this vic­to­ry for the cit­i­zens of St. Lucie County.

With that said, we have one more request for all involved, espe­cial­ly in the AC4PR Task Force. We’ve received a great deal of sup­port from mem­bers in Indi­an Riv­er, Mar­tin & Palm Beach Coun­ties. They have not only worked behind the scenes to sup­port St. Lucie Coun­ty, but have trav­eled at great per­son­al expense and time com­mit­ment to attend and par­tic­i­pate in our SLC efforts. We feel it is there­fore our oblig­a­tion to help them in turn. Much work still needs to be done in IRC with the City of Sebas­t­ian, Town of Fellsmere and the IRC MPO. There’s also a great deal of work need­ed in Mar­tin & Palm Beach Coun­ty. We still very much need your help & sup­port in these loca­tions to accom­plish what has been achieved in SLC. So, please take a few days to bask in the won­der­ful feel­ings of vic­to­ry, then get ready to roll up your sleeves and get back to work ! No groans please……

Last­ly, two things we have all learned over the past few months and lead­ing up to last evening at the SLC BOCC meet­ing: “Vic­to­ry is always pos­si­ble for the per­son who refus­es to stop fight­ing.” (Quote by – Napoleon Hill) And … “Democ­ra­cy Belongs To Those Who Show Up!”

Feel free to for­ward to others.

In Lib­er­ty,

Leigh & June Lam­son, members
Amer­i­can Coali­tion 4 Prop­er­ty Rights Task Force
SLC 912 Tea Par­ty Lead­er­ship Team

St. Lucie Board of Coun­ty Commission:
