The Most Corrupt County In America

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When ful­ly imple­ment­ed, ICLEI reg­u­la­tions will severe­ly lim­it access to elec­tric­i­ty and trans­porta­tion, deny the com­mon cit­i­zen­ry non­in­va­sive access to beau­ti­ful wilder­ness areas, destroy pri­vate busi­ness, impose unsus­tain­able tax rates, will arbi­trar­i­ly seize pri­vate prop­er­ty for per­son­al gain, will pro­mote cor­rup­tion at the high­est lev­els of indus­try and gov­ern­ment, have endorsed and imple­ment­ed extreme pop­u­la­tion reduc­tion meth­ods and now ICLEI advo­cates have added child theft to their list of heinous crimes against human­i­ty per­pe­trat­ed against those who would dare to oppose their fas­cist policies.

Stacy Lynne, Anti-Agenda 21 Advocate

Six years ago, Sta­cy Lynne began mak­ing pub­lic pre­sen­ta­tions regard­ing the dan­gers of ICLEI. Lynne opposed the “green­ing” of down­town Ft. Collins, CO in which only “eco friend­ly cars” would be per­mit­ted to park in down­town park­ing spaces. Local busi­ness­es esti­mat­ed that each park­ing spot was worth $300,000 per year. This reck­less ICLEI pro­pos­al would have bank­rupt­ed sev­er­al local small busi­ness own­ers. How­ev­er, Lynne was suc­cess­ful in har­ness­ing com­mu­ni­ty oppo­si­tion and defeat­ed the pro­pos­al. Lynne also fought against her local government’s attempt to only employ Waste Man­age­ment, a finan­cial con­trib­u­tor to ICLEI, which would have bank­rupt­ed two local­ly owned trash busi­ness­es and cost the Larimer Coun­ty, Col­orado com­mu­ni­ty hun­dreds of jobs. Lynne was suc­cess­ful in defeat­ing this mea­sure as well.

Despite her suc­cess­es, Lynne was mak­ing very pow­er­ful ene­mies includ­ing the Col­orado advo­cate of ICLEI poli­cies, Pat Stryk­er, whose busi­ness inter­ests were inter­twined with a group of Agen­da 21 engi­neers, The Bren­dle Group, and Waste Man­age­ment. This placed Lynne in the crosshairs of Stryker’s ICLEI allies who reared their ICLEI heads and came after Lynne with a vengeance, and Stacy’s vic­to­ries were to be very short-lived.

The ICLEI Brand of Justice

Ten years ago, Sta­cy Lynne and Jeff Pap­pen­heim par­ent­ed Jaden. Accord­ing to Lynne, she was left to raise the child as a sin­gle moth­er. Then, with­out warn­ing in Jan­u­ary of 2011, the bio­log­i­cal father filed a dis­so­lu­tion of mar­riage action and sought sole cus­tody of Jaden, despite the fact that the two par­ents were nev­er mar­ried. This set Sta­cy and Jaden on a col­li­sion course with some very pow­er­ful Agen­da 21 forces in Larimer County.

The tri­umvi­rate con­sist­ing of for­mer Col­orado Gov­er­nor Bill Rit­ter, glob­al­ist Judge Julie Field and glob­al­ist Pat Stryker’s ICLEI inter­ests, have been involved in a series of “amaz­ing coin­ci­dences,” which cul­mi­nat­ed in the neu­tral­iza­tion of Sta­cy Lynne as their main ICLEI/Agenda 21 oppo­nent. This was accom­plished by the steal­ing of Lynne’s son in one of the biggest mis­car­riages of jus­tice ever wit­nessed in a fam­i­ly court. All three par­ties are inex­tri­ca­bly tied to ICLEI/Agenda 21 inter­ests. The con­flicts of inter­ests between Rit­ter, Field, Stryk­er inter­ests, and ulti­mate­ly the 8th Dis­trict Court of Larimer Coun­ty are numer­ous and a mat­ter of pub­lic record. Sub­se­quent­ly, this is when the ICLEI domi­noes began to fall.

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