Committee for a New Ashtabula Still has Shot at Changing County Government

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Is the pro­posed Ashtab­u­la Coun­ty, Ohio char­ter gov­ern­ment an Agen­da 21  Tro­jan Horse? “The cit­i­zens of Ashtab­u­la Coun­ty will make that deci­sion Novem­ber 5th when they decide “FOR” or “AGAINST” the pro­posed Coun­ty Char­ter Gov­ern­ment.… We can only hope that the cit­i­zens of Ashtab­u­la Coun­ty read every­thing close­ly and ask a lot of ques­tions before decid­ing that this Char­ter is the future of Ashtab­u­la Coun­ty!  Do not just vote on the pre­sump­tion that this char­ter brings dif­fer­ent gov­ern­ment, you might regret it in the end…”

Ashtabula Co OHElec­tion board says char­ter ini­tia­tive can proceed

JEFFERSON — Ashtab­u­la County’s Board of Elec­tions did not block a group’s attempts to place a char­ter coun­ty gov­ern­ment ini­tia­tive on the Novem­ber ballot.

At a meet­ing Fri­day morn­ing, mem­bers unan­i­mous­ly agreed peti­tions gath­ered by the Com­mit­tee for a New Ashtab­u­la passed muster, despite a con­cern expressed by Coun­ty Pros­e­cu­tor Thomas Sar­ti­ni. The orga­ni­za­tion, how­ev­er, must find about 267 new sig­na­tures to replace those ruled invalid by the board.

The hear­ing was attend­ed by near­ly 25 peo­ple who gasped and burst into applause when the 4–0 vote was announced. Hugs quick­ly followed.

Robert Mali­nows­ki, com­mit­tee spokesman and for­mer coun­ty coro­ner, said he was very pleased by the outcome.

I always thought we would get it on the bal­lot,” he said after the hear­ing. “I had a strong, strong feel­ing we would get it on the ballot.”

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